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Everything posted by Daster

  1. @Velona said in Dacia 1300 Mod.: Would be a great addition if there's a good mod with realistic texture and damage reactions. No if it's going to be a cheap Chinese toy! I have friends from China.Can you apologize from them please ?
  2. @Kawaii said in Share your nationality: I'm President Of Kurdistan,respect me Your post has same meaning with '' I'm gonna lead monkeys.'' Well,Good luck.We all love animals.
  3. I hope GTR won't look like alpha's mod ingame.
  4. Btw,If you guys want to be in 'power hour' every fucking day.Just come to AA base and try to be afk.
  5. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in goodbye, Black Syndicate: @Thing who told you that i hate BS and im happy to see them dying ? if you think like that then with my respect you are stupid, yea im hopping but that's because i dont see the respect or the activity from the gangs or even i dont see them needs me and i was loyal for 1 gang i applied for it like 10 times and got denied but finally joined it and kicked, i'm sad like you because BS is dead, BS was a good gang and good members and i don't agree on closing this gang i just said they are weak because they gave up and didn't wait to make it a good gang again like they did for all these years, that's why im saying they are weak. just shut the fuck up
  6. Daster

    to admin

    Admin : gtfo /lock
  7. Its next to SF arms dealer spawn. picutres : Starting bid : 40.000.000$
  8. He just wanted to free invite me yesterday night
  9. username : flappieheesch owner : MI-6|Jacks|OP last seen : 21st March 2018 ss : https://i.imgur.com/g4xUNSo.jpg
  10. Nickname: Daster Age:21 Country: Turkey Languages spoken: Turkish,English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10):8 How long have you been playing on SAES:Since 2013 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins selling guns around SA since begining and they made it offical with opening ammunations and proved that they are going to be best on SA. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I had some unoffical and random gangs before AA but i don't remember excatly Arms Assassins :Had a childish fight cuz of some members and left. BS:I joined BS after leaving AA and helped and leaded gang to get level 5 but after some time.I just see that founder ignoring HQ team's decisions and making his own decisions.I couldn't accept it and left. ThC:After leaving BS, Adistar opened a door for me.I stayed inactive and did some brs in thc and left it when i come back.I'm thankful to adi and his members for welcoming me friendly. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them:I got banned 5-6 times for bug abusing and shity rulebreaks when i was newbie.I didn't get banned last 3-4 years.(except jokes and kain's missunderstanding.) Name 3 BR rules:Don't BR alone,Don't kill yourself by jumping from roof ater BR,Only 2 BRs allowed in a day. Name 3 GR rules:Taking money from gangbank while getting Gred not allowed,using greande or planes to blow near safe not allowed,hiding safe with vehicles to make cracker's ass safe not allowed. Name 3 Turf rules: Spawning house to reach turf zone faster not allowed,Spawning as cop to help your gangmates isn't allowed.Using unclimbable roofs via turfing not allowed. What is Roleplay?: Acting like real life ingame and making good stories with screens. What is Deathmatching?:Killing a player without reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?:Actually i wouldn't report him if im not doing a serious thing.That's a game and im the guy who tries to enjoy with it. Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:If they aren't gonna be trouble for me i would ignore them. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:I have a lot of friends in AA from old times.Some of them knows that i'm applying for AA. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us):I haven't much to say.'m 21 years old and playing this server since 2013.I joined good gangs and leaded an offical gang (btw never been a cop) and tbh bored from taking responsibilities.I'm working as accountant(that's why i don't have much time to waste on computer games).I also interested with body building.Now i'm trying to join AA again and remember good old days.
  11. That's what will happen https://thumbs.gfycat.com/VagueImmenseIcelandichorse-small.gif
  12. @filex said in Official Quote Wall: -=(maroon,navy,blue,purple)R.E.K.T=- (@Adistar ,@Adway ,@ClaR ,@Killer208 ) You are an idiot
  13. @adistar said in The Company: @laggiaze said in The Company: @ace said in The Company: @Blu You're not a loyal player we've experienced that before with you also we wont be someone second choice you got denied from TT so you apply for ThC instead that's just a straight up idiotic thing to do, time for you to proove yourself Loyalty is the number one thing in this community and you don't have it so ~[DENIED]~(red,red), You may apply again after 4 weeks KANKA OK ZLDM YAA Fuck off from our topic, will you? I LIKE THIS GENG BUT LIDER NOT KIND LIDER IS CUNT
  14. Nickname: Daster Age:21 Country: Turkey Languages spoken: Turkish,English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10):8 How long have you been playing on SAES:Since 2013 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins selling guns around SA since begining and they made it offical with opening ammunations and proved that they are going to be best on SA. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): I had some unoffical and random gangs before AA but i don't remember excatly Arms Assassins :Had a childish fight cuz of some members and left. BS:I joined BS after leaving AA and helped and leaded gang to get level 5 but after some time.I just see that founder ignoring HQ team's decisions and making his own decisions.I couldn't accept it and left. ThC:After leaving BS, Adistar opened a door for me.I stayed inactive and did some brs in thc and left it when i come back.I'm thankful to adi and his members for welcoming me friendly. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them:I got banned 5-6 times for bug abusing and shity rulebreaks when i was newbie.I didn't get banned last 3-4 years.(except jokes and kain's missunderstanding.) Name 3 BR rules:Don't BR alone,Don't kill yourself by jumping from roof ater BR,Only 2 BRs allowed in a day. Name 3 GR rules:Taking money from gangbank while getting Gred not allowed,using greande or planes to blow near safe not allowed,hiding safe with vehicles to make cracker's ass safe not allowed. Name 3 Turf rules: Spawning house to reach turf zone faster not allowed,Spawning as cop to help your gangmates isn't allowed.Using unclimbable roofs via turfing not allowed. What is Roleplay?: Acting like real life ingame and making good stories with screens. What is Deathmatching?:Killing a player without reason. Someone DMs you. What do you do?:Actually i wouldn't report him if im not doing a serious thing.That's a game and im the guy who tries to enjoy with it. Youre passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?:If they aren't gonna be trouble for me i would ignore them. Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:I have some friends in gang but only Velona and Smokey knows that im gonna apply. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us):I haven't much to say.'m 21 years old and playing this server since 2013.I joined good gangs and leaded an offical gang (btw never been a cop) and tbh bored from taking responsibilities.Now im appliyng AA to play with friends and have fun like old times.
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