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Everything posted by DALI.i.

  1. gz bbmc and dood luck
  2. selling a nice big housee in TR with spwen car my price :8m https://imgur.com/a/9Y03Bqp https://imgur.com/a/wnDIKx3 https://imgur.com/a/9Ysr2F2
  3. About yourself: In-game nickname:DaLi In-game username:messiess Your real name: oussama Age:17 Nationality:tounisan Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:yes O|bor Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: yes O|bor What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?I am an active player who respects others and obeys rules and a skilled driver and steals bank robbery with ease and I am good at using M4 .tec-9 and cs and sinper Additional information about yourself:My name is Oussama I am a student in technology and I am very intelligent and respect the others and my habit is not to speak too muchhI am a skilled playerand acitve Past experience in SAES:RPG : i joined RDMC and got lvl 3 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 1088 hours What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible):RDMC and HS Why have you left the above?: both closed. What server groups are you currently a part of?:none Previous server bans and reasons (include links) none
  4. Part 1 || Personal information. Real Name: oussama In-Game Name: DaLi Account Name:messiess Age:17 Gender: male Nationality:Tunis Languages Arabic.english.french Tell us a little bit about yourself: Im Dali i fourm in tounis/sousse. and i Like Squad im good.player How long have you been playing on MTA.SA: : 2years Have you ever been banned before? If so, why?: no How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG::2 years How many hours do you have in-game: 1042 h Please list your previous G/S/C : RDMC-HS-RKMC Please list your current group : N/A You are PC? [ProCop]: ofc Do you have discord?: yes Part 2 || Rate Your Skills RP (out of 10):5 Arresting (out of 10):9 English (out of 10):6 Driving (out of 10):10 Combat (out of 10):7 What are your strengths:M4 and cs Part 3 || Are you allowed ? RP Allowed?: Yes OfferBribe Allowed?: Yes DM Allowed?: No ParkingKill Allowed?: No Marker Arrest Allowed?: No Arrest in Hp Allowed?: No Part 4 || Explain RIU Rules Explain RIU Rule Number.-2: Do not arrest people under 5 stars you need to offerbribe him or RP with him Explain RIU Rule Number.-5: RP if youre asked to Explain RIU Rule Number.-8:Do not spawn as RIU if you get more than 5 stars you need to check cop for bribe you Explain RIU Rule Number.-9:Always speak English on main/team/squad chat Explain RIU Rule Number.-11:Do not do Deathmatch Revenge Deathmatch Park Kill Spawn Kill Marker Kill Marker Arrest Part 5 || Answer the following questions Why do you want to join RIU?beacause RUI is the best Why We should accepte You ?i'm active Who recommend you to apply? Daliii
  5. -Part 1-Personal information: Nickname: DaLi AccountName: messiess Real Name: oussama Age:17 Primary Language: Your english skills:/10 7.5/10 How long have you been playing MTA: 3 years How long have you been playing on SAES:1 years How many hours do you play in day: 1030 hours -Previous gang/squads?: RDMC and HS and i left the adove Because both closed currently gang/squads?: N/A previous gang/squad/groups:N/A
  6. Name: DaLi Nickname: messiess Age: 18 Gender: male Nationality: tounisan Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): i am DALI a student in technology and I am very intelligent and respect the others and my habit is not to speak too muchhI am a skilled player and active How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?3YEARS Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?no Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: HS. RDMC Please list your current group memberships on the server:N/A What are your strengths?I am good at shooting/driving/flying/teamwork/activity/rping/arrestin What are your weaknesses?I don't see any weaknesses Do you have discord & TS3?yes Whats your average ping? 65/70 Do you have access to the PC spawns? yes How many hours do you have in-game?1024 hours How often do you visit the forums? daily Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):6/10 Arresting (out of 10):8/10 English (out of 10):7.5 Driving (out of 10):10/10 Combat (out of 10):8.5 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? no body Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? no Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?yes In your own words, define roleplay: RolePlay is role in real life, but it's in game and you must act like it. In your own words, define DM: Deathmatching is killing a person without reason. In your own words, define teamwork: Teamwork is people than 1 who working together.
  7. ** Real Name: ** Oussama ** Name of the game: ** DaLi ** Account: ** messiess ** Age: 18 ** Basic language: ** Arabic ** Other languages: ** french-englich ** ** II - Game Information ** ** Since when do you play MTA? ** 2015 ** Since when do you play SAES? ** 2015 ** Are you a PC (ProCop)? ** Yeah ** Previous team / gang / companies (state if left or kicked and why): ** RDMC-HS ** Current and previous groups (specify reason if left or kicked): ** Both are closed. ** What is RP? (Explain using 15 or more words): ** actinig like IRL ** What is DM? (Explain using 15 or more words): ** Kill players to avenge the dead monsters yourself ** What is Park-Killing? (Explain 15 words or more): **means that you killed sommone whlie he was parking his car ** III - RULES KNOWLEDGE ** ** Have you read and agree to all F1 rules? **yes ** Have you read and agree to all SAFP rules? **yes ** What is the minimum required for arrest? ** 5 stars ** Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? **no ** Are you allowed to arrest / kill in hospitals? **no ** Is it permissible to arrest / kill on occasions? **no ** Is it permitted to arrest the mark? **no ** Explain SAFP Rule 3: **before you arrest anyone RP with him so don't arrest ANYONE WITHOUT RP ** Explain the SAFP rule at 4: **don't arrest who have under 5 stars this is not allowed ** Explain SAFP Rule 8: **ALT members are our allies don't arrest them or kill them at all IV - MISC. informations** ** Your strengths: ** im good at driving helicopters and im active and im good at shooting and sniping ** Your weaknesses: **driving planes ** Have you received any blocking from the server? If yes, why? **no ** Why did you decide to join our team? (Use 15 or more words): **because its strong squad and respected squad and its really pro ** Explain why we should use you (use 15 or more words): ** I caught the arrest of criminals so I got 1014 captured as well as drive cars and respected Others ** Who would you recommend for SAFP? **Wizax
  8. Good luck boy
  9. About yourself: In-game nickname:DaLi In-game username:messiess Your real name: oussama Age:18 Nationality:tounisan Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:Amara Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?: amara What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?I am an active player who respects others and obeys rules and a skilled driver and steals bank robbery with ease and I am good at using M4 .tec-9 and winning LMS-TDM Additional information about yourself:My name is Oussama I am a student in technology and I am very intelligent and respect the others and my habit is not to speak too muchhI am a skilled player Past experience in SAES:RPG : i joined RDMC and got lvl 3 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too): 10000 hours What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible):RDMC and HS Why have you left the above?: both closed. What server groups are you currently a part of?:none Previous server bans and reasons (include links) none
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