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Posts posted by Faysal

  1. Ingame name: Faysal.
    Ingame username: Sakami852.
    Previous organizations and leaving causes:

    • ~[SA. Police Academy]~(cyan) Reason: I left to join SAFP once i learned everything i needed about SAES and about Cops side.

    • ~[SA. Federal Police]~(blue,navy,navy,navy,navy,navy) Reason: got bored of cop side and now it's time to try criminal side.

    Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire's role is basically to deal with everything in an illegal [Weapon Trafficking/ Drugs Trafficking / Money Laundering / Corrupting Politicians & Cops Contract Killing ] way which they present themselves as a good busniess mans in front of the community but in reality it's just a cover to make money on illegal ways.
    What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is one of the legendary and oldest gangs in SAES and it has an experienced and skilled player also my friends recomanded me with it and i have some friends in UE and i would like to join them in this epic gang i will offer Underground Empire My respect, my trust, my skills, my courage and my honesty. And, i try to help anyone from my gangmates that needs help and i will help on spaming Underground Empire media archive with RolePlays and Events and i hope if you give me a chance to prove myself.
    What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal activity.

  2. Nickname : Faysal

    Ingame username : sakami852

    Nationality & Age : I'm from Tunisia and I'm 17 years old.

    Previous Punishments : N/A

    Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them :+
    ~[SA. Police Academy]~(cyan) Reason: I left to join SAFP once i learned everything i needed about SAES and about Cops side.

    • ~[SA. Federal Police]~(blue,navy,navy,navy,navy,navy) Reason: got bored of cop side and now it's time to try criminal side.

    Explain us our role in your own words : sells weapons around LV

    Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I want to join BS becaus i think it's a really good gang .. The members are awesome and friendly and i promise that i will give my royalty and spend my time there trying to do good things to improve myself.

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