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Everything posted by KayLe

  1. @hokoma said in ~Cartel Da Sinaloa~: saif jegham is me hokoma but you dont test me i hang every day Do not post here anymore:angry:
  2. Event Number:#9 Event Type: chikeen arrest LWS/G6: @Xoeric Winner(s): @Limbo Prize: $ 1.000.000 (SS): ::: :::
  3. Roleplay Number:#20 Roleplay #427 Participant(s): @OrKo Story: I was chilling around when I got a call from a guy called Kayle, his car engine was damaged and he had some problems with hydrologic, so he asked me to fix his car is as fast as I can. I loaded my materials box then I took my twotruck and I went to him. when I reached the location, I've started with the engine. It looks great when I checked the oil counter I discovered that the oil was the problem,so I took my oil can for my truck tunk and I filled it then I went to check the hydrolic, the only problem was a strange voice,using light I discovered that it's too damaged, so I knew that it needs a bit of time to fix it. 30 minutes later I finished my job, I took my money and then I went back to my garage. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/ZmLQ8xC
  4. @ZaBaLiTo ~[Pending]~(orange), stick to us for a while so we know you quite enough to have a final decision. @Lion ~[DENIED]~(red).
  5. ~[Jail Break]~(#8a3f3f) Date:25/032019 (SS): ::: :::
  6. @Mrvarus ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)
  7. Date:24/032019 (SS): ::: :::
  8. Event Number: #7 Event Type: LMS LWS/G6: @Yoko_Kurama Winner(s): @Rubik Prize: $ 2.000.000 (SS): ::: :::
  9. Event Number:#6 Event Type: Air Boxing LWS/G6: @Yoko_Kurama Winner(s): @K2rhym Prize: $ 1.000.000 (SS): ::: :::
  10. @Brahim & @Hapo ~[DENIED]~(red)
  11. Address: Bender Salon Corp Account name: putofilipe23 Last seen: 23rd February2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Date:22/032019 (SS): ::: :::
  13. @WiTTi01 ~[DENIED]~(red)
  14. @khalil06 ~[DENIED]~(red).
  15. Date:21/032019 (SS):
  16. Address: Iac Rc Warehouse Account name: Malicious Last seen: 22nd february 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Address: Iac Rc Warehouse Account name: Malicious Last seen: 22th february 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Daily activities Date: 20/03/2019 (SS): ::: :::
  19. Roleplay Number: #6 RolePlay Story: 19/03/2019 at 10:30p.m. i was siting in the CripZ~ base smoking some weeds, i got a phone call from unknow guy, he gave me his location and he told me to sell some alcohol to him, so i took a boxes of alcohol and to my van and went out of the base searching for the costumer location, and finally i found him in Red Country, he was like..scared of me or something like that, he told me to open the van to see the alcohol boxes and talk about the price . but i heared something wrong it was like the police sirent, it was a police car with 3 cops armed with M4 telling us to get down. we made a war and we won it, we killed the cops and he bought the alcohol boxes from me. and finally i went back to CripZ~ base to finish my weeds... PARTICIPANTS: @Ritta | @sWiPPo | @Doogle | @MrBlouba ScreenShots: ::: :::
  20. @Doogle Thank you for your application and for your efforts, you was recently active and welcome to always get ready to help us, ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime).
  21. Daily activities Date: 19/03/2019 (SS): ::: :::
  22. @Mc-Arthur ~[DENIED]~(red). First, you must respect the period required to re-apply and secondly you must diligence. Re-apply in 1 month if you care about us. @Mrvarus ~[DENIED]~(red). You do not have the right to copy the application that you must diligence in your apply.. Re-apply in 1 week.
  23. welcome @Misaki ~[ACCEPTED]~(lime)
  24. Roleplay Number: #5 Title: ~[Mission uncompleted]~(#8a3a3a) Participants: Cartel Da Sinaloa Members & @khalil Store: It has been a long time and this task has been continuing in our minds. We have prepared this time because we are doing small operations such as sewing shops, shops or anything else. This time we decided to get the last line, the most dangerous thing we've ever done. We recently heard from some of our hidden clients that the team of attackers played a key role in the failure of some of our missions and operations. We prepared this because we knew that Khalil had the best tactical in San Andreas, so we were fully prepared for this duty. We went to his location to observe his eye and put a GPS connector at the bottom of the police car while eating at Los Santos. Luckily, our location was very close to him, and he responded quickly to the spare call, and after going to the driving site, had a very wonderful time, I was really surprised and did not move along the way. We were looking out of the window and following our orders, after we went to the secret place. It was after screaming and trying to escape, but Mia ... did nothing, but unfortunately ... did not agree to share the information of his team and in the next task, we tried hard to threaten his arms and family but without the road ... We will not participate in the secret of his organization, We decided to end his life and hide his body before they recover from a dirty crime. (SS): ::: :::
  25. Roleplay Number: #4 Title: ~Launching Cartel Da Sinaloa~ Participants: ~[Cartel Da Sinaloa Members]~(#8a3f3f) Store: Today, Is the big day, Today... San Andreas will certificate huge event, It's... The creation of ~Cartel Da Sinaloa~! ''KayLe'' and ''Medai'' The heads and founders of the gang called further jobless Immigrants and previous gang members to support this illegal organization since they're unable to provide their families with a decent standard of living, Actually, most of them directly agreed after we called them, and we know that most of them are specialists on doing crimes, so we were really interested in recruiting them to revenge against the police department and San Andreas Government for these oppressed workers and people. (SS): ::: :::
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