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Posts posted by Wizax

  1. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Simon Say]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt text https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72608-safp-roleplay-and-activity-topic/?page=33[/s]]

  2. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Chicken Shooter]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt text alt texthttps://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72608-safp-roleplay-and-activity-topic/?page=33 [/s]]

  3. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Car Show]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt text https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72608-safp-roleplay-and-activity-topic/?page=33[/s]]

  4. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Last Noob Standing]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]
    ^[~[1,000,000]~(lime) $]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt text https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72608-safp-roleplay-and-activity-topic/?page=34[/s]]

  5. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Last Man Standing]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt texthttps://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72608-safp-roleplay-and-activity-topic/?page=34 [/s]]

  6. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Simon Says]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt texthttps://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72608-safp-roleplay-and-activity-topic/?page=34 [/s]]

  7. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Swimming Chicken Arrest]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] https://imgur.com/a/YblZON6alt textalt texthttps://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/1265 [/s]]

  8. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Musical Chair]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Event Explained(Optional Delete if not need):]
    ^[The LWS Will be playing music and put chairs around, Players will run circle around the chairs and when the music stop you have to sit on the chair]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]
    ^[~[1,000,000]~(lime)$ First Place and ~[500,000]~(lime)$ Second Place]

    ^[ Winner (s):]
    ^[1st:Douglass 2nd:Arma]

    ^[[s=] https://imgur.com/a/Q5mu2gwalt textalt textalt textalt texthttps://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/901 [/s]]

  9. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Troll Quiz]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Event Explained(Optional Delete if not need):]
    ^[I will be asking some dumb questions and the first to answer wins]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]
    ^[~[100,000]~(lime)$ For Each Right Question]

    ^[ Winner (s):]
    ^[Alot of Winners, Check SS]

    ^[[s=] https://imgur.com/a/estvVYTalt textalt textalt textalt texthttps://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/296 [/s]]

  10. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[THE CURSED ROOM]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Event Explained(Optional Delete if not need):]
    ^[Explained it already in an older post]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] https://imgur.com/a/xhKHEN8alt textalt textalt textalt textalt text https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/98[/s]]

  11. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Reach The Rose]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Event Explained(Optional Delete if not need):]
    ^[Players will go through some stunts trying to reach the roses in the end while we will shoot them]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=]https://imgur.com/a/BnZ3ZA0 alt textalt textalt texthttps://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/108 [/s]]

  12. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Seasparrow Shooter]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] https://imgur.com/a/JkrDEchalt textalt textalt text post link : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/116 [/s]]

  13. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[BMX Race]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]
    ^[~[1,000,000]~(lime)$ For the First place and ~[200,000]~(lime)$ For the Second Place]

    ^[ Winner (s):]
    ^[1st: Nicus 2nd: Koko]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt textalt textalt texthttps://saesrpg.uk/topic/1195/safp-official-media-archive/68 [/s]]

  14. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[Free For All Box In The Dark Cage]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Event Explained(Optional Delete if not need):]
    ^[Just a typical boxing event but in a dark cage]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:] M7mod

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] alt textalt text https://saesrpg.uk/topic/98/deleted/19 [/s]]

  15. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[/DRUNK RACE]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]

    ^[Event Explained(Optional Delete if not needed):]
    ^[Participants will line up at the race start point and do /drunk, the first one to reach the end will win, Someone need to take a weapon and keep an eye on them so no one stopanime and run then drunk again in other words cheat.

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]
    ^[@Judyes ]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]

    ^[ Winner (s):]
    ^[Aoxy & Deep(Draw And they didn't want to rematch)]

    ^[[s=] https://i.imgur.com/VyV1Bky.pnghttps://imgur.com/a/lAK5E79 [/s]]

  16. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[SQUAD TENNIS NADER]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]
    ^[~[1,000,000$]~(lime) Splits among the four members]

    ^[ Winner (s):]
    ^[@Kok , @Fad, @dhalma, @nesz]

    ^[[s=] All Pictures are Here >>> https://imgur.com/a/EksEtWx<<< alt textalt textalt text [/s]]

  17. ^[alt text]

    ^[~~ ~[THE CRUSED ROOM]~ ~~]

    ^[alt text]
    ^[Event Explained:]
    ^[The event is really simple, Each round there is going to be a random cursed room among a total of 3 rooms, those who get in it fall to hell and die.]

    ^[ Each round you will have to line up in the yellow fence and wait for the LWS Countdown then you run to one of these rooms where you will stand there as the LWS Member freezes you.]

