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Issue Tracker [Donation Vehicle Shaders]
Everything posted by Lio
Ingame & Account name:scoore\scoore0 Real name:scoore Nationality:england Age:15 Do you have discord?yes sure PART 2 - Ingame Information Are you apart of any Groups?yes i am joined 3 group [ FL-DCO-SA-RS] Current S/G/C:i joined squad [ICE-QRF] \ i joined gang [BBMC-NL-MK] How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 2 years What are your strengths:i'm good at driving planes and helicopters and i'm active and i'm good at shooting and sniping and i'm so good at RP and goood at driving boat and I'm guy who knows what's loyalty, respect, maturity and I believe my strongest trait is my working with people very well in a way where I use the strengths of each individual in a team to produce the best results because of my easy going personality,I have have been told by my firects that it's easy approach me What are your weakness:MY Internet is bad sometimes BUT I FIXE ITS SOON Rate your English skills (0-10):8 Rate your RP skills (0-10):8 PART 3 - Additional Information Tell us about yourself::I AM scoore AND I AGE 15 YEARS and i like drive car and i like this squade andi live in espanol and i go to school and i like school and i like food and i have one brother and where I'll become mechanic in the future. And If it goes everything planned, then one day I'll have my own mechanical workshop. and i love the underground circle good at school and my english skills too and i love sunrise and sunset and i hope join What is our main role (By your own words):The main role of this group is to Earn money with many ways and help the group grow. The bussiness of earning money contains illegal stuff like delivery of drugs and Seducing people to sex. Why do you want join our family:because I like the mafia role and I am interested in your roleplays. Why should we accept you in our family:ell, because I am mature, experienced, honest and friendly person. I would work for UC family. If you had a chance to join our activities with us post the screens here:no one .
Ingame Name :scoore Account Name :scoore0 How long you have been playing SAES ? :2 years Your On Hours ? :210 Current Gang/Squad/Company :i joined squad ICE and QRF \ I joined gang BBMC and NL and RAMK and MK Current Group :i leader group FL fast limo and i joined group and i making test for group SA-RS Did you ever got banned or admin jailed ? if yes then how many time and the reason :no Had you read all the rules of the server and the group ? :yes i did Your Role Play skills ? Rate ?/10 :9/10 Can you speak english ? Rate ?/10 :8/10 Why you are interested in Dynasty Crime Organization ? :bec this good group and i hope join and i love alll in this group and i love Everyone loves this group bec this group have all thing i want be with me and i love seth and seth my friend and i know this group be best group and i making rps and events bec be this group up lvl fast .[ i love OCD] Write a small Role Play story (Must be match with our RolePlay) : while DCO was new it was want to plant fear in every citizens heart so it started to house rob, bank robbery, store robbery, kidnap and killing and while they was at their base they hear that there is someone from SWAT is saying that he is not scared from DCO and DCO is a punch of stupid criminals then we was angry and we was want to teach him a lesson then we kidnapped him and took him to somewhere and then we got our camera and scared this SWAT police officer to do not miss with us and we shared the video on youtube so everyone can see that this cop is a cower
-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 63 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Sale of drugs to an elderly mafia. -=(black,red)Story:=- While we was at our base we was smoking some drugs we said that it's useless that we have a lot of drugs and we are just smoking them and this is not getting us any profit so we decided to sell some drugs to some people so we created a ad to tell everyone that we are selling a high quality drugs and then in a few seconds someone called us and he was want to buy some weed and speed drugs then we told him to meet us at our base and he was living at richman street so we knew that he is rich and he can pay a lot so after he came to our base we bring our best drugs from our warehouse to our base and he looked at the drugs and he was looks like he is an expert in buying drugs so he tested it and he found that it's perfect and with a high quality he gave us the money and we shake each other and then he left and both of us were very happy with this deal. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/r6Zlv0c
@azizbhk123 said in FL - Fast Limo: Nickname: Aziz Accountname: xVoDkAxX nationlaty :tunis languages spoken :Arabe, English , french in game hours :125:15:40 what is RP :is doing story with some one it's like real life what is DM :when you kill some one with no reason why do you want to join us :because active and helpful and i love the limo why should we accept you :Becaus i like this group and evryone says that is very good and they also say that the members are helpful did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :yes @scoore English proficiency: 7/10 limo driving proficiency: 8/10 RP proficiency:7 /10 do you accept our rules :yes tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest azizbhk123 thanks . for apply you was have pending after you hanged with members FL now YOU ACCEPTED
-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 62 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Weapon supply -=(black,red)Story:=- BBMC did a lot of criminal activities like story robberies and bank robberies they found that their ammo and weapons are few and they can't make more criminal activities without weapons and ammo and then after one of Z hear that BBMC got a few amount of weapons and ammo he told 3 of BBMC members to meet him at a parking lot next to rockshore east in LV and after they came he showed them some of AK 47 and CS and some snipers and colt with a lot of ammo in his car then we checked the weapons and their quality and then we found that the weapons is great and perfect with a really high quality and then we told him that we will buy the weapons and ammo for 15K and he was so happy with this price and he didn't even say no and then we shake each other and we was happy with the weapons. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://postimg.cc/gallery/1t9rayxn6/
@master-chief said in FL - Fast Limo: No.1 - username : S-117 No.2 - account name : ali303 No.3 - nationlaty : Egypt No.4 - languages spoken : english/arabic No.5 - in game hours : around 500 or 450 No.6 - what is RP : RP is acting like real life No.7 - what is DM : killing someone for no reason No.8 - why do you want to join us : because i love limo and i want to help this group and i feel like it will not die No.9 - why should we accept you : because i'm pro and good at driving limo and shit like this No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : scoore No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 9 No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : 10 No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 8 No.14 - do you accept our rules : yeah No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : don't DM/ don't marker arrest/ don't avoid arrest :expressionless: :expressionless: master chief thanks.for apply your apply good VERY MUCH YOU ACCEPTED
@jougou007 said in FL - Fast Limo: bandicam_2018-07-27_21-39-43-577.jpg No.1 - username : akyal No.2 - account name : Jougou No.3 - nationlaty : Tunisian No.4 - languages spoken : Arabic / French / English No.5 - in game hours : 300+ No.6 - what is RP : Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one. No.7 - what is DM : deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason. No.8 - why do you want to join us :as u know i look FL a new group into saes So i wanted To join it for helping To get official soon. No.9 - why should we accept you : because im loyal player Can say active skilled and helpfull guy i can bring to tf events /rps. No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : Ye called Scoore No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : 7 No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : 8 No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : 7.5 No.14 - do you accept our rules : Sure No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) : Dont Dm Others / Dont Avoid arrest if cops was chasing u / Dont talk another language in mainchat (English only) lougou thanks. for apply this good apply YOU ACCEPTED said leader or vice leader to make test
thamks very much oxedan ty and filex
there was a child was born at LS his name was David his family wasn't rich his father was working at burger shot in LS next to Grove Street his salary was 300$ per month they was very poor, in some days they was eating and in other days they wasn't eating due to the low salary, then David's father decided to steal, David wasn't proud of what his father doing, then someday his father went out of the house for something he didn't told his son or his wife, he was going to a drug deal in vinewood in LS but it was a trap the cops came and arrested David's father, David and his mother was very sad, they wouldn't pay the money to free him and David's father was sentenced to 30 years in prison for drug dealing, every birthday David passed it without his father next to him then after David grew up he was very smart and very good at driving cars he was working in a limo corporation but then he decided to create his own limo co and then he created it and the future was looking bright for David. No.1: don't break server rules (F1 rules) No.2: don't break FL rules No.3: always respect the server players and FL members No.4: always RP with your customer No.5: if you want to level up then you have to do at least 1 RP, 1 event, 1 activity Group Tag : [FL]name[rank] Group Color : #00ff00 Leader : [FL]scoore[L] Vice Leader : [FL]S-117[VL] Leader [L] : scoore lvl 5 Vice Leader [VL] : S-117 lvl 4 HQ : Empty lvl 3 Chief of Communications [CoC] : Empty lvl 2 Chief of Service [CoS] : Empty lvl 2 Limo Driver [LD] : Empty lvl 1 Communications Worker [CW] : Empty lvl 1 Newibe [N] : jougou lvl 0 No.1 - username : No.2 - account name : No.3 - nationlaty : No.4 - languages spoken : No.5 - in game hours : No.6 - what is RP : No.7 - what is DM : No.8 - why do you want to join us : No.9 - why should we accept you : No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who : No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 : No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 : No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 : No.14 - do you accept our rules : No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :
good luck [rizer] very ggoood
Part 1 - Player Info Ingame nick: scoore Account name: scoore0 Nationality: england Rate your English Skills (0/10): 9 Current G/S/C : BBMC Current Group : IC - KTN Player 2 - Role-Play Info Rate your RP skills (0/10): 9 Talk about our role in ( 15 words Minimum ) : FF role is creating SRs and PBR and if anyone want a success SR or PBR then he should call FF for assistance and also helping gangs for smuggling arms and drugs and FF want to give freedom to most of criminals so they always JB for giving the freedom to the criminals and FF is kidnapping cops to know some informations about their friends and they force him to say everything by torturing him
Personal Info Section In-Game name:[BBMC]Scoore[P] Username: scoore Account name:scoore0 Age: 15 Gender: male Nationality: england Languages: english and espanlo and arabic In-Game Experience Section How long you play SAES/RPG: 2 years How long you play MTA: 3 years How long you play every day: 9 How much in-game hours do you have:110 The Name of your current Squad/Gang/Company:BBMC and ICE and OC The Name of your current groups: IC In-Game Skills Section English Skills (1-10): 8 RP Skills (1-10): 8 Driving Skills (1-10): 9 Community Skills (1-10): 10 Business Skills (1-10): 9 Theoretical Section Explain in your own words what is our Roleplay: SARS RP is traveling around SA state to find any customers who might need to rent cars/planes/bikes and help the customers with the rented cars and bikes and aircrafts and taking care of their customers Explain what you understand under Renting Service: RS is when someone comes to you and ask you that he want to rent a car/bike/plane Explain 2 Staff Members rules: 1.Follow alway the Server Rules ( F1 ) 2.Respect always the higher ranks and HQs Explain 3 Customers rules: 1.Don't apply for Donation Section if its not Available 2.Don't Spam the topic with the Donation Application if its not Available 3.Always RP with our staff about the rented car Why do you want to join us: because i have a nice skills in business and i'm very very good at RP and i want to help this group to grow and help it in everything Why should we accept you: because i'm very good at RP and i have a nice business skill and i'm loyal and active and mature San Andreas Renting Service Section Do you have at least 3 vehicles in our offer list? yes Do you have at least 2 motorcycle in our offer list? yes What you understand about our payments? the payments is there is some classes and you can lvl up in this classes by doing the said number of RPs and activity and in every lvl up you get some money If a customer want to rent a car what should you ask him? i will ask him if he want to pick the car or should we deliever it to him How many vehicles do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? 3 How many motocykle do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? 3 Tell us the names and tuning of your vehicles? alpha (blue and with nitro and off road wheel) towtruck (black and with nitro and access wheel) stretch (red and with nitro and virtual wheel) Tell us the names of your motocykle? freeway - NRG 500 - sanches
-=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 59 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Trap -=(black,red)Story:=- We hit the road for an ambush. This one was for some mint-condition choppers. Due to the intel we got from some truckers we blocked the side road to red county which would be used by trucker of the trailer full of choppers. Approximately 15 minutes later the precious truck appeared. We forced the trucker to pull over with our bikes. Suddenly fool man grabbed a pistol to fight back so we shot him and threw the body away. Let him sleep with fish. Shots were heard in the neighborhood so one enforcer highjacked the truck quickly and the rest of us escorted it to the safe depot. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/0ayUyq8
good luck TST
good luck best squad
SASP - San Andreas Special Police
Lio replied to hassan's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
good luck -
good luck
First Part: Nickname:scoore Account Name:scoore Gender:male Age:15 Nationality:england Primary Language:anglish \ arabic \ espanol Secondry Language(s):english How long have you been playing SAES:2 years How many hours do you have (Use TAB): 110 but i was have account ( 353) hours but i forgett passord xd Previous G/S/C :i joined KOK \ NL \ HH \ OC Second Part: What is roleplay means? :Roleplay mean that do something like in real life and im able to do it my skills in RP is : 8/10 and i hope i upgard it when i join BBMC and be one of this Fmily What is deathmatching means ?(explain with an example) :Deathmatching mean kill some one or destroyed his Car with out reason and it's not allowd if some one DM you ... you must relax and report him cz it's not allowd to revange What is the difference about PBR and BR ?:PBR Public Bank Robbery is the bank robbery where criminals from non-offical gangs or even who don't have a gang can do it but only 1 time in a day and the BR Bank Robbery is the bank robbery which only the offical gangs can do it twice in the day Tell us 2 BR rules :don't marker kill and don't avoid cops by jumping from the roof Tell us 2 Turf war rules:you can't spawn as a cop or a medic to assist your gang only if you are not a member of this gang and you can't camp at the unclimbable roofs only climbable roofs is allowed What is avoid arrest ?:avoid arresting is killing yourself while there is a cop running behind you and he want to arrest you like reconnecting or killing yourself with a nade , etc.... Third Part: Why do you want to join us?: because i love BBMC and i love freeway bike and my dream was being a member of a MC gang Why should we accept you?: i'm pro and loyal and mature and you might say that i'm noob because i played 40 hours only but i was have an old account but i forgot the username and password and i'm respected and i'm active Did anyone suggest you to join (if yes mention who):SOULFLY|L (Post your favorite bike in a spoiler)https://www.google.com.eg/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FcN0SXPQaOTg%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DcN0SXPQaOTg&docid=6NrboEfxyom_AM&tbnid=9tkAPiN3HKfINM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiXwu7Bh6zcAhXQIlAKHc_4CWYQMwhNKAAwAA..i&w=720&h=726&bih=643&biw=1020&q=%D9%85%D9%88%D8%AA%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%84%20%D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF%20%D8%B1%D9%85%D8%B6%D8%A7%D9%86%20&ved=0ahUKEwiXwu7Bh6zcAhXQIlAKHc_4CWYQMwhNKAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8