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Everything posted by Lio

  1. good luck
  2. good luck
  3. good luck
  4. good luck
  5. good luck
  6. good luck
  7. good luck
  8. Nickname:scoore Ingame Username:scoore Age:15 English proficiency:8 / 10 i am good in english Spoken Languages: English - arabic - Espanol Roleplay skills:8/10 Previous Organizations you joined:i joined NL-MK-HH-RKMC Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role:Wild Angels WA You are Hunters and killers Not to everyone but to your enemies and your tagrets your main goal is getting Money and famouse , you are 100% against cops especially the ones who messes with you , thats your main role , also you have lot of skills in robbing and stealing . Selling illegals things as drugs , arms , Stealling cars and re selling them and you have alot of skills on dealing with the hostages Previous punishments/bans and reason:NO Why you wanna join us?: It's a good gang with proffisional memebres and it has the best role i'v ever seen , also it has a nice activity ig with all kind of people from all regions AND I LOVE WA and i need family and i think (wa) family and its good gang and all hope join WA . What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :Im friendly , loyal , i can help my gang with totally everything i have , and im trustfull , and during to my english skills , ig skills also , but i won't say that im special over all the others but i think i m able to get accepted and mature and i'm pro 3-Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :YES chatti and aminenl What are your strengths:i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and i am loly and i have good experciance in escaping from police in any situation What are your weaknesses:i have internet normal work Something else to add?:im looking forward for a positive reply and i hope join WA and i see wa have good player and thanks. alt text
  9. good luck and this gang be good .
  10. good luck
  11. ss
  12. Nickname:scoore Login name:scoore Nationality:england English proficiency (0-10):9 When you join SAES and how long are playing on server?:i joined saes ( 2years ) i play in server ( 150h) and i was have account have 435h but i forget passoed xd Do you have any previous experience in the same field of activity or something similar?:yes i joined alot of gruop IC and TMH and HK AND ALOT OF GRUOP List your another groups membership: Tell us about yourself as much as possible:MY NAME SCOORE MY AGE 15 AND I LIVE IN ENGLAND and i love group any group and i have 2 brother and i am good in car and plan and bike and alot of thing Why do you want to join our group?:bec i hope join this group and i love all in this group and some members in this group my fraind and i need family and i think this group family and i can up this group lvl 1 + and i need more my fraind and i joined alot of group and i know all rules server In which department you would like to work, if we accept you and why?:i dont know any one but i hope join after i join i can think and i want join bec i love group Who recommended you to join?:sir glayd Your notes and additions:i was have account good but i forget passord
  13. gooooood and very nice good luck
  14. Name:Soore Nickname:Scoore Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:espanol but i go egypt Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):I AM scoore AND I AGE 14 YEARS and i like drive car and i like this squade andi live in espanol and i do to school and i like school and i like aressted criminal and i like food and i have one brother and where I'll become mechanic in the future. And If it goes everything planned, then one day I'll have my own mechanical workshop. and i love STF good at school and my english skills too and i love sunrise and sunset and i hope join bec all stf active How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?2years Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?no Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:squad i join ice and mi6 and SAPA \ i joined gang mk and NL and BBMC Please list your current group memberships on the server:I JOINED GRUOP TMH What are your strengths?i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and I'm guy who knows what's loyalty, respect, maturity and I believe my strongest trait is my working with people very well in a way where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results because of my easy going personality,I have have been told by my firects that it's easy approach me What are your weaknesses?i bad in composite Do you have discord & TS3?yes Whats your average ping? Do you have access to the PC spawns?no How many hours do you have in-game?i was have account but i forget passord and i maked account new [55] hours How often do you visit the forums?every day Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):8 Arresting (out of 10):9 English (out of 10):9 Driving (out of 10):9 Combat (out of 10):8 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF?Well I want to join STF cause I heard a lot of positive things like STF has skilled members like daruis and laza and sSTF active every day and all in stf members good all any thing and because it's strong squad and respected squad and it's really pro and activty and because I'm interested in new squad to join and try myself in helping new organisation get high level Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?none but i want join STF bec i love STF and i Respect them Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?yes i did i understand In your own words, define roleplay:Role play is acting like real life in-game for example deal with the most dangerous situations, such as bank robs, bomb threats, terrorism and hostage situations In your own words, define DM:Deathmatch is Killing / damaging A player or group for no reason or for revenge that's forbidden In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork means working with team mates and help each others
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