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Posts posted by Resis

  1. Name: Resistan
    Username: I lost my old account 1 month ago due to account recovery section and administrators said without gmail we can not access your account so they asked me to create a new account and contiune, the account I am currently using right now (impressive95)
    Rank before kick/leave: I don't remember exactly a year ago I was full cadet with DD license
    How long have you been in sapa: 4 months
    Who kicked you: No one
    Date of kick/leave: I don't remember but it was a year ago, 2018
    Reason for kick/leave: everything was going well for some reason I thought that it's hard to get PC access I always had difficulty in my mind, but I did it wrong and did not succeed until the end now I want to work till the end and come face to face with challenges and achieve everything and succees.
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I explained above
    Why do you want back in? : Now I want to fight and work till the end and get PC diploma and I'm ready to do everything
    What have you learned from this? : I learned that giving up is a big mistake I just have to be patient and work for success
    Who do you want to apologize to? : I apologize to the SAPA Instructors who gave me badge and training
    Why should we give you a second chance?: Everyone deserves a second chance, this time you can trust on me I'll work till the end and achieve success

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    Date: 01.08.2019
    The place of the event: Jefferson Motel
    Event type: Last Man Standing
    LWS: [ThC]Karim
    Prize: 2.000.000
    Hosted by: FOX - Operations X - Resistant
    Winner: Tucos[TT*]
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YsayajP

    Date: 01.08.2019
    The place of the event: Shooting Range Corp
    Event type:* Chicken Arrest
    LWS: [FOX]Alex
    Prize: 3.000.000
    Hosted by: FOX - Operations X - Resistant
    Winner: [B~B]Riley
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/42u8eAm

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  3. SECTION 1

    Name: Abdullah
    In-game name: Resistant
    Age: 17
    Sex: Male
    English proficiency: I have understandable englsh
    Native language: Republic of Azerbaijan
    Other language(s): Turkish
    Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, I haven't got a PC diploma yet
    When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: Jul 17, 2018
    Total gameplay (hours): I currently have 93 play hours but in my old account it was 1800+, If you say why just your old account I had an account problem recently and forgot the password I wanted recover it but I lost my account's gamil aswell.
    Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): Maybe I play more than 6 hours every day but I can say that I am always active
    Average FPS: 50/60
    Average ping: 105-110
    Previous organizations and reasons for leaving:

    • The Company I had to leave for some reason, I can explain in the game

    • Underground Empire I was willing to become SAPA and get Police diploma that's why I left and joined SAPA

    Are you active user of Discord?: I'm active all day


    A. Define our role (FOX)
    FOX specialty is fighting on land and sea they cooperate with the local police and arrest the spies and they also fight against combat national criminal organisations and enterprises every hour, every day FOX Operaton services in almost well equipped however, the main purpose of the intelligence services is to protect the san andreas from threats in all areas, also they may always have to hide their identities, even for the safety and the person who will work in such institutions should be well equipped, just like the fox operations, the most important is intelligence-driven and a threat-focused national security organization, Serving as a semi-subordinate organization, it is responsible for organizing foreign intelligence, espionage and special operations.
    B. Define marker arrest: Let me explain better If you wait in the marker when criminals come out after the bank robbery and arrest them then this will be marker arrest and it's punishable
    C. Minimum arresting level: 10
    D. Point out and define 4 major server rules:

    • If someone tries RP, if you try to ruin their RP, you might have bad results by admin.

    • First of all we should read all the rules and information by pressing F1 ingame and then we can play the game comfortably and above all, it is important that we read F1

    • We cannot kill anyone for no reason, otherwise everything will end with bad results.

    • Taking advantage of bugs or bug abusing something v, multiaccounting is forbbiden

    E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Because if we do RP for a long time otherwise we will have improved ourselves yes some officers right about that some of crims do not stop their vehicles when we want to do RP or they don't want to do RP everybody is avoiding RP. maybe they're scared or they think their RP skills are bad but even if it is bad, one can improve himself by doing RP every time. I used this way too, but now I always play RP when I patrol around San Andreas and people should realize that this server is built on RP.


    I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences:
    I have a big world like everyone else and I have always tried to run behind my dreams and I still try I work like everyone else I spend time with my family in real life and my name is Abdullah, I look at life differently because when a man grows up he faces with hard challenges of life I will go to the army soon after I finish school I don't remember exactly 1 or 2 years I have for army I'm determined to become a real life cop and or become a security either, and hopefully I'll be soon when I back from army and I'm also a futboolist even playing in AFFA (Azerbaijan Federal Futbool Academy) so yeah I gave brief information about myself.

    II: Write your strengths and weaknesses:
    My weakness is that I believe everyone quickly and then I regret
    and my strengths side is that I always manage to stand on my own feet.

    III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Because they have a decent and mature people and they all behave in the same way they behave in real life, my main goal is to make a good teamwork to achieve good success, and I want to have a good time with my new team and also I want to learn some things from FOX and I think the squad that understands everything and is helpful to me by this way I want to improve myself that's why I want to join FOX
    IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I have some skills, I can understand everyone's situation and I can even guarantee that I will be useful to FOX and I'm good at team work I don't let anyone down that's why I am usefull person also I am respectull many of you know me well and know what kind of person I am
    V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?:
    Never make mistakes by relying on unsafe people only I can say that

    Retard test: Post a picture of White house in Los Santos to be even considered to join Fox Operations X
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  4. I want to put an end to this action because my in-game account password and email is forgotten
    I don't remember which email I used in my account so I can't do account recovery, I can't get instructions In short, I need to remember the email to recover my account thats what SAES HQ told me, but I don't have an clue about my email even I don't remember so the admins asked me to create a new account. Please archive this topic or lock.

