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Everything posted by Beag

  1. I. Personal Info In-game Name: Beag Username / Account-name: McCall Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: Turkey Languages Spoken: English Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B2 Average Ping: 70 Average FPS: 40 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, My name is Beag im 19 years old i live in Turkey exactly in Istanbul and also i am a quite experienced player in saes i started playing like 2 years ago and been obeying to rules since then. And i'm quite respectful to people and avoid agressive behaviour my hobbies are playing video games my free times. II. In-game experience When did you join the server: Well, I joined the Server on February 2018, i started the game as a criminal, and then I realized that the police side was more fun and friendly, and I decided to go down that path. How much do you play each day: Maximum 3 hours per day, The last few days I have played less MTA per day. the reason is that I get a terrible pain in my neck when I'm sitting behind a screen too long. And it also varies a lot per day for me, for example on All week I'm working and weekend I'm free. But I would say about 25 hours a week. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: Z/ROGUE21/CRIPZ/MIT Name the reason(s) for leaving: ::: Z: Kicked because of the misunderstanding, they didn't believe me because I was new to the game. Rogue21: Closed CripZ: Left, I'm bored play as a crimside MIT: Left, I didn't feel like I belonged there, and it made me very uncomfortable ::: Current group memberships: ALT,TMH Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have been Adminjail Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I got adminjailed because of DM III. Personal skills and knowledge (= this question has to be answered in full sentences) Your strengths: I've improved myself a lot from the last time I showed interest towards SWAT. My aiming skills are decent , aswell as my driving. Your weaknesses: FPS drop i have bad computer. Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Pretty much simple but you guys want to hear more so I'd like to list few; First of all S.W.A.T is an elite squad founded by skilled any experienced players, and those members are still in there and educating their own new colleagues to become new professionals. That is a good reason to join S.W.A.T and become a legend. Also, I do enjoy my stay with S.W.A.T members, I have friends in there and they are friendly and always willing to help to catch the bad guys Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am active, as well as loyal. I can offer SWAT loyality, my skills and my positive thoughts, a person that you all can abuse and just another person that can fight for the good of the squad. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): ::: It was a normal base in San Fierro. I was having my lunch next to San Fierro bank, after a couple of minutes of that enjoyable meal, I received am emergency call comming from San Fierro Hall. I quickly picked up and heard that around 10 criminals comming from a well organised organisation are setting a bomb that would be as that powerful, as it would reach Los Santos. SWAT units immediately responded, as I had lunch near their base, I saw a great amount of Helicopters, SWAT tanks, SWAT enforcers, Sultans, etc, getting out of the base and heading towards the given destination. After a couple of seconds, a Police Helicopter picked me up, I saw all of the SWAT units surrounding the area and making sure none is in there, furthermore, the whole San Fierro has been evacuated. After a while, the Criminals and the organisation has gotten ruined by the SWAT units. All of the units has came back to their places and went back to regular patrol. Me and a couple of other officers got the bomb and got it in the Police Department, as there it was going to be well looked at. :::
  2. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 01/01/2021 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  3. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 01/01/2021 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  4. Type Of Activity: Fueltrucking Date: 01/01/2021 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  5. I. Personal Info In-game Name: Beag Username / Account-name: McCall Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: Turkey Languages Spoken: English Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B2 Average Ping: 70 Average FPS: 40 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, My name is Beag im 19 years old i live in Turkey exactly in Istanbul and also i am a quite experienced player in saes i started playing like 2 years ago and been obeying to rules since then. And i'm quite respectful to people and avoid agressive behaviour my hobbies are playing video games my free times. II. In-game experience When did you join the server: Well, I joined the Server on February 2018, i started the game as a criminal, and then I realized that the police side was more fun and friendly, and I decided to go down that path. How much do you play each day: Maximum 3 hours per day, The last few days I have played less MTA per day. the reason is that I get a terrible pain in my neck when I'm sitting behind a screen too long. And it also varies a lot per day for me, for example on All week I'm working and weekend I'm free. But I would say about 25 hours a week. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: Z/ROGUE21/CRIPZ/MIT Name the reason(s) for leaving: ::: Z: Kicked because of the misunderstanding, they didn't believe me because I was new to the game. Rogue21: Closed CripZ: Left, I'm bored play as a crimside MIT: Left, I didn't feel like I belonged there, and it made me very uncomfortable ::: Current group memberships: ALT,TMH Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have been Adminjail Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I got adminjailed because of DM III. Personal skills and knowledge (= this question has to be answered in full sentences) Your strengths: I've improved myself a lot from the last time I showed interest towards SWAT. My aiming skills are decent , aswell as my driving. Your weaknesses: FPS drop i have bad computer. Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Pretty much simple but you guys want to hear more so I'd like to list few; First of all S.W.A.T is an elite squad founded by skilled any experienced players, and those members are still in there and educating their own new colleagues to become new professionals. That is a good reason to join S.W.A.T and become a legend. Also, I do enjoy my stay with S.W.A.T members, I have friends in there and they are friendly and always willing to help to catch the bad guys Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am active, as well as loyal. I can offer SWAT loyality, my skills and my positive thoughts, a person that you all can abuse and just another person that can fight for the good of the squad. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): ::: It was a normal base in San Fierro. I was having my lunch next to San Fierro bank, after a couple of minutes of that enjoyable meal, I received am emergency call comming from San Fierro Hall. I quickly picked up and heard that around 10 criminals comming from a well organised organisation are setting a bomb that would be as that powerful, as it would reach Los Santos. SWAT units immediately responded, as I had lunch near their base, I saw a great amount of Helicopters, SWAT tanks, SWAT enforcers, Sultans, etc, getting out of the base and heading towards the given destination. After a couple of seconds, a Police Helicopter picked me up, I saw all of the SWAT units surrounding the area and making sure none is in there, furthermore, the whole San Fierro has been evacuated. After a while, the Criminals and the organisation has gotten ruined by the SWAT units. All of the units has came back to their places and went back to regular patrol. Me and a couple of other officers got the bomb and got it in the Police Department, as there it was going to be well looked at. :::