    ^[Then I will destroy "The Cursed Room" ground glass so those who are inside it will fall to hell and die.]
    ^[alt text]
    ^[Lightning World Sports Member:]
    ^[Special Thanks to for helping me to build and host the event, @Linkan]

    ^[ Prize (s) :]
    ^[~[1$]~(lime) & ~[1,000,000$]~(lime)]

    ^[ Winner (s):]

    ^[[s=] ALL PICTURES ARE HERE >>> https://imgur.com/a/Eu1G2NR<<< alt textalt textalt textalt text [/s]]

  18. ^[alt text]
    ^[alt text]

    A minion comes running from afar and drops a red carpet

    ^[Greetings Ladies & Gentlemans!]

    ^[Welcome to ~[Wizax's LWS Events]~(#8db500) Topic Where I Will Be Posting My~[ Events]~(#8db500), Please Have A Glance Around But Preparatory To That I Would Like To Introduce Myself In A Quick Format That May Be Absorbing To Some Of You ^^]

    ^[alt text]

    • The Server Is Full Of Players, What Would Make You So Special From Them That We Would Take You Over Them?:

    First of All, I'd like to class myself as a calm person, I rarely get nervous or confused which is in my opinion something required for a ~[Lightning World Sports]~(#8db500) Member as he has to handle a lot of players and control them so it doesn't look like a mess more than an event Also I've been a high rank in my squad and few other places for a quite good time so I have an idea on how to make people listen to you and follow orders.

    Secondly, I identify myself as a Non-Quick-Tempered Person, A Placid, You will never see me having a caps lock on raging purposes, also I never strike back an insult or a disrespect and barely get offended because at the end of the day it's all a game you log in to have fun not build hatred and even if I get bad attitude I will always be the better person and talk in a better and respectful way because, in my opinion, that's how you win an argument and if you lose your nerves, you lose the argument and your reputation.

    Thirdly, I am not a hopper neither a groups collecter nor a prestige seeker, which means I'm not applying to LWS just to get its prestige or to have more groups than I can mention for my next group application, that's wrong, I've been playing on that server since a long time and I only join groups that I'm seriously interested in, I think that I can fit in and I'm sure I'll be Active and putting effort and adding more value to and you can see that in SAI Media Archive From Page 13+, In other words, I promise That my name will become familiar in the Member of the month If I get the honor of joining LWS,

    Finally, I have access to the construction panel from San Andreas Interceptors, it's maybe not a big deal but I often get messages from other SAI Members asking me about the roadblock construction code because they liked it and they want to use it, so for that, I term myself as a good builder and I consider this building as one of my most creative ideas with a construction panel, Also I have a lot of pictures of building's I've built for fun as a worker, I'm the type of builder that may spend an hour building something that I delete to rebuild it because it doesn't look good, also I focus on small details even though I love simple building with fine decoration, everything must be as perfect as possible.
    [s=] https://youtu.be/aS6h4A-7Ko4?t=107 [/s]

    Fifthly, I Consider myself an active player, I play almost daily and try to post as much as possible on my groups, As well as I'm very creative and I'm going to prove that in the following days via my events

    ^[alt text]

    • Any Promises?

    Yes, If I get the honor of joining LWS I promise that I will never disappoint anyone and I will work as hard as possible to fulfill, provide and keep my words, I'll be a fair LWS Member that hosts good arranged and breathtaking events from both of building and ruling and I'll only add more value to the group and not just a name to the roster, I am a man you can count on and trust.

    ^[alt text]

    ~[Event Format:]~(#8db500)

    ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/8WIP9Ay.png)]
    ## ^[**~~ ~[EVENT NAME]~ ~~**]
    ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/saucPwq.png)]

    ^[**Event Explained(Optional Delete if not need):**]

    ^[![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/saucPwq.png)]
    ^[**Lightning World Sports Member:**]

    ^[ **Prize ~~(s)~~ :**]
    ^[ **Winner ~~(s)~~:**]
    ^[[s=] [/s]]

    ^[alt text]

    ~[Note:]~(red) I Maybe edit this topic from time to time, but if I do so, I'll be posting that in my topic with details about the edit

    >>>Edited event format 16/04/2022


    ~ Yours Truthfully Wizax

  19. ^[alt text]
    Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Wrym ((@Wizax)) Trooper.Downey (( @Fall-en ))

    Other involved people: Officer.Melic ((@Melic )) Cadet.FreshCoffe ((@FreshCoffee )) & @vitor7676 G~T

    Date, time, and duration of activity: 3nd April 2022, From ~14:00 to 14:57

    Activity type: Role-Play

    Activity Details:

