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Everything posted by Fist

  1. 16k :D
  2. @shraika Thanks For Apply You Are Accepted meet me Or Any HQ for your Test
  3. @mr-dali Thanks For Apply You Are Accepted meet me Or Any HQ for your Test
  4. @raf Ty For Apply Now You Are Accepted Me Me Or Any HQ for your test GoodLuck
  5. Can you Add me To Unofficiel Squad ?
  6. Section A: Information: Nickname:DaLIIII Account name:dali404 Age:16 Primary Language:Arabic Current S/G/C and rank: SAPA**** 4Stars And i Have my owen squad Now Other RP groups you're in: N/A Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) SAM Stand For San Andreas Medics and the medics work to help the people and this SAM role and the SAM have Big role in the game Thats all what i can say but without SAM San Andreas Nothing Why was SAM founded?Dr.Joe Valachi understood the problem behind death and corruption winning in the city in the field of medical support. The problem was the lack of a logistics infrastructure and so he, a visionary healthcare entrepreneur and a philanthropist took over the administrative duties and made a contract with a dedicated team of mechanics to build a better stable infrastructure to supply his paramedics and this was the birth of SAM. Dr. Valachi took a vow to fight the heart of darkness and that is why he founded SAM. What is the SAM motto?Always there when you need us most Who founded SAM? SAM founded by Joe alt text Section B: Theory: 1 - A major earthquake has occurred in metropolitan Los Santos and there are many casualties. You're based in Blueberry and must respond to a barrage of emergency distress calls as a result of the earthquake. Describe your method of response to this situation and be sure to include how you would interact with your fellow medics and which equipment & vehicles you would use. Answer:Firstly, i'll do my best to respond fastly with my team in Los Santos, once they respond to the hospital i'll make them into two groups, which every single group will go in an ambulance then we will call the police to respond to that place to cover it, therefor, we will go fast as possible, and when we arrived, the first team will just try to revive the victims which are in a bad sitations and the other team will try to save the injuries with the bandages and took them fastly to the hospital, but we always prefer to take the victims which are in a bad situation first because 67% they are going to die, after that the police will try to cover the place from any attack and to let the medics work perfectly without asking from the TV News journalists, after that we will bring our equipments and start reviving and trying to let them alive and safe from everything, then every team will get some victims with him and take them fastly to the hospital to complete on reviving them, and with that our job is finished perfectly. 2- Multiple officers have been shot while responding to an armed bank robbery. You have been called to assist in the rescue operation. Describe how you would respond. Answer:I would contact a commander for know if the situation is under control already and how many officer was shot, call medics and surgeons for remove the bullet out of the body of the patient, if it have reached an important part of the body, we must deliver him as fast as possible to a uti ambulance, for make the hard surgery be a success. Always ask slowly if the person can breathe, and if he is still "with us", because of depending the area he was shot, he can not breathe and automatically be in coma, if is, i would perforate his throat, for open the trachea, this procedure is the correct because of the adrenaline the person is and his body is with a high blood presure. After it, put him in a hammock and perforate his arm with a needle for give serum and blood with the blood type we can find on his suit. 3- Multiple people have been stabbed and burned by several terrorists at a train station and you 're the first medic to arrive on scene. The wounds are of varying severity. What would you do? I.e. How would you treat the wounds? Answer:First of all I will call via the radio that I need backup at this time all SAM members will come then we will drive and staff ambulances and other emergency vehicles and respond to emergency 999 calls. Second When I will arrive I'll get my equipements and walk around carefuly but sure after asking units that all terrorists are jailed or taked to the Police Departement . When I will find victims I'll dress and help them . Finally I will transport patients to hospital and continuing to provide treatment while in transit. alt text Section C : Aptitudes: 1.How would you respond to criticism by a superior?would follow his orders of course as he is a superior but i would also talk to him politely and try to understand the reason for his criticism towards me. 2.Why exactly are you applying today? I did not want to join Sam because I wanted to gain experience before everything and now I'm ready 3.What are your strengths and weaknesses? My strengths was Driving and RP My weaknesses was Shooting 4.Why should we accept you to our team? Im active player and i so Like SAM i like help players and i think SAM its really what i need to join
