Dear Applicant, @nicky We would thank you for making an application to show your interest towards, FOX Operations X, however there are a few casualties and a few flaws with your application which we would you to fix. We would like to see the questions answered in full sentences. For Example ::: When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started playing MTA in 2016, but I have been playing MTA much longer. ::: Your grammatical issues also need to be fixed, so please read over your application once again. We would like to see FOX's role defined a little bit more in depth. Rules also need to be answered way more in depth and in detail, than they currently are. We hope you find the time to fix the mentioned mistakes, You have 48 Hours. Please contact any FOX member if you still have any questions regarding your application. Until then, be sure to show yourself in-game, and contact FOX members if you wish to hang around. Regards, FOX HQ Team