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Everything posted by Flex

  1. secret hole
  2. Best of luck, good sirs.
  3. ass hole
  4. Global warming
  5. Man, i knew it ! I knew something was going to happen to him very soon, and i was god damn right. Rest in peace, sir.
  6. @bas260 said in SAI - Contributions & Activity log: @flex ''Involved SAI members: No one.'' Not even yourself ? That's not a big deal as i'm the one who posted it
  7. Golden AK
  8. Involved SAI members: John_Carrick (Flex) Other involved people: - Date, time and duration of activity: 18/06/2018, 30 minutes. Activity type: State-wide patrol. Details: The patrol started at SAI HQ, moving to LV and Flint County areas. After patrolling LV and Flint County, i stationed at LS>LV highway and noticed zero activity. After moving from LS to Bone County, a call about a jail-break came through and i chose to scout the area. i located an armed criminal on the exterior east wall of the jail and approached him, when he ran. The subject was arrested, and the patrol ended at SAI HQ. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tDyCpqY (Couldn't find the rest of the screenshots, somehow)
  9. Flex


    Have a wonderful vocation sir
  10. I usually stream with rim the most
  11. Patrol #1 Personal Patrol # 10 Participants: Flex Amount of healed individuals: 14+ ScreenShots: (Please use a link) https://imgur.com/a/k4iTnja
  12. fuck boy
  13. one day
  14. Smart phone
  15. fake call
  16. fake bozi
  17. car crash
  18. porn scene
  19. @hassan-mohamed said in TST - The Strike Team: Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: hassan Real Name: hassan Age:13 Denied. Don't bother yourself and apply again.
  20. Haunted hotel
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