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Everything posted by Delete.acc

  1. ACTIVITY: Players: @iani @RadiO @XxNetroxX Sreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/adlIBcF
  2. ACTIVITY: Players: @iani @RadiO @XxNetroxX Sreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6bi6LTi
  3. @BigBoss said in The Blood Brothers MC - Level 2: Nickname: BigBoss Accountname: mohamed ali Age:15 Country:tunis Languages spoken:English, arabe , france How long have you been playing on SAES : 2 year Use TAB and write how many hower u have : 27hours this new compte Second Part: What is roleplay and will you be able to do it : Roleplaying is acting or performing as an another character. What is Deathmatching and when you can do it : Deathmatching is shooting, known as free for all. You can do it when you are defending your base,you can't shoot civilians without a reason. What are Bank robberies and what is difference between BR and PBR: Bank robs are when a gang takes the whole bank for themselves, public bank rob is when gangs and other criminals takes over a bank together 20 player. What is Turf war and give 3 important rules for you: Turf war is gang war, You cannot spawn as a medic or a pizza boy to help out your gang. You can't spawn as a cop. Do you know 1 of our members and did he suggest BBMC for you : N/A no Gang Died
  4. In-game Nickname: Netro Account name: XxNetroxX Nationality: Israel (Arabic 48) Age:17 years old When did you started playing saes:8 month ago Did you got banned before?: Nope Languages spoken: English / Arabic What previous gang/squads/companies have you been in ? And why did you leave: ICE: leave to join Gang FBI: inactive just 2 members QRF: Closed RKMC: after 2 week gang closed BBMC: problem Tell us 3 Turf Rules:1. if you're killed in a turf where a turfwar i going on and you're spwaned as a cop or criminal it's not counted as deathmatching this is just part of the war 2. gaining health is allowed only via respawning health from a medic who is not in your gang or eating food ( so no reconnecting no ) 3. you are not allowed to camp on unclimbable rooftops climbable houses are allowed. Tell us 3 GR Rules: 1. no grenades to be at a gangrob at all this includes using vehicles as explosives 2. No spawn killing - don't camp a gang's spawn. Beef up defenses elswhere if necessary 3. you can only gangrob spawned as your gang. Don't bring helpers allies or other gangs to assist are permitted. Did you read F1 Rules: Yes i did
  5. -Name and Account Name: Name [BBMC]Netro[=P=] / Account Name XxNetroxX -Age: 17 years old -Where are you from?: Isreal (Arabic 48) -Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: 7 month ago -What are your biggest strength/weaknesses. Strength: Driving / shooting / RP / jump with parachut Weaknesses: low Fps -Why do you want to join us: i want join TdSA to learn new Skills and i have Friend name Radio -What is your RP name?: Mr.Master
  6. ~[Application Format]~(black,red) First Part Nickname: Netro Account Name: XxNetroxX Gender: male Age: 17 years Nationality: isreal (Arabic 48) Primary Language: Arabic Secondry Language(s): English For how long have you been playing SAES? : 8 month ago How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 350 hours Which G/S/C have you been in? : FBI: QRF: RKMC: ICE: Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C? : FBI: leave to join gang QRF: leader closed squad RKMC: leader closed gang ICE: inactive have 48 member 3 active only Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? :nope Second Part (this part was specially made to show us how far can you go and help the gang so think well before answering the situation, it may need some time but it's easy if you are what we are looking for dont include this note in your application) 1- It was the right time to start a bank robbery with the gang, the defense was regrouped and everyone was ready, the first door was cracked succesfuly but while cracking the second one a cop got in and arrested both official crackers of the gang how would you act to save the bank robbery and the panic inside the gang?: Start Cracking first door and say all gang for deffend me. 2- You made a mistake inside the gang and everyone was putting the pressure on you, although you were so annoyed how would you act in a proper way concidering that you will be able to fix things in future?: i will say sorry friends we dont need to be rude we are 1 family ! 3- You were directly provoked by someone from outside the gang, the offense was too high that you got really annoyed, what would you do to solve that?: i will to report him 4- The gang came to an end after a long ride and the leader decided to close it because of the lake of activity he was facing how would you act to convince him from a part and how you will solve the activity problems from another part: i was tryning to talk with him and if he got any good reason for close the gang i will try help him for fix it and keep the gang. but if he's got on reason to i can't help him i will respect that to he want to close the gang and i will hope him good luck and if he make again the gang if he can call me back!! Third Part What is your motivation to join BBMC? : Because BBMC has good players and nice active and want learn new skills What can you bring to the gang? : make active and RolePlay and Events and Turf and Bank Rob Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : nope
  7. Application Your Ingame nickname : Netro Your username :XxNetroxX Your ingame hours : 350 hours Your building skills ?/10 : 8/10 Your English skills ?/10 : 8/10 Your current G/S/C : N/A Your Current Group(s) : DZTG Do you have Discord ? : sure Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : I'd like to join CEO because I love that kind of groups and we will help others players who they will do event and i do a event with CEO and i like the group this group will be official soon
  8. First Part: Nickname:XxNetroxX Account Name:XxNetroxX Gender:Male Age:18 years old Nationality:Isreal Primary Language:Arabic Secondry Language(s):English How long have you been playing SAES:7 month ago How many hours do you have (Use TAB):18 Hours Previous G/S/C :ICE Second Part: What is roleplay means? : Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life. What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) : deathmatch is killing other players for no reason or revenge killing or killing for fun, or damaging cars. example: im driving down the street when a car with two players and they start shooting you and blow up your car and kill you. What is the difference about PBR and BR ?: public bank rob can start a 13 criminals but br can start gangs. public gank rob anyone can unlock safes and get big money but BR gang pays you for helping. Tell us 2 BR rules : NO nades, and marker killing or marker arrest. Tell us 2 Turf war rules:dont kill anyone outside of turf war zone and dont spawn as a cop. What is avoid arrest ?: when you leave game when your being chased by police or starting new life. Third Part: Why do you want to join us?: i'm was in BBMC my mistake to leave BBMC i want to fix my mistake Why should we accept you?:Because i'm have active all days and i'm and nice player and have skill good shooting Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):Yea soufly (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler) https://imgur.com/a/6gYXilv
  9. GZ Guys @JohnPrice / @Access / @Benny @Lily / @Ramby / @DJ0 / @Filippo
  10. @patrol said in any HQ for FBI see this please- [FBI]IG8820 - break the ruels: Banned XD
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