Dian's Roleplay History: I've opened my garage in Los Santos stunt park again this morning. I didn't wait much time while my first customer arrived. He had a black lamborghini. Damn that's so nice car! I've invited him into garage, he parked his car. He took a sit, I've proposed him some coffee or tea, he chose a coffee, so I made him it. Then I took a sit as well. He started to explain what happened. This morning he has gone to shop, once he parked his car and gone to shop, someone crashed into his car. When he came back, he noticed that, but didnt pay attention too much because he was late to a gym. While he was going to a gym, someone crashed into him again! It was the worst day for this customer by his words. And now he's here.. I started to check his car. I was shocked that he arrived to my garage, because his engine was smoking hardly, lucky one! Well, there was a huge problem with his engine and also he had broken doors. The customer left the lambo in my garage and gone to a gym beucase he was late. So I started to repair it. I've checked an engine, I've turned off it from another parts of the car. It was so hard and dangerous! But while i was doing it, I've noticed the real problem why it was smoking. The engine was actually ok, but the cooling system was hardly damaged! So that's why! I've fixed this problem in couple of hours... Then I've set new doors and painted them to the car color. I've contacted the customer, he was busy and asked me to take his car to him. I was ok with it, I've sit in car and took it back to him. Thanks to @Unique Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SgBX3Qh