  7. @hamedess1 No more ATR
  8. @hamedess1 Ty For Apply To Our Squad But you English is so Bad Maybe You Can Re-Apply After One Week And You can use google translate Denied
  9. @hamedess1 Part 1 || Personal information. Real Name: In-Game Name: Account Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Languages Tell us a little bit about yourself: How long have you been playing on MTA.SA: Have you ever been banned before? If so, why?: How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG: How many hours do you have in-game: Please list your previous G/S/C : Please list your current group : You are PC? [ProCop]: Do you have discord?: Part 2 || Rate Your Skills RP (out of 10): Arresting (out of 10): English (out of 10): Driving (out of 10): Combat (out of 10): What are your strengths: What are your weaknesses: Part 3 || Are you allowed ? RP Allowed?: OfferBribe Allowed?: DM Allowed?: ParkingKill Allowed?: Marker Arrest Allowed?: Arrest in Hp Allowed?: Part 4 || Explain RIU Rules Explain RIU Rule Number.-2: Explain RIU Rule Number.-5: Explain RIU Rule Number.-8: Explain RIU Rule Number.-9: Explain RIU Rule Number.-11: Part 5 || Answer the following questions Why do you want to join RIU? Why We should accepte You ? Who recommend you to apply?
  10. @hamedess1 Apply Here New Apply
  11. @jamal Ty Bro Im Sry About That
  12. Deleted
  13. Username: biglaw Last login: 26th january 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/v30eaef
  14. Starting at: 800k Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/JZvjzfU
  15. Personal Information: Ingame Name: DaLIIII Age: 16 Years old Nationality: Tunisia Capability to talk english (1-10): 8/10 In-Game Information: How long do you play on SAES:RPG?: 11 Month What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Parachute Tell us something about yourself: Im Mohamed ali im teenager and im active and good player Group and Random questions: What made you want to join our group?: i like this groupe and i want to have fun with my friends in this groupe Can you bring anything specific to our group?: Yes i can invite my friends and i tell you im active and i will make as much i can RP Post your application with a picture of drunk human to be considered (in spoiler): ::: https://imgur.com/a/QqQvazt :::
  16. ~[Event ]~(red,orange,yellow,lime,cyan,blue,navy,black,silver,blue,navy,blue,black,silver,navy,blue,black,silver,navy,gray,silver,white,teal,navy,blue,black,silver,navy,blue,black,silver,blue,navy,black,white,navy,blue,navy,navy,gray,black,black) Event type : Chicken Nader Prize : 1.000.000 Winner(s) : OC-H|>Spectre Location : SF Near PD Screens : https://imgur.com/a/e3QWpSP
  17. @freezy Did This Apply ? U need to respect apply Form *Account name: *Real name: *Date of birth: *Origin country: *Spoken languages: *English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): *Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord installed?: II - GAME INFORMATION *How long have you being playing MTA? *How long have you being playing SAES? *Are you PC (ProCop)? *Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): *Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): *What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): *What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more):. *What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): III - MISC. INFORMATION *What are your English skills out of 1 to 10: *What are your driving skills out of 1 to 10: *What are your shooting skills out of 1 to 10: *What are your role-play skills out of 1 to 10: *What are your strengths: *Your weaknesses: Have you received any bans from the server? If yes, why? *Why did you decide to join our squad? **Explain why we should accept you **Who recommended you applying :
  18. @hamedess1 Thanks for apply now you are ACCEPTED Meet me in Game Or any HQ For your Test
  19. @tut-greco What about this House ?
  20. username : liltiger last login: 30th decamber 2017 screenshot: https://m.imgur.com/