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Posts posted by Strong

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    Dear @ngel,
    We appreciate your hanging efforts, you did well in all this previous period and you showed your decent abilities but lately, you made a mistake which made you step back from the ladder you were climbing. our answer was going to be worse than you were expecting but we ended up with a wise decision since we knew that it wasn't your bad, anyway. you're ~[UNDER REVIEW]~(gray).

    Dear @barboy,
    @Thing said in The Company:

    The next person who cannot spell French correctly is blacklisted.

    Other than that, you're doing good. keep it up and good luck. ~[UNDER REVIEW]~(gray).

    Your sweet High Council, Strong

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    3asslema (Hi)

    • Dear @King,

    First of all, We would like to thank you for your patience and on behalf of The Company High Council & Director team we appreciate it. Now, less gratitude, Let's get into the serious part. Basically, you did good on your application writing, looks decent, therefore, you've some ups and downs on the voting phase and that's what made you waiting for the answer all this period, we were trying to pick up the right decision. So we end up with a ~[PENDING]~(orange), Catch a sweet high council In-game for your test and further matters, good luck.

    • Dear @Hamed33x,

    Salem, yet we're unsure about your character and personality. Your in-game efforts are good but as I said previously, you need to prove to us that we are wrong. Get to work and hang more around with our members, We go for a ~[UNDER REVIEW]~(gray), good luck and have fun flaming Lightside and DocPizza :kek:

    • Dear @RafxX07,

    Hi, young boi, Your answer will be out soon. Patience.

    That's all we got for now and once again, We apologize for all this lateness.

    Your sweet High Council, Strong

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    It's result time BROTHERS!

    Dear @wajid020,
    You made a decent application, therefore, we didn't see you around that much. Try to improve this weak point and you're good to go, ~[Under review]~(gray).

    Dear @briwlaman
    There are some mistakes on your application but it's understandable, work on your English knowledge and improve it, overall you're doing a great job in-game regarding the activity & presence. ~[Under review]~(gray).

  4. I'm a hundred percent with this suggestion because this will encourage more players to join special groups and this will make those groups more special. Actually, you can just disable it at bank and jail interiors to keep it balanced for SAPD and to give them chance to arrest, maybe keeping it for SR is not that bad because cops can just hide and reach the SR using a vehicle, this will encourage cops to arrest before they use long-range weapons to kill.

    Also, I think it will balance both sides and it would motivate both groups to respond, either to SAPD calls (for DE) and criminal activities (for CLO). many skilled niqqers are willing to have it open 24/7. hidden talents gonna rock

  5. @Matias said in ~Wild Angels~:

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : Well I'm an experienced player and I'm a good cracker ~[and I know the rules.]~(red)

    good to know

    State 3 GR rules:

    • CLO/DE assistance is allowed

    pls no

    Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked :

    -SAFP: -SAFP: I left it because I had an discuss with an HQ and gave me 2 warnings,

    -ICE : Im ex HQ in ICE and left for join CDC,

    -STF: Private reason : pm me,

    -FBI: Inactivty,

    -CDC: Kicked for assist a turf as a cop, Later invited and left for my bad reputation

    -BBMC: Problems with a member (pm me)

    -CripZ: 2 times 1r time kicked for avoid (no intentionally) and in the 2nd time left for inactvity.

    -OC: Left for join FBIa boi,

    Raiding a gang per month?!

    Hola bud,

    You made a mediocre application, despite you have some lack of rules knowledge, meh.. this can be fixed yet by reading carefully the rules once again, but the thing that you joined eight (8) organizations, I can understand through these writings that you're unloyal, Unfortunately, you don't fit our requirements - ~[DENIED]~(red). You can re-apply after 2 weeks if you're interested.

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    Hello everyone,

    After a decent period of keeping our recruitment open via the application, we'd like to ~[CLOSE]~(red) it for an undeterminated time, therefore if you are a wannabe you can keep hanging with our members and we will keep our eyes on you.

    Also, All the pending applications will get a final answer soon, stay tuned and good luck!

    For more Information, you can contact any HQ via PM or our discord server ''THIS!''

  7. Your ingame username: mas3ouda
    Your ingame alias: Strong
    Your real name: Walid
    Your year of birth: 2000
    Your gender: Male

    Nationality: Tunisian
    Country of residence: Bizerte, Tunisia
    Language skills: I'm able to speak three different languages, Arabic is my main language, English and French.
    English Proficiency: I can't say that I have great English proficiency but I can form clear and understandable sentences and I can understand people meanings and talks.

    How long you have been playing: I'm playing SAES since 2014, Unfortunately, I can't remember the exact day.
    Your strengths: I'm able to listen to people's arguments and ideas trying to solve their problems, being neutral is very Important in some specific situations, I can become a fair judge. Also, I have a decent experience with the rules due to my extended period of leading and teaching new players.
    Your weaknesses: I feel strict toward sloppy people, sometimes I take things to serious when they think that they are just kidding & trolling.

    Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): CS

    Teamspeak Installed: Yes
    Discord Installed: Yes
    Do you frequently get involved on Discord: Yes

    Reason for application: Actually, It's time to step forward after passing four years playing In this cool community. personally, I think becoming a Community Staff is the directive way to become more responsible and careful.

    Unique qualities you can offer: Honestly, I'm really interested in helping new players & guests, advising them in the right way, being useful and helpful toward others is one of the unique qualities that can a human being offer, I'm not that selfish person who wants everything for his own side, I'm a neutral guy, I am a quiet person with a high level of maturity and decent communication skills.

    Server Memberships: Leader of Wild Angels, Desert Eagles Admiral of the Fleet (DE-HQ), LWS Trusted member and Secret Service Agent.

    Additional information: My full name is Gabtni Walid, I'm living in 20 mars street at Mateur, Bizert. I'm 18 years old gent, I'm currently studying marketing, business offers & statistics.

    Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None
    Previous (legitimate) bans: None

    Are you a muslim?: Yes

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