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SAES Group Manager
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Everything posted by Element

  1. Mall Robbery #1 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #1 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] VIP #1 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #2 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #3 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] HR #1 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] HR #2 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #4 | 10/10/2022 [s=][/s]
  2. Mall Robbery #1 | 09/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #1 | 09/10/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #2 | 09/10/2022 [s=][/s] VIP #1 | 09/10/2022 [s=][/s] CR #1 | 09/10/2022 [s=][/s] Assisting BR #1 | 09/10/2022 [s=][/s]
  3. Store Robbery #1 | 16/09/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #2 | 16/09/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #3 | 16/09/2022 [s=][/s]
  4. All rewards sorted.
  5. Store Robbery #1 | 15/09/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #2 | 15/09/2022 [s=][/s] VIP #1 | 15/09/2022 [s=][/s]
  6. 1m in-game rewarded. Hotring Racer 3 added at the requested location. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  7. Turf War | 03/09/2022 [s=] Full Album: https://imgur.com/a/W4NIYQa [/s] Store Robbery #1 | 03/09/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #2 | 03/09/2022 [s=][/s] VIP #1 | 03/09/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #3 | 03/09/2022 [s=][/s] Store Robbery #4 | 03/09/2022 [s=][/s] VIP #2 | 03/09/2022 [s=][/s]
  8. Generic wrap (camo) added on the requested vehicle (Cabbie). Patriot added at the requested location + custom wrap (matizz_5). Damaged Glendale added at the requested location+ custom wrap (setttheboss_2). Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  9. 1m in-game rewarded. Cabbie added at the requested location. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  10. Missing 5 points.
  11. @Durby said in Donation Point Balance - (Durby): Display Name: Durby Username: giris Link to ALL Donation Topics: Donation #1 - 20 GBP Donation #2 - 10 GBP (x2 Summer bonus 2022) Donation #3 - 5 GBP Total number of Donation Points: 45 45 points confirmed. :hype:
  12. 9m in-game rewarded. 3 Stratum's added. Awaiting the custom wraps.
  13. @Brophy Please conifrm the new TXN ID: 0841002246353691
  14. :party_popper: Happy birthday my Jewish brother!, wish you all the great the world can offer :birthday_cake:
  15. This is an automated post TXN ID: 65P69408EE393880Y Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below 9m in-game cash. Vehicle Type: 2 - Hotring Racer's 3, Stratum (30 Points). Vehicle Colour: N/A Specify any upgrades: N/A Usernames to lock: denis10 Where you want it placed: BB Base. 3 custom wraps (30 Points). For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  16. 3m in-game cash rewarded. Alpha added at the requested location. Infernus added at the requested location. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  17. 3m in-game cash rewarded. Previon added at the requested location. Tampa added at the requested location. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  18. 3m in-game cash rewarded. Beagle added at the requested location. Moweradded at the requested location. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  19. Really sad & heartbreaking to hear about such a stories, may his young soul rest in peace
  20. Sorted :cooldoge:
  21. Sorted :cooldoge:
  22. 1.5m in-game cash missing as you're offline - contact any SAES whenever you're on to get it sorted. Shamal added at the requested location. Donation icon added. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  23. 1.5m in-game cash awarded. Infernus added at the requested location + wrap (hacker). Interior (ID: 18) added at the requested property. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
  24. 40 points confirmed (https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32643/donation-schwaring-amount-5-00-gbp). :hype:
  25. 3m in-game cash awarded. Shamal added at the requested location + wrap (hacker). Donation icon added. Wrap (hacker) added on the requested vehicle. Thanks for donating! :harriot:
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