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Everything posted by Element

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  13. Vehicle spawner. Close to Jeff Motel (And not far from the Prison & Few SR's) Great location. Starting price: ~[1,000,000$]~(green) Minimum bid increase: ~[500,000$]~(green) Screenshot of the property:
  14. Sorted.
  15. Sorted.
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  19. Sorted.
  20. Close to TR Bank. Vehicle spawner. Vending Machine near-by. Unique location. Starting price: ~[30,000,000$]~(green) Minimum bid increase: ~[1,000,000$]~(green) Screenshot of the property:
  21. Sorted.
  22. Disk near-by. Close to the Prison. 1,600$ income, Starting price: ~[2,000,000$]~(green) Minimum bid increase: ~[500,000$]~(green) Screenshot of the property:
  23. So as the title says, a huge area (if not the biggest) in LV. Disk inside the area. Easy to map a base there (Have been tested already). Can be used as a base for any organization. Close to Las Venturas Bank. Starting price: ~[80,000,000$]~(green) Minimum bid increase: ~[2,500,000$]~(green) Screenshot of the property:
  24. Sounds great, archived.
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