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Everything posted by Aboody

  1. Username: xfrozen Last seen: 15th October Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/oVOEmao
  2. Username: hamtyn Last seen: 14th August Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/RRmlir0
  3. Outfit is lvl 5?
  4. Event type: Tube Race LWS/G6: @bachwa Prize: $2,500,000 Winner: [ThC]NubBob Location: Z base Screenshots: https://i.postimg.cc/PrbP0NXv/mta-screen-2018-12-06-00-19-13.png https://i.postimg.cc/QMztcTbw/mta-screen-2018-12-06-00-33-57.png
  5. Activity Members: 9 Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/pIJHEH4
  6. Activity Road Trip Around SA Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/whJLY5t
  7. Event type : air boxing 1v1 prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Kowalski Location: LV Winner @tsolow ss : https://imgur.com/a/6Q3TBm1
  8. Event type : air boxing 1v1 prize: 1.000.000 LWS/G6: @Kowalski Location: LV Winner @tsolow ss : https://imgur.com/a/6Q3TBm1
  9. Event type: chicken shooter Prize: 1.000.000 Location: LV worker site Winner: @Armarni LWS/G6/CEO: @me Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/zydVf8B
  10. Event type: chicken shooter Prize: 1.000.000 Location: LV worker site Winner: @Armarni LWS/G6/CEO: @me Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/zydVf8B
  11. [Event Helped #98] Event Type: chicken shooter CEO HELPERS : N/A Event Hosted for and by: Zero @ME Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/zydVf8B
  12. Your Ingame nickname : Aboody Your username : abdel Your ingame hours : 1300 Do you use Discord ? if yes had you joined our Discord ? : Yes, i have Your building skills ?/10 : 9/10 Your English skills ?/10 : 8/10 Your current G/S/C : Zero Your Current Group(s) : Tdsa *** *** im very pro builder ,active a lot and loyal i was old builder i was building in LV's worker site i was building amazing buildings for events before CEO but when i heard about CEO that have a active members and they are pro builders i decided to apply for it to be a member for CEO family AS im a pro builder i can help the Group doing activities and post a lot of events and i will show my skills to your
  13. Good Luck bro
  14. Event type: Glass fallout Prize: 2.000.000 Location: Z base Winner: @MatizZ LWS/G6/CEO: @bachwa Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/Ru7I7T2
  15. Event type: Chicken arrest Prize: 1.000.000 Location: LV worker site Winner: @PlatWater LWS/G6/CEO: @Alex & @Matias Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/8wFdq64
  16. Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 Location: LV worker site Winner: @Dk11 LWS/G6/CEO: @Alex Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/QrrirpP
  17. Event type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 Location: BC Airport Winner: @ArCoM LWS/G6/CEO: N/A ( Very big thanks for @Cornelius ) Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/QzrxE3O
  18. Event type: LMS Prize: 1.000.000 Location: BC Airport Winner: @ArCoM LWS/G6/CEO: N/A ( Very big thanks for @Cornelius ) Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/QzrxE3O
  19. Event type: Chicken Shooter Prize: 1.000.000 Location: LV worker site Winner: @Dk11 LWS/G6/CEO: @Alex Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/QrrirpP
  20. Event type: Chicken arrest Prize: 1.000.000 Location: LV worker site Winner: @PlatWater LWS/G6/CEO: @Alex & @Matias Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/8wFdq64
  21. LV Bank Robbery Safe: 8/8 Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/vOEa8yq
  22. Activity Road Trip Around SA Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/v4022pb
  23. San Fierro Bank Robbery Safe: 8/8 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RjaYZhp
  24. Activity Members: 9 Screen shots: https://imgur.com/a/jZbuNT7
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