    We had a suspicious pull over on the roadblock, a non-San Andreas young guy covered on tatto pulled over, he looked Chinese, After a quick DUI Check with him, we informed him about his vehicle, it was not the type of vehicle that is allowed to take a highway, things kept going up as he became rude so we decided to take him to the Police Department and impound his car, after handcuffing him and disarming him, we found a weapon, unknown type not from San Andreas he refused to give us information about it, we took him for interrogation while some units were analyzing his vehicle, after a long time, we could know the location he bought his weapon from, he said he is one of the many customers, and he admits that he had drugs on his vehicle hidden under the chair, he also accepted to show us the location if we will promise him protection and a reduced punishment, after a long traveling we went to East Las Santos, an abandoned street where we found alot of cargos, weapons, some weird vehicles that are not familiar to San Andrea, illegals and alot of money, we reported the situation to our tactical units and left them to take care of the rest while we drove the suspect back to the prison where he will stay there for a while, he tried to escape alot of times but he couldn't do alot with his hands cuffed


    [s=] https://imgur.com/a/kSt6smR [/s]

    ^[alt text]

  20. ^[alt text]
    Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Wrym ((@Wizax)) Trooper.Downey (( @Fall-en ))

    Other involved people: Officer.Melic ((@Melic )) & Random San Andreas Citizens Cadet.FreshCoffee ((@FreshCoffee ))

    Date, time, and duration of activity: 3nd April 2022, From 12:34 To ~14:00

    Activity type: Road Block

    Activity Details:

    Today, Police Department had a new officer, Officer.Milec , Who i did take charge of, we started our shift with a quick warm-up, Taking some guns and quick shooting practice, i checked his skills then we loaded some roadblock materials and headed to Las Venturas - Las Santos Highway where we dropped our roadblock that lasted for few hours, pulling over almost all of who passes by making a quick DUI check, nothing was very interesting everything was typical, a few moments later Trooper. Downey and another Cadet joined us, Cadet Freshcoffe, i left the roadblock under Trooper Downey's charge while i went to pick some food and refreshments for the team, then we continued our duty


    [s=] https://imgur.com/a/9E0Nf25 [/s]

    ^[alt text]

  21. ^[alt text]
    Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Wrym ((@Wizax))

    Other involved people: Officer.Erik ((@Orten1 )), @Lekss LE, @q1uiiz LE

    Date, time, and duration of activity: 3nd April 2022, not precise

    Activity type: Role-Play

    Activity Details:

    I was enjoying my coffee in San Andreas Interceptors Headquart when I received a report about a suspicious vehicle entering Las Venturas and heading north close to the golf club, I immediately got myself ready and got myself some backup, Officer Erik, we headed to the last seen address code 3, through the glass of the window I could see two men sitting with a lot of alcohol and drugs who started running as soon as they noticed us, they took the back door and could escape easily by running to the desert, chasing them was a hopeless task for us so we tried to pack all they left in the house from drugs/alcohol/ gold wearing our gloves to make sure we don't ruin their fingerprints, I tried scanning the doors to get some fingerprints and especially the back door where I found a very clear fingers print of one of the suspects, after packing all the illegals we head back to SAI HQ where we unloaded them so they intelligence unites can analyze them


    [s=] https://imgur.com/a/1updZAH [/s]

    ^[alt text]

  22. ^[alt text]
    Involved SAI members: Sergeant.Wizax ((@Wizax)) Trooper.Bisollini ((@Bisollini ))

    Other involved people: Randoms in the streets, @Crank @xleepy ALT

    Date, time, and duration of activity: 2nd April 2022, 21:42 to 20:28

    Activity type: Patrol

    Activity Details:
    Adam 2266 Leaving base 10-8 on a state-wide patrol with Trooper.Bisollini, We Immediately head to Las Santos due to the big activity there where we started our shift on a statewide patrol, Pulling anyone we could get checking their license etc..., one of the most suspicious was a young guy with a sports car who had a pistol in his trunk but he provided us with it's a license so it was all good, then we heard about a suspicious dealing on a mountain where we responded to find a man in an IC-2 4 Doors Vehicle, we arrested him and took him for interrogation, then my partner shift has come to an end so I finished the rest by myself returning to Las Venturas where I pulled over a trucker everything about him was fine, I could get a good mechanic number from him that works in the same Company as him "All Load Trucking" so I can call later to consult the vehicles conditions in SAI HQ


    [s=] https://imgur.com/a/viOcNlC [/s]

    ^[alt text]

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