I. Personal Info In-game Name: Dori Username / Account-name: dori12 Age: 19 Gender: Male Rate your English skill level (A1-C2): C1 Nationality: Israel Languages Spoken: Hebrew, English. Average Ping: 70 Average FPS: 60 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello my name is Dor I'm 19 years old and Im from Israel. Currently, I do 1 a year computer science course in a college near my home. I started playing computer games when I was 9 years old. I play MTA since 2013. My main games are: MTA,LOL, Counter-Strike GO and GTA V. A few of my hobbies are workout at the gym, programming, playing video games and netflix&chill. II. In-Game Experience When did you join the server: I joined a few years ago but I have been in a long break and came back 2 months ago. How much do you play each day: I play around 4 hours per day, on weekends even more. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: SAFP Name the reason(s) for leaving: Well I have been in SAFP for a really great time, it's amazing squad but I decided to move on because I couldn't "connect" with people there and felt a little bit of outside, and as of now I got pretty much a lot of friends in SWAT so yeah I decided to move on. Current group memberships: N/A If your application is denied, would you participate in SAT instead? Yes Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): N/A, not that I remember. Name the reasons why you received these punishments: III. Personal skills and knowledge Note: All questions below must be answered in full sentences. Your strengths: One of my strengths is that I like to be the best in everything I do, at least trying to do the top efforts to be the best, I'm really friendly I enjoy helping people, my best strength is loyalty I'll always be loyal to my friends/group(squad). Your weaknesses: Sometimes I have this bad habit of delaying work I have to do to another day or start practice a day before the test. Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: I want to join S.W.A.T because from my point of view S.W.A.T is the best squad in the server, the most active and most skilled players are in this squad. I think S.W.A.T is the best place that I can utilize my skills to the fullest. I know that the squad members are very friendly people and I want to be part of this family. Also, I have a few friends in S.W.A.T and I really enjoy patrol with them. Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I think that Ill be good for S.W.A.T because Im very friendly I get along pretty good with people. I love to play as a cop and I think Im good at being a cop. I'II be good for SWAT because I was in other servers as S.W.A.T and I know how the squad works and how the squad does missions wisely and tactfully. I've been through S.W.A.T situations and I have the knowledge of S.W.A.T I know what to do as a S.W.A.T member and what I shouldnt do. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): Well, This was a great day until PD called SWAT Officers and reported on a bank robbery and that the criminals have hostages, once SWAT got that call, They immediately started moving into the plan room and gather all together once they all were gathered S.W.A.T Commander started to speak as he says that there will be 2 teams, One Alpha and Bravo, Alpha team will be 6 Officers, split into 3 duo's each duo would have a Officer with Riot Shield and a Officer with AR-15 behind him, They all will be geared up with flashbangs, Bravo team would be 10 Officers and they will be geared up with flashbangs also, They will arrive from the top of the bank, and Alpha team will access from the front main door, Once they're all in position, the Police will handle the road and block it so none will come through, and of course Eagle unit, which is a SWAT Officer with Sniper watching the area and reporting on every movement so nothing will go wrong, Eagle unit will be on a roof of a building next to the bank, When everyone will be in position, Alpha and Bravo will radio that they're ready. They will ambush in exactly 30 seconds the Bravo team will throw flashbang 5 seconds before the breach in, after they do that, Alpha team rushes towards the doors, as Bravo team goes down with a rope quickly, Both teams eliminating the criminals and Bravo team would quickly take the Hostages as they untie them and rush with them towards the exit door, Alpha team stays and makes sure everyone is safe and that the criminals are down, when everyone is safe, they continue walking around the bank checking for more criminals while they all in three duo's are covering each other back with riot shield and securing the area, Once everything clear, Alpha team reports in that the bank is clear, Bravo team report status update that Hostages are safe and outside the bank, Eagle unit reporting that the area is clear, no suspicious vehicle or anything like that, and everyone return back to their place, SWAT return to their base, Police seize the area and investigate more.., Medics takes the corpses from the bank and clear out.