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Exalted last won the day on November 13 2023

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Enthusiast (6/14)

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  1. Address: Lv Trucking Depot Account name: rsbhonnn Last seen: 9th may 2024 Screenshots:
  2. Address: Old Safp Base Account name: buch Last seen: 4th may 2024 Screenshots:
  3. Starting bid: 20.000.000$ minimum bid increase: 3.000.000$ SS: Gui:
  4. Starting bid: 20.000.000$ minimum bid increase: 3.000.000$ SS: Gui:
  5. Account name: King100 Icon name: Forked house
  6. Address: A71 cash store rc Account name: Coverz Last seen: 27th march 2024 Screenshots:
  7. Address: Appartment block 6 Account name: razore227435 Last seen: 16th april 2024 Screenshots:
  8. 1 patriot 1 cheetah 1 turismo location: EISA base
  9. Do whatever you want but please don’t touch the Infernus/cheetah ❤️
  10. Application Type: SAHA Your ingame username: king100 Your ingame alias: RikKi Your real name: Amir Your DOB: 04/04/01 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: German / Tunisian Country of residence: Germany Language skills: English, German, French and Arabic English Proficiency: B2 How long you have been playing: since 2011 but active since 2016 Your strengths: My strengths lie in my strong attention to detail, ability to effectively manage my time and priorities, and my dedication to continuous learning and improvement. I thrive in dynamic environments, adapt quickly to change, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, my excellent communication and interpersonal skills enable me to collaborate effectively with diverse teams and build positive relationships in The game. Your weaknesses: One of my weaknesses is a bias towards analytical thinking, which sometimes hinders me from making decisions quickly and effectively. I am currently working on developing my skills in strategic decision-making and innovative thinking to improve my ability to analyze and make decisions with more confidence and speed. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I am applying for this position because I am deeply passionate about San Andreas Housing Agency, and I believe that my skills and experiences align well with the requirements of the role. I am eager to contribute my expertise and make a meaningful impact within the organization. Unique qualities you can offer: I bring a blend of adaptable skills and creative thinking, coupled with strong work ethic and collaborative spirit. With leadership abilities and a continuous learning mindset, I effectively communicate and deliver results with passion and dedication. Server Memberships: CripZ Additional information: Hi, I'am RikKi 🙂 a gymrat who like to play saes in his free time and have fun with petrow in GT Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Mute (wrong chat) Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A
  11. I cannot add more than what has been said in the title..
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