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Everything posted by FoxZilla

  1. Prop set on sale for 35.000.000$$ (35M) Bids will be taken until 13 March 2024 | 23.59 Server Time - If no one buys then the highest bid will win. Currently Highest bid: 20M
  2. Starting bid: 10m Minimum bid increase: 1m 20.000$ Income
  3. Starting bid: 10m Minimum bid increase: 1m
  4. Address: Totally Not A House For Kidnappings Account name: proagro Last seen: 8 February 2024 Screenshots:
  5. Address: The Bogstandard Hotel Account name: proagro Last seen: 8 February 2024 Screenshots:
  6. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: mertt Your ingame alias: FoxZilla Your real name: Mert Your DOB: 02/05/03 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey Language skills: Turkish and English English Proficiency: I have received a long-term English education and I have a proficiency above B2 level. How long you have been playing: I've been playing at SAES since 2011. Your strengths: Being on this server for a long time allows me to get to know many people and establish stronger communication. This strong communication helps me to be a good mediator in solving problems and it makes me to know how to treat to people, so solving problems becomes easier and smoother. Apart from this, since I can focus on more than one place, I do not get caught up in the game and disrupt the requirements of my task, and I can easily deal with the messages coming from Discord. Your weaknesses: When I start a job, I want to do it in the best way possible, and for this reason, when I start something new, I always do that job for a while without a break after a while this job will bore me a little, and will recover after a short while and then it continues as it should be. Other than that, I am a perfectionist person. I try to make everything perfect, but I do this to reduce the risk of making mistakes rather than being perfect. The bottom line is that I hesitate to make mistakes, so I am cautious when necessary. This behavior may cause me to ask too many questions and tire people out a bit. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I have been a player of this server for a long time and I would like to take a more active and different role in the operation of the server. It would be a pleasure for me. I've been playing on this server all this time and there's almost nothing I haven't done. I would be very pleased to take part in this task, which I have been passionate about for a long time and have not had the opportunity to do. In the past, I was rejected in my applications due to my lack of time, but now I want to work in this position because I have a lot of time. Unique qualities you can offer: I skip the things that everyone has to do, such as activity and quality service, and tell you directly what I can offer differently. I am a researcher person, so when I am in such a position within the server, I can contribute more to the server. To give an example, I prepared a file about potential changes in the civilian professions I had done in the past and contacted Jonas, but we could not make much progress in the following days due to busy schedules. It will be much more effective when I am in such a position in matters such as advancing and completing such situations, as I will be more active and enthusiastic. Server Memberships: AA - Member | LWS - HQ | CC - Mechanico | ZIP - Worker | ALT - Trucker | SAI - Trooper | TMH - Master Petrolhead | rTECH - Racer | SAS - Honorary | Additional information: I answered the questions meticulously, so I don't have anything to add. If you have any questions, I would be happy to answer them. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Since 2011, I have received three AJs, one mute in 2018, and one warning in 2021. Previous (legitimate) bans: I didn't get banned.
  7. CC Activity Number: #4 LWS Helper(s): FoxZilla Event type: Lucky Nade Price: 1.000.000$ Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/I9nj3bO
  8. CC Activity Number: #3 LWS Helper(s): FoxZilla Event type: Lucky Nade Price: 1.000.000$ Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/sTg6yJ0
  9. Type Of Activity: Trucking Around SA Date: 7/10/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t1lcHFa
  10. Type Of Activity: Deliver Around SA Date: 7/10/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/IHTBqN8
  11. CC Activity Number: 2 Participants: N/A Duration: 35 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Rg9lsQw
  12. CC Activity Number: 1 Participants: N/A Duration: 35 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pUuT8d3
  13. Type Of Activity: Deliver Around SA Date: 6/10/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7H5uM3J
  14. Type Of Activity: Trucking Around SA Date: 6/10/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YTnOUh3
  15. Type Of Activity: Refilling gas stations located around SA Date: 6/10/2023 Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ywcBjq8
  16. Happy birthday please finish and announce SAES GTA 5
  17. happy birthday
  18. happy birthday
  19. It really makes sense. Doing SR or BR means nothing because properties selling for millions and you are just having around 40k from a 1 SR and it means nothing. A few weeks ago TT base sold for 2.3 billion or something like that. Someone can't buy this prop by just making SR. So just a reset will be better.
  20. Your ingame username: mertt Your ingame alias: FoxZilla Your real name: Mert Your DOB: 02/05/03 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey Language skills: Turkish and English English Proficiency: I have taken English lessons for a couple of years. I am currently at the B1-B2 level How long you have been playing: I have started to play at 2011 with my brother Your strengths: I'm here for a long time so I know lots of things and I can guess every person's attitude. That's why I know very well how I can respond to people in the most correct way and how I should treat people. Your weaknesses: At times, I can rush and make grammatical errors. And during the conversation, for this reason, I may continue to make mistakes in grammar. After making these mistakes, I may need to take a breath and clear my head for a second during the conversation in order to recover quickly. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I have tried this before too. My main reason for applying is to have more access and more responsibilities. In SAES, there is nothing I can do anymore, I have achieved everything I want. Now I want to do more. I also have a lot of good memories of this server that I have been playing for a long time. It makes me happy to continue playing here while they are there. Taking on such a task is more than enough reason to keep me in the game. Unique qualities you can offer: Frankly, I don't want to make empty promises like I will do my best here. Because these will be my work anyway and I will have to do them in the best way. So I will work on improvements for this server as before. I will listen to people's complaints and problems and bring solutions to them. I will work to develop their ideas. Server Memberships: AA - Member | LWS - Supervisor | CC - Impounder | ZIP - Worker | ALT - Trucker | SAI - Trooper | CS - Racer | TMH - Racer | rTECH - Racer | SAS - Honorary | Additional information: There isn't much to add. I've played on this server for a long time, and now I think I'm competent to take on this position. I haven't been able to play for a long time because I was preparing for an important exam for university. All my responsibilities will be over in a few days, so I will be able to work actively here. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: 3 AJ since 2011 | 1 AJ was camping in front of jail | 1 AJ was with donator spawn. I didn't see the rules (Killing cops with RPG while they are trying to arrest me) | 1 AJ - DM, I crashed into a car and it burned while I'm in the event at 0 Dimension. All punishments are years ago. Previous (legitimate) bans: I have had no ban in the past
  21. happy birthday
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