PART I Personal Information - Name: Mohammed Nickname: Netro Age: 18 years old Sex: male Nationality: Isreal ( arabic 48) Tell us a little bit about yourself: my real life name is Mohammed i have 1 brother i'm working in pizza and i'm palyer in football team i like to play MTA server SAES RPG How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 1 years ago Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? Nope Please list your previous squad/gang history: SAFP: i left SAFP Because i join Pirus to help my friend Soulfly Pirus:I left to back SAFP BBMC: I left to join squad RKMC: after 2 weeks gang closed ICE:personal problem with HQ QRF:the leader left the squad FBI: personal problem they was no active CripZ: left to back Cop life Please list your current group memberships on the server: N/A What are your strengths? shooting / driveing / arreting What are your weaknesses? low fps sometime Whats your average ping? 75 Do you have access to the PC spawns? nope How many hours do you have in-game? 1348 hours PART II RP Skills (out of 10): 7.5 /10 Arresting Skills (out of 10): 9/10 English Skills (out of 10): 8/10 Driving Skills (out of 10): 10/10 Gun Skills (out of 10): 9/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP) Means: Role play is acting the real life like cops following his job and arresting crims also there is a anims can be used like /wash /talk also there is a chat /me , also cop always on a duty, and crims on purist and raid sr's etc... Explain Teamwork Means: Teamwork hence the name suggest which consist of working with a team where each member have a precise work to do and everyone needs to rely on each other Explain Deathmatch(DM) Means: deathmatch is meaning a killing someone or bother a personwith out any reason and thats called a dming there is many kinds of deathmatching like park kill insulting in chat without any reason. Explain Marker Arrest Mean: when arresting player when he enter any marker bank.....