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Everything posted by Kleptix

  1. @Hamster you are no longer applicant of FOX, your application is denied. @DeepK We are sorry for the wait, unfortunately your application is denied. FOX HQ team wishes you all the best in future. @bazuka36 We have discuss your application and your problems with it. Decision was made to accept teoretical part, contact FOX HQ for your tests. Chief of Staff, Kleptix
  2. Date: 30.07.2018. Screenshots: FOX regular patrol Date and time of the patrol: 30.07.2018. Screenshots:
  3. @cappo Unfortunately seems like you are nowhere close to our standards. We wish you good luck in lesser law enforcement organisation, CoS Kleptix
  4. Date: 23.07.2018. Screenshots:
  5. @scoore Thank you for your kind wishes but please don't post here unless it is application to join FOX. P.S. Also there is no need to reply on this.
  6. so this had few nice reactions and it went dead, so BUMP @Blade I don't see drug duration as a problem since it isn't a point to be high all the time, so put NPC's in few neighborhoods where one would expect to get some shit.. (like in LS there is more then few appropriate locations close to e.g. jail or bank) and I agree with the "legal" part that @Apollo is talking about but that is nonsense already when you can sell and buy drugs or weps without getting stars.
  7. @rainer , your application has been sorted and you have been tested. Congratulations and welcome! CoS, Kleptix
  8. @jackson Unfortunately we don't see you as a fit for us right now so your application has been DENIED. There is more then few reasons for your results; We are looking for loyal people and your record tells us that you are not. You failed our "retard test" which is basic proof that you are just not ready yet. Making application for 5 official organisations in just 2 days (not to mention 2 of them are gangs). Not experienced enough as officer so you can't be ready to jump into agent role neither. Using copy/paste when answering to question in your application won't get you far, try to learn how to think for your self. Good Luck in your future career!
  9. @Dnsas Before we can even think about sorting your application you MUST file it in proper format. Read the application format from first letter all the way to the end and be sure not to miss something again. When you find the problem just edit your application, no need to repost. Feel free to join our Discord server Chief of Staff, Kleptix
  10. @agentwolf We are happy to see your interest towards FOX but unfortunately we don't find you ready to join us. Your application is denied. Take our advice and start from the beginning and climb your way to the top/FOX. Also don't apply for 2 or more organisations at the same time, use proper format (copy/paste the application and answer it) and read the application all the way to the end of it! Chief of Staff, Kleptix
  11. -THC Base Raid FOX and NNB joint mission Objective was to raid "The Company" center of power in Bone County desert. Inteligence unit pointed out on major activity in enemy lines regrouping at BC, with additional man power who was identified and are suspected to have connections with organised crime. Briefing was held at S14 headquarters where all units got their instructions and positions. FOX s14 Unit and NNB Third Echelon was covering the site with snipers and giving cover to FOX agents and NNB Rapid Response Unit who was parachuting behind enemy lines and had to progress further in close combat. All other informations regarding operation are classified. Kleptix, Chief of Staff
  12. Donator: Kleptix Transaction ID: 2839-2289-3569-7151 Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Requested rewards: 1 beagle 1 Stuntplane 2M $
  13. Date: 17/06/2018 Screenshots:
  14. FOX regular patrol FOX crew: @Hassonii, @Zoogata, @Sergams, Kleptix Date and time of the patrol: 12/06/2018, 23:00-01:00 Screenshots:
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