Roleplay type: Code 904B Description of roleplay: Yet again I was on my daily patrol when suddenly i received Code 904B - Building Fire, at BloodZ base. I responded immidietly, turned on my lights and siren. I was there in less than a minute, Sir. Tuemack was standing at the burning barn, waving at me. I rushed out of the firetruck and asked him if anyone is maybe stuck in there & if he is fine. Thankfully none was inside, so I fast placed warning fences around the base, for safety, and started to extinguish the fire. After like 15 mins of extinguishing fire finally went off. On the end, I went closer to the building with my own extinguisher and extinguished the last little fires around the barn. Then I took a look at the aftermath of a fire. Their gang vehicle burned down, and no casualties. I removed all the warning fences and head back to the fire station to end my shift. Location: LS-LV Highway Participants: @Marso @Skunk @ExtraDip22 Screenshots: ::: :::