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Everything posted by Limits

  1. Address: Emerald Isle Casino Account name: tombaa Last seen: 20 june 2024 Screenshots:
  2. Address: The white garage Account name: kimten Last seen: 18th may 2024 Screenshots:
  3. Participants: @Limits Duration: 2 deliveres Activity: Fuel trucking Date: 11.11.2024 Screenshots :
  4. Participants: @Limits Duration: 15mins driving around the city and do repairs Activity: Repair Date: 11.11.2024 Screenshots
  5. Address: burrito hotel room AI3 Account name: imgay42069 Last seen: 11 feb 2023 Screenshots:
  6. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? never ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: bullet ( police mode ) Location: placed: Ls bank overwatch store Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet ( police mode ) - the same car that been removed from the first prop with the same upgrades ( v8,awd) Location: 2 scumville park Username: stx0 Interior:
  7. Display Name: Limits Username: stx0 Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total number of Donation Points: 40
  8. Address: 3 scumville park Account name: ot24ftw Last seen: 2nd sep 2024 Screenshots :
  9. This is an automated post for: Limits Donation: GBP 20.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Police car ( bullet ) Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: stx0 Where you want it placed: Ls bank overwatch store Vehicle Type: super gt Vehicle Colour: Black Specify any upgrades: v8 awd Usernames to lock: stx0 Where you want it placed: scumville park For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  10. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Limits @Crossma @Snoopy Date 29/10/2024 Screenshots:
  11. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Limits @Snoopy @Crossma Date 28/10/2024 Screenshots:
  12. Activity Type: VIP FBI Members Involved: @Limits @Crossma @Snoopy Date 28/10/2024 Screenshots:
  13. Activity Type: SR FBI Members Involved: @Limits @Crossma @Snoopy Date: 10/28/2024 Screenshots:
  14. PART I: Introduction Nickname: Limits Account name: stx0 Age: 19 years old In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: My Name is Limits , I start playing saes since 2017 . I like playing roleplay games , i enjoy playing in a cop side , I have a lot of experience in this side . PART II: Background check Do you have RP binds?: Yes Current Squad: FBI Approximate date of joining: 2018 Link to your application for the squad that you are currently a member of: N/A Are you an ex-PC member? If yes, why were you removed?: N/A Have you ever been banned? If yes, why and when?: Never PART III : Rules check Have you read the entirety of the "Pro Cops Guide" topic?: Yes What are the rules for the Dog spawn?: Dogs can only spawn when there is a police handler is with them Dogs can’t arrest anyone; they only help their police handler catch suspects. Dogs must stay with their handler at all times and shouldn’t act on their own ,they need to follow their handler's instructions Dogs must act like dogs. they can only talk in private chat when necessary and shouldn’t talk in public chat Briefly explain the following rules in your own words: Rule number 4: When starting a roleplay police chase, you should always give the person you’re pursuing a chance to surrender for a 75% reduction in jail time. Use roleplay binds to give them instructions, Rule number 5: Don’t spam with binds or rush suspects to follow your instructions. Give them time to respond. Rule number 7: After completing all the ProCops applications and becoming a certified ProCop, you will serve as a probationary officer for two weeks. During this time, always wear your tags while patrolling: use Name|PC*/[SQUAD]Name|PC* for probationary officers and a regular PC tag for full ProCops. Make sure your server nickname is clear for easy identification. Rule number 9: Confirm your membership by signing into the forum after you join PART IV: Roleplay commands Explain how and when the /me command is used. Include an example: /me command is often used to describe actions and characters' emotions in roleplay Exp: /me laughs at the joke. /me opens the door and hops in /me looks around nervously Explain how and when the /do command is used. Include an example: /do command is often used to set the context of the scene and specify actions that can be taken /do The officer scans the area, looking for any signs of the fleeing suspect /do The suspect's vehicle is parked suspiciously in a dark alley, engine still running. /do The police cruiser pulls up to the scene, lights flashing and sirens off. Final Confirmation: I Limits, swear that all the information provided in this application is only the truth and nothing but the truth. With this application I promise to act in accordance with the rules and regulations at all times, to perform my duties professionally and to never misuse the equipment or means provided to me by the San Andreas Police Department I swear to protect the innocent and uphold the law of the state of San Andreas and the constitution of the United States of America. Solemnly, Agent limits.
  15. I saw this and i would like to share with you to decide . what about adding rain splash and storming ambience https://imgur.com/6oCAF2Y
  16. Event: DM Reward: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Limits Screenshot :
  17. Adress: 2 Miakhalifa Road account name: riseagain Last seen: 31 october 2023
  18. Address: The Emerald Isle Shop 2 Account name: garrett2011 Last seen: 1st October 2023
  19. Address: The Emerald Isle Shop 4 Account name: marcofercam Last seen: 18th december 2023
  20. Address: The Emerald Isle Shop 4 Account name: marcofercam Last seen: 18th december 2023
  21. Address: The Emerald Isle Shop 2 Account name: garrett2011 Last seen: 1st October 2023
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