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Everything posted by Lio

  1. rip english luffy
  2. Personal Information: **Ingame Name:**Lio **Account Name:**Lio5 **Age:**14 **Country In-Residence:**egypt **Nationality:**egyption **Languages Spoken:**english and arabic Server Knowledge: **Have you read F1 rules?:**yes sure **On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10):**8 **On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10):**7 **On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10):**8 **Tell us your weaknesses and strengths:**i am good at drving cars and heli and i am good at shooting guns and dving and i am good at boat and i am good at roleplay and i like help people In-game Information: How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 2 years What is your current G/S/C: i am now in GANG HRMC **Are you participating any group, If yes, write them:**NO **Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain:**no never ** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:**no Group Informations: **Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.):**San Andreas Research and Protection Association, and helping people and learn him how to Skip the hard work and GEA s come to portect SAn Andreas and it will be the game good and Rescue and rescue cases Forest fires. **Which division would you like to participate ?**The Marine Unit **Why should we accept us ?**bec i am good player and i have good skills like good at RPs and drving baot and i love helping and resuce the people. **What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words)**it is a goood group and it have to rescue the people and portect San Anderss from any Danger and was established to work in the field of search-rescue-ecology-social and participates in the search and rescue and humanitarian coordination meetings organized by the United Nations in the preparation process after the international operationspreparation process after the international operations. **Tell us about yourself:**Hello My name Lio and i have 14 years old and i go to school and i have 1 brother and i love helping people and i like play football and i go to library and i read book for helping people.
  3. -Application Format- Ingame name:Lio Real name:Lio Account name:Lio5 Age:14 Nationality:egyption Languages Spoken:english and arabic Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): 1- MI5 winston changed it to be NSWC i left bec i want join gang like HRMC Current server groups:N/A Your strenghts: teamwork, driving bikes, roleplaying, shooting, flying and jailbreaking Your weaknesses: FPS How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years How long have you been playing on MTA: 5 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: no Rate your English skills from 1/10: 8 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 7 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 9 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: killing someone for no reason like shooting at someone in his car for no reason What is the meaning of RolePlay: roleplay is acting like real life What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: avoid arrest is killing yourself by anyway in order to escape from the cops Why do you want to join HRMC: Because HRMC is active and mature and my passion is in the MCs and there is nothing better then a motorcycle brothers Why should we accept you:i am activity and i have good skills like driving RP and shooting and i respect members of HRMC Do you have any friends in HRMC:frank,reket Tell us something more about yourself: hi my name is lio i live in egypt and i love playing football and i have 14 years old i have one brother . Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang:no
  4. good luck
  5. Date: 29/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity ACtivity members NSWC Screenshots:
  6. Date:29\12\2018 Main characters: NSWC|Lio|HQ - Story: we was patrol in SF and we listen from some cops BR in SF we was going to The BR we saw truker was going to BR we stopped him and we took ID from truker he was afried bec after we checked car truker we saw drugz under the car and guns we asked him for thais thing he told i will sell in BR he take him to the cells and we go to BR and we arressted the crims it was nice day. Screenshots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/2y98o3bgu/
  7. Date: 28/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity SNWC unit patroll in Las venturas Screenshots:
  8. Date:29\12\2018 Main characters: NSWC|Lio|HQ - Aymenj truker . Story: i was go to SR and i saw crime go SR too and he was speed i stoped him and i talk with him and i checked the car i saw he was have alot of guns to sell it in SR i asked him to the guns he was want escap but i aressted him and he was sad it was nice day Screenshots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/312cdg2oe/
  9. Date: 29/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity we was go to SR in LS and we down with para from the plane Screenshots:
  10. Date: 28/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity we was go to BR in bank LV Screenshots:
  11. Date: 29/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity we and winston went to SR in LS and we arressted all Crime With NSWC members: @ Winston Screenshots:
  12. Date: 29/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity aressting crime in LV Screenshots:
  13. Date:29\12\2018 Main characters: NSWC|Lio|HQ - Aymenj truker . Story: i listen from policemans BR in LV i went and i saw truker with members from gang UE and truker was selling alot of drugs and i arressted UE and i tallk with truker he was have guns too i asked him for this thing he told he was in BR and i took him to the cells it was nice day [ NSWC }. Screenshots:https://postimg.cc/gallery/dynztrpq/
  14. Date: 28/12/2018 Type of Activity: Morning activity Screenshots: https://postimg.cc/gallery/26t9bvjim/
  15. Personal Information Name:lio Username:Lio Ingame Name:Lio Age:14 Nationality:egyption Capability to talk english (1-10):8 In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?:3 years What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?:i joined ICE i left bec i was want join MI5 and MI5 bec i have proplme with VL Do you have Discord and a working microphone?:ya sure How many hours a week do you play?:in day 4-5 hours What are your strengths and weaknesses?:my strengths: i am good at driving cars and bikes and i am good in shooting guns and i am good at RPs and i respect members BLoodZ bec members bloodz my friends.mu weaknesses:FBS Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?:bec it have good members and i love BLoodZ and thay have good avtive and BLoodZ good gang and i think we will creat a good BLoodZ. Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: i will bring RPs and Actives and i am a good player and i hope join BLoodZ and i will bring it some from my Expreniece and I love Bloodz Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay?Roleplay means doing something you can do in real life. What is our Gang RP and Motto?:The RP of BloodZ is selling different kinds of drugs. BloodZ are located in the west coast, they never leave a brother behind and always work as a team. Everyone that comes to the hood will face death. Who is BloodZ's leader? BloodZ>Makaveli What do you do if you get deathmatched?: i take SS and i will report him What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?:Just same as above . Take a screenshot and report , but if he is new player i will teach him more stuff like read rules . what to do if you get deathmatched. Tell us something about yourself:my name lio and i life in egypt and i can speak english and arabic and i am in school and i have 14 years old and i have 2 brother and i playing football and i am god in it.
  16. Nickname:Lio Account name:Lio Age:14 Gender:male Country:egypt Languages:english and arabic How long have you been playing SAES:3 years How long have you been playing MTA:4-5 years How would you rate your activity on forums and ingame:mmm 3-4 hours in day Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it: , I'm Good RP , I use animations before starting the RP and in starting and also GooD story also i use /me when Starting the Roleplay act real life and i chick in the car if he have and if i see any thing in the car i ask him On this matter. Explain what is [4x4] role:4x4's role is to drive around SA with the SUV's with AWD and their favourite locations are Whetstone, Red Country and Tierra Robada. Current memberships: gang Rebel Rate your English skills :7/10 Rate your Map Knowledge skills:7/10 Rate your driving skills:9/10 Rate your Teamwork skills:9/10 Previous bans: NO Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group:bec i love cars and i am good at driving and i love to Drive SUV and i like this gruop and i will be good with this members . Strengths:i am good at RP and at Driving and and i am active. Weaknesses:fbs Reason for application: i want get many friends ,and helping and did teamwork , role play , help in Roleplay and i love cars Are you active on Discord:yes sure Additional Information:i hope join this gruop and i like members this group and if i joined i think i will I will inform this group.
  17. Nickname:lio Real name:lio Age:14 How long have you been playing SAES?: I was playing in the server from 2 years Do you own a freeway?:Yes I do Previous G/S/C experiences and reason of leaving?: N/A Explain roleplay:Roleplay is acting like real life What is an MC?:MC is a motorcycle club of bike (Harley-Davidson) enthusiasts that treat and respect each other like family, a 1% MC is the most dangerous type of mc because these 1%'s usually deal with illegal and risky activities. Why do you want to be a Rebel? Burn, currently a lone-wolf Nomad that wanders the streets of Los Santos after having lost his purpose due to the disbandment of his former MC. He can now be found sometimes helping Gangs around los santos and commiting illegal activities such as robbery and money laundering. What is DM?: DeathMatch is killing someone with no reason
  18. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 69 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Underground mafia gun reserve. -=(black,red)Story:=- BBMC did a lot of criminal activities like story robberies and bank robberies they found that their ammo and weapons are few and they can't make more criminal activities without weapons and ammo and then after one of hear that BBMC got a few amount of weapons and ammo he told 3 of BBMC members to meet him at a parking lot next to rockshore east in LV and after they came he showed them some of AK 47 and CS and some snipers and colt with a lot of ammo in his car then we checked the weapons and their quality and then we found that the weapons is great and perfect with a really high quality and then we told him that we will buy the weapons and ammo for 15K and he was so happy with this price and he didn't even say no and then we shake each other and we was happy with the weapons. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/EzNLkUL
  19. @perlo said in FL - Fast Limo: No.1 - username :perlo No.2 - account name :perlo0 No.3 - nationlaty :england No.4 - languages spoken :english . espanol. No.5 - in game hours :50 No.6 - what is RP :Roleplay means acting like in Real life ingame. Example, playing as a mafia and talking/acting like one. No.7 - what is DM :deathmatching means Harming or killing other people without a valid reason. No.8 - why do you want to join us :bec its good group and i love this group and i like limo driver and i hope join bec this group have good members . No.9 - why should we accept you :i ma loly and i can help this group and i have good skills and i love limo and this group and i am good in driving car and i listen to leader and VL and HQ this group and [admin]. No.10 - did anyone from our members told you to apply? if yes then who :no one No.11 - English proficiency ?/10 :8 No.12 - limo driving proficiency ?/10 :9 No.13 - RP proficiency ?/10 :9 No.14 - do you accept our rules :yes No.15 - tell us 3 server rules (F1 rules) :dont avoid arreste and no DM and dont and no Marker arrest . Perlo thanks . for this apply this good apply very nice perlo YOU ACCEPTED said to me or HQ to make tests .
  20. good luck guys very nice
  21. -=(black,red)Roleplay ( Number )=- 64 -=(black,red)Roleplay Title:=- Sale of weapons to underground mafia. -=(black,red)Story:=- We was resting in our bar in bone country then while we was drinking and playing someone called us and he was want to buy some high quality arms only from us because he know that we sell the best arms so we told him to meet us at red country and first we went to our warehouse, got some arms, and headed to red country for the meeting and we found him waiting us behind a big warehouse in red country we took him to a shooting range in BC and we tried the arms together and he was happy with the arms he gave us 20k for this arms and we took him with us to our bar in BC we drank a lot and then we had a fight with a group of people by wrong and then we ran away but both of us were happy with the deal. -=(black,red)Screenshoot(s):=- https://imgur.com/a/GXZUjBe
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