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Everything posted by Soul

  1. @Linkan with new mappings, which I like, it's enough for two discount laptop, borrowed from neighbor wifi cops to rush and arrest everyone rambling their stick, so, idk what's cop's issue, hah
  2. @Patrol said in New SR mappings: such as a SR on an island for example, where gangs and shit would need to use their boats to get there ( same 4 cops) Finally could use the Skimmer :woo:
  3. AdemBygt has been muted by [FOX]Scorpyo ( 10 mins )
  4. [MAD]Sara 2.0
  5. banned ingame title on discord
  6. Guys, if cars infront of bank are really that big of an issue, just pm @n0vis0ry when you do a BR and he will take care
  7. I dont want my car respawned, sorry, stupid idea -1
  8. @Bartman said in Helvete: uuuuf this gang again : D gl mens tooook loooooolng time : D This time, we gonna be group ~[TRV KVLT!]~(#00666b)
  9. Crouch irl, lets see how fast you can move :)
  10. RIP... no more "bloodz br meet at lv pd"
  11. male whore/ fag :bonjour:
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