  5. ^[alt text]
    ^[Roleplay #325 - Dirty work with old friend and Drug Traffcking]

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    I had to meet a friend who's been in contact with me for a long time. Eventually the time was up, and I went to san fierro airport to meet with him, after a little ride with him I showed him the secret border zone of the gangsters

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    so they used these methods to escape from the cops and sometimes transfering some illegal weapons and drugs through this method and if you get penalties from some countries The Company can be passed as human trafficking with this method In particular, sometimes we use these methods, after showing him the secret tunnel of the bone country we went to Ghost town.

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    the ghost town place where there were gunfights also the town is depicted as a small settlement populated with wooden buildings appearing as a small wild west town even the graveyard has a small hole dug out near its exterior, the name of the master warriors is written in that cemetery.

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    I showed him the snake's farm shack after ghost town the Snake Farm is located just southwest of the Verdant Meadows airstrip in Bone County, San Andreas. In 2015, the grandfather Roberto Carlos ran this place, it was actually called farm But the back of the shed was making a lot of drugs. but in 2017, he was raided by police because of drug thing that's why he died in prison

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    After leaving snake's farm, I showed him AK-47 made by the outbreak organization so we were visiting everywhere and I was telling him the best stuff ever because he was a gangster enthusiast.

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    It's time to teach him how to use both hands on the gun after visiting every place we went to thc base even he wanted to fight with the police and wanted to participate in the drug trade.

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    After going to the base, we went up to the gun room, he looked at some weapons and obtained information, we went to the training section by getting AK 47 from the gun section he was a gangster wannabe with nce experiences and used his mind to destroy targets and constantly hit the target's head, I thought it would be useful for us to do some things with him, and even that's my old friend.

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    Now it's time to show him how to make drug trafficking and do drug transport We went to cripz base with a truck, in this case Carlos Peterson who was waiting for us there, after meeting with him both of him started loading the drugs into the truck,
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    after loading the drugs into the truck, we had to go to the specific area and deliver the truck to criminal In that case, the gangster have to drive a drug-filled truck across the border bridge, after that the mission will be successful.

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    We left Cripz base and went to the designated area there was a criminal waiting for us, we extended the road so that the cops wouldn't see us, and we continued on secret ways and it's not easy to drive a truck full of drugs, otherwise the drugs will break up.

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    at the end we came to the specified area there we saw a lonely gangster with a red car at first we thought it's an trap, but we took the risk and approached it so we approached him and started talking about money, but firstly he checked the drugs to be sure, after that he handed us three million, and I told him to be careful crossing the bridge. If he does something wrong in case it's gonna be suck. he has successfully crossed the border, and our mission has ended successfully.

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  6. alt metni

    @Dodoo said in Dodoo's CC Activites:

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    ~[Activity Type :]~(#5c3222,#541f0a) RolePlay
    ~[CC member's :]~(#5c3222,#541f0a) N/A
    ~[Other helper's :]~(#5c3222,#541f0a) SanAndreas-Studios Producer : @Resistant
    ~[Story :]~(#5c3222,#541f0a) In the Nort-Whetstone Liquor shop , i was shopping something i need. Then i got a call from guy. He told me have a trouble with his car in a construction zone and needs help. He gave me the adress and i went to the way. When i was about to arrive i didn't see no one arround. I told myself "There is something going wrong arround here" and i saw the pink Racer car crashed to the junkstuff. I went to the place. Then i checked arround , there was no one. And after i went bit closer , guy jumped front of me from junk and told me that he's been looking for me and i've been late. I was shocked a bit and scrared. Then i've started to ask him question about if he is a psycho or not. Neither way i was going to call 911. Anyways after a bit chat and weird questions asked i've took the towtruck and pulled the car tho the Garage near construction platform. I've started to work on repairing&welding car body parts and putting on the brand new ones. After a few hours work on i've done doing engine,hood,bumpers,car-base and car-lights. When the job done he wanted pos machine for payment , i've bringed out the pos and he took out his Russian credit card from his wallet. That was a bit strange to be honest. In the end everything went good , customer was happy and job was done.
    ~[~Screenshots :]~(#5c3222,#541f0a)


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  7. Nickname : Resistant

    Username : resistant313

    Since when do you play SAES:RPG : since 2018

    Current gang/squad/company :

    • The Company

    Current Groups :

    • Race Tech

    Who are the Founders of SaS :

    • Ganja / Karma

    Which division are you applying for : Producter

    Why did you choose this division :
    I want to apply to the Producter division because I can make camera settings and have some thoughts. and record & edit prepare cinematic things

    Who is the leader of the Actors Division :

    • Karma

    Who is the leader of The Producers Division :

    • Ganja

    Why do you want to join San Andreas Studios :
    I've been working hard on video editing for a long time I was so bad at first, for example, I didn't knew anything about video editing and some cinematic things for video and use animated peds, as time passed, I started to improve myself and now I wanna work at around san andreas and make some movie trailer and edit films as producer in San Andreas Studio business

    Why should we accept you :
    I have some experience on video editing and making cinematic things that's why you should trust me and also I can be a useful Producer for SA Studos busness.

    Anything you want to add :
    After a long time I showed my skills on this video.

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