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Everything posted by ColdPlay

  1. Jailbreak -197- OB Members: Coldplay & Teller Helpers: MGK & Sami Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rTuv2DB
  2. Gz yellow cunts
  3. @TameR said in Promotions: hell yeah , Terry is the first turkish to be staff here ,Congratulation also Congratulation @JohnnyEnglish Young lads couldnt remember Saes aytek and fbi eren, shameee - - - gz brother @Terry
  4. @Tuga-Thugs faggots
  5. - Massive Jailbreak 130- [+2Hour] OutBreak Members/Helpers: @Siirtuga , @Rubik , @Dexter , @Will , @Griffin , @Beckham , @kipt , @Bartman , @Judyes , @Julio and some CLO's & CeM's Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v1LZdCp
  6. -Jailbreak 129- OutBreak Members/Helpers: @Will Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZmjjEw5
  7. -Jailbreak 128- Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/69C0riH
  8. ~[ARMS ASSASSINS ARREST EVENT]~(99004D) ARREST [AA]Edgar[=R=] for 5.000.000$$ https://imgur.com/a/YujzHoZ
  9. ~[AA activity - bankrob]~(99004d) https://imgur.com/a/Axg4yih
  10. HBD old camel
  11. Announcements OutBreak HQ will post the announcements to the community in this topic when they deem it's necessary. OUTBREAK HQ
  12. good luck with that @Velona
  13. Dear community , ~[O]~(#511B1B)utBreak members & lovers and applicants I would like to announce that we are ~[closing]~(red) our recruitment status . After 4 months and hard work we requested our forum rights from GM's and our recruitment status will be stay as closed till we get forums. I want to thank all helpers and members within that period and ~[O]~(#511B1B)utBreak is old group as you know and ~[O]~(#511B1B)utbreak is 5 years old it was closed for a reasons we leave one's mark but ~[O]~(#511B1B)utBreak get better with age and we are back more powerful . We always believe freedom and always ready to die for our freedom! and I want to add something from Bob Marley's words before I end my words Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life. @Reus , @RadiO , @Bernasx , @Hetler , @olias , @Colo , @RocketLuncher Firstly thanks for applying our beautiful group , some of you worked hard to join ~[O]~(#511B1B)utBreak . I enjoyed JB'ing with you guys and Im really be glad of your works but lets face the facts nearly all of (you) guys inexperienced a bit thats the negative thing because we are looking for quality , well-known and loyal players . Give us a time to get to know you a little better because thats our privilege we are not that kind of groups as you can see . So you guys are ~[DENIED]~(red) for now , Dont let this lose your desire of joining group , Re-apply when recruitment opens . ~[Regards , OutBreak Vice Leader]~(#511B1B)
  14. -71- Event Type: Arrest General Of OutBreak Location: Los santos - Jeff Motel Price: $10,000,000 Winners: None Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/sqL6tS5 Jail Break -90- Screens : https://imgur.com/a/ndSWHQz
  15. @Felix said in Rebels MC Media Archive: Rebels MC Roleplay #80 Title: Ride and Raid Participant organizations: Arms Assassins. ( @Canelas and @ColdPlay ) Screenshots with the explanation: https://imgur.com/a/efJQAMY Polenta wanted us to make a road trip so we teach him and his members how to ride like a Motorcycle Club. We had nothing better to do so we were OK with it. I was thinkin about having a chat with AAs meanwhile, so I asked our Road Captain @Yamikaze to end the ride on AA's place, and I called Canelas to let him know we're coming. An ex hangaround of ours met us on the way and tried to join the ride. Our Vice President stopped the ride to sort the problem out. That guy didn't leave us with good manners so @Bas and a lot of brothers have been seeing it as a betrayal. He also had the Rebels MC colors on his bike which felt insulting to us. It took Bas 5 seconds to handle that problem. We had police problems on the way but we managed to get into AA ship. San Fierro wasn't an unknown land to us as our mother charter has been located in San Fierro before, but we've been away from Fierro for a long while so we weren't familiar with which strings to pull to be safe against the police, so it was better for us to be with Canelas on our time spent in Fierro otherwise we'd have to solve all our problems there with the violence, which only brings more violence. AAs took us to a close bar and they were kind enough to buy us a round of drinks. We were in need of a little amount of AKs to sell because of a previous deal of ours. I told Canelas that we were short on AKs, he said he can fulfill our demand. We had a little disagreement with Polenta before we were leaving the bar. We lynched the fucker, his club had 3 members in total and 2 of the other guys were found and directed to him by Rebels anyway, so those 2 just watched us get rid of Polenta. Once he was dead, we asked those 2 which side they'll take a stance, they were smart enough to state that they weren't satisfied with their president's abilities and they wanted to join us in the first place anyway, so they were good. We rode together to the ship of the AA, and took a helicopter ride to the storage ship of theirs. When we arrived, we found out that they did not have AKs actually, but they had M4s. We needed them assault rifles as soon as possible because we didn't want to fail our customer, but M4s come a lot more expensive than AKs. Luckily, they were willing to cut the price down and give free magazines in exchange so we could make a profit. We took a ride back home afterwards.
  16. Congratulations brothers
  17. Jail Break -74- Screens : https://imgur.com/a/Yt87L4n
  18. Jail Break -73- Screens : https://imgur.com/a/n95qsHZ
  19. happy birthday bro
  20. ~[AA BIRTHDAY EVENTOS]~(99004d) Event : TDM Prize: 21.000.000$$ Winner(s): 585 Team ( @Zodiac - @matrix - @Bernasx ) Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: @Zombie - @Licano Event : Dildo Fight All v All Prize: 4.000.000$$ Winner(s): Verdinho Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: @coldplay - @Bartman Screens : https://imgur.com/a/OS8KQoK
  21. ~[Happy Birthday My Family]~(99004d) ~[To Many Happy years]~(99004d) ...
  22. @xJuDe said in Outbreak Organization: -Section 1- Username: JudeObiasca Real Name: Jude Obiasca In-game Nick : xJuDe|TF Nationality: Half Australian / Half Pinoy Country of residence: Philippines , Cebu city Age: 18 English proficiency: 9/10 Other Languages: Italian-Tagalog -Section 2- Why do you want to join us?: Because i already wanted to do JailBreaks and i want to help OB to their Activity Why should we take you into consideration, and what can you offer?: i can offer my skills to jailbreaking , loyalty , kind , respectfull member and honest How long you been playing in SAES?: since 5years but i stop then i came back just like 1month ago Current group membership(s): The Forgotten , Age of Judgement , Cluckin' Bell , Kool time News -Section 3- Something about you, no less than 100 words: Hello im jude im always wanted to play games such as mta;sa , gta;sa , gta v , gta iv and play console games with my families . and also i really love to hang with my families and i love them all , and also we always wanted to play baseball with my cousin . we really really love our family , we are friendly , kind respectful member and i like to Jail break to saesrpg , and i like teamworks with my friends. Read OutBreak Requirements before applying next time . ''The applicant must be in an official gang .'' ~[Denied]~(red) , Re-Apply in 2 weeks.
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