May all the people that died rest in peace, sad to see another member of this community gone too soon. Hopefully they're in a better place now.
Here is the video of the memorial live for people who couldn't make it.
ZIP Activity > LV > Civilian > Worker | Build & Chill!
Number of objects:198
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LV X, Stage for RadioSA Streaming, dance floor & a more renovated look! (Updated version of construction #1)
Number of objects:643
Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
Link to the Album:
LV Cafe, Chill area & Stage (WIP Will update)
Number of objects:253
Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing):
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Link your Donation Tracking Topic:
When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: A looooooong time ago.
Part III: What I Want to be Added
Vehicle 1: Shamal
Location: LV Airport
Username: detox
Display name: Jax
Username: detox
Links to all donation topics:
Total number of donation points: 11