~[~ Quality Over Quantity ~]~(#ff38ff,#a600a6,#850085,#850085) On the morning of (13-03-2019) received the Arms Assassins member Cobra a call from the gang Wild Angels. The Wild Angels member who called was PewD, he explained that he was in need of some quality automatic weapons and fast. Cobra made an appointment with the Wild Angels member for the next hour at San Fierro Airport. Wild Angels had to come from Las Venturas and that is a long drive with a car so they came in their private jet. Shortly after Cobra arrived, the Wild Angels jet landed at San Fierro airport and drove to Arms Assassins personal hanger. Wild Angels arrived at the hanger and they jumped right to business. PewD bought 2 crates of the automatic weapon "M4A16" and started loading it inside the jet. After everything was loaded, PewD gave Cobra the money and they both left the hanger. : : : ~[~Arms Assassins best quality guns since 2011~]~(#850085,#850085,#850085,#850085,#850085)