  6. I. Personal Info In-game Name: Beag Username / Account-name: McCall Age: 19 Gender: Male Nationality: Turkey Languages Spoken: English Rate your English skill level (A1-C2; click for reference): B2 Average Ping: 70 Average FPS: 40 Tell us about yourself (Requirements: minimum 50 words; cohesive text): Hello, My name is Beag im 19 years old i live in Turkey exactly in Istanbul and also i am a quite experienced player in saes i started playing like 2 years ago and been obeying to rules since then. And i'm quite respectful to people and avoid agressive behaviour my hobbies are playing video games my free times. II. In-game experience When did you join the server: Well, I joined the Server on February 2018, i started the game as a criminal, and then I realized that the police side was more fun and friendly, and I decided to go down that path. How much do you play each day: Maximum 3 hours per day, The last few days I have played less MTA per day. the reason is that I get a terrible pain in my neck when I'm sitting behind a screen too long. And it also varies a lot per day for me, for example on All week I'm working and weekend I'm free. But I would say about 25 hours a week. Previous Squads/Gangs/Companies: Z/ROGUE21/CRIPZ/MIT Name the reason(s) for leaving: ::: Z: Kicked because of the misunderstanding, they didn't believe me because I was new to the game. Rogue21: Closed CripZ: Left, I'm bored play as a crimside MIT: Left, I didn't feel like I belonged there, and it made me very uncomfortable ::: Current group memberships: ALT,TMH Previous SAES ban(s)/kick(s)/punishment(s): I have been Adminjail Name the reasons why you received these punishments: I got adminjailed because of DM III. Personal skills and knowledge (= this question has to be answered in full sentences) Your strengths: I've improved myself a lot from the last time I showed interest towards SWAT. My aiming skills are decent , aswell as my driving. Your weaknesses: FPS drop i have bad computer. Why do you want to join S.W.A.T.: Pretty much simple but you guys want to hear more so I'd like to list few; First of all S.W.A.T is an elite squad founded by skilled any experienced players, and those members are still in there and educating their own new colleagues to become new professionals. That is a good reason to join S.W.A.T and become a legend. Also, I do enjoy my stay with S.W.A.T members, I have friends in there and they are friendly and always willing to help to catch the bad guys Why do you think you will be good for S.W.A.T.: I am active, as well as loyal. I can offer SWAT loyality, my skills and my positive thoughts, a person that you all can abuse and just another person that can fight for the good of the squad. Describe a SWAT specific RP and how you would approach the chosen situation (Requirements: minimum 150 words): ::: It was a normal base in San Fierro. I was having my lunch next to San Fierro bank, after a couple of minutes of that enjoyable meal, I received am emergency call comming from San Fierro Hall. I quickly picked up and heard that around 10 criminals comming from a well organised organisation are setting a bomb that would be as that powerful, as it would reach Los Santos. SWAT units immediately responded, as I had lunch near their base, I saw a great amount of Helicopters, SWAT tanks, SWAT enforcers, Sultans, etc, getting out of the base and heading towards the given destination. After a couple of seconds, a Police Helicopter picked me up, I saw all of the SWAT units surrounding the area and making sure none is in there, furthermore, the whole San Fierro has been evacuated. After a while, the Criminals and the organisation has gotten ruined by the SWAT units. All of the units has came back to their places and went back to regular patrol. Me and a couple of other officers got the bomb and got it in the Police Department, as there it was going to be well looked at. :::
  7. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 31/10/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  8. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 31/10/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  9. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 31/10/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  10. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5UL53735UJ012834E Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: BC Airport For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  11. Address: Fance warehouse store Account name: nejc1234567 Last seen: 4nd september 2020 Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/a/QoBByJJ
  12. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 29/09/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  13. Type Of Activity: Delivery Date: 22/09/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  14. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 22/09/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  15. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 22/09/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  16. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 22/09/2020 Participants: @Beag ScreenShots: ::: :::
  17. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 22/09/2020 Participants: @Altra ScreenShots: ::: :::
  18. Address: lv weapon storage Account name: mazgou123 Last seen: 19th August 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vktcuSC
  19. Address: Ls Shoping Mail Corp Account name: Spentou007 Last seen: 18th August 2020 screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Address: Big Clother Shop 24/7 Account name: adway Last seen: 17 June 2020 Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/712569002299228221/733693104082649139/mta-screen_2020-07-15_11-27-37.png
  21. Address: Fleetwood Cafe Account name: adway Last seen: 17 June 2020 Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/712569002299228221/733693040681549894/mta-screen_2020-07-15_10-26-09.png
  22. ~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra ~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(black) @RiseAgain @Maksim @Genius ~[Location:]~(black) San Fierro ~[Position:]~(black) 4 ~[Screenshots:]~(black) ::: :::
  23. ~[-TMH Racers Take On:]~(black) TMH-H|Altra ~[Type:]~(black) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(black) @Bodo420 @Treepuffer @Edgar ~[Location:]~(black) Las Venturas ~[Position:]~(black) Only Edgar won ~[Screenshots:]~(black) ::: :::
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