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Everything posted by cobra

  1. Event: LMS Sniper Only Prize: ~[1,234,567$$]~(green,green) Winner(s): [CDC]Fad Helper: [AA]Yoko[=OB=] Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nGAI81w
  2. Event: Rc Baron all vs all Prize: ~[2,000,000$$]~(green) Winner(s): [ThC]NubBob Helper: [B~B]MatizZ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mpFMzQi
  3. ~[~ Quality Over Quantity ~]~(#ff38ff,#a600a6,#850085,#850085) On the morning of (13-03-2019) received the Arms Assassins member Cobra a call from the gang Wild Angels. The Wild Angels member who called was PewD, he explained that he was in need of some quality automatic weapons and fast. Cobra made an appointment with the Wild Angels member for the next hour at San Fierro Airport. Wild Angels had to come from Las Venturas and that is a long drive with a car so they came in their private jet. Shortly after Cobra arrived, the Wild Angels jet landed at San Fierro airport and drove to Arms Assassins personal hanger. Wild Angels arrived at the hanger and they jumped right to business. PewD bought 2 crates of the automatic weapon "M4A16" and started loading it inside the jet. After everything was loaded, PewD gave Cobra the money and they both left the hanger. : : : ~[~Arms Assassins best quality guns since 2011~]~(#850085,#850085,#850085,#850085,#850085)
  4. #Event Type#39: Box all vs all #LWS Helper: Licano #Prize(s): $2.500.000 of bitcoins #Winner(s): Dodoo #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Sh7ED3f
  5. Event: Box all vs all Prize: 2,500,000 of bitcoins Winner(s): Dodoo Helper: Licano Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Sh7ED3f
  6. #Event Type#38: Maze #LWS Helper: koko #Prize(s): $2.000.000 #Winner(s): Rubik #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/OXmrdA8
  7. Event: Maze Prize: 2,000,000$$ Winner(s): Rubik Helper: Koko Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OXmrdA8
  8. #Event Type#37: Kill Cobra with a dildo #LWS Helper: Spentou #Prize(s): $2.000.000 #Winner(s): Borataaaa #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/cfPt4Vl
  9. Event: Kill Cobra with a dildo Prize: 2,000,000$$ Winner(s): Borataaaa Helper: Spentou Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/cfPt4Vl
  10. ~[~ Late Night Deal ~]~(purple) Arms Assassins received a call from an Underground Empire member called Curvy, Cobra picked up the phone and made an appointment with Curvy. On the night of (09-30-2018) arrived Curvy at the ship of Arms Assassins located in San Fierro. Curvy requested the appointment because he was in need of some weapons. Cobra took Curvy inside the ship and showed him some prototypes, Cobra gave Curvy some information about the weapons he showed him. Curvy was very happy with the quality of the weapons and was interested in the weapon ''M4A16'' and discussed a price with Cobra. Cobra gave Curvy a fair price and sold him multiple M4A16's and gave him a extra ammo box for free. Cobra loaded the weapons inside Curvy's car, The deal was done and Curvy shook Cobra's hand and told him he might buy more soon. Curvy left the ship of Arms Assassins and Cobra waved him goodbye. : : : ~[~Arms Assassins best quality guns since 2011~]~(purple)
  11. #Event Type#36: Bike Race to MC Top #LWS Helper: Dufabo #Prize(s): $2.000.000 #Winner(s): DodgeR #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/q8PtWW1
  12. #Event Type#35: Freeway Destruction Derby #LWS Helper: Licano, Spentou #Prize(s): $3.000.000 #Winner(s): Green, Dodoo #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/23Lxcco
  13. #Event Type#34: LMS @ Jeff Motel #LWS Helper: Spentou #Prize(s): $3.000.000 #Winner(s): Otis #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/NdGWhqd
  14. Event: Bike Race to MC Top Prize: 2,000,000$$ Winner(s): DodgeR Helper: Dufabo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/q8PtWW1
  15. Event: Freeway Destruction Derby Prize: 3,000,000$$ Winner(s): Green, Dodoo Helper: Licano, Spentou Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/23Lxcco
  16. Event: LMS @ Jeff Motel Prize: 3,000,000$$ Winner(s): Otis Helper: Spentou Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NdGWhqd
  17. #Event Type#33: 4v4 Boxing Match #LWS Helper: Matizz #Prize(s): $10.000.000 #Winner(s): Team GG - Canserbero, Pozmester, SoniN, Amara #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/w6UjO5e
  18. Event: 4v4 Boxing Match Prize: 10,000,000$$ Winner(s): Team GG - Canserbero, Pozmester, SoniN, Amara Helper: Matizz Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/w6UjO5e
  19. #Event Type#32: Last Man Standing #LWS Helper: Koko, Fnabbe, Lamza #Prize(s): $3.000.000 #Winner(s): Pazoo #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/Yoe8Ssm
  20. Event: Last Man Standing Prize: 3,000,000$$ Winner(s): Pazoo Helper: Fnabbe, Lamza, Koko Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Yoe8Ssm
  21. ~ Night Activity (10-09-2018) ~
  22. #Event Type#31: RC Baron Shooter #LWS Helper: Dufabo #Prize(s): $2.000.000 #Winner(s): Deez #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/8tQcuMr
  23. Event: RC Baron Shooter Prize: 2,000,000$$ Winner(s): Deez Helper: Dufabo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8tQcuMr
  24. #Event Type#30: Chicken Nader #LWS Helper: Ramos #Prize(s): $3.000.000 #Winner(s): Raiden #ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/bVGpY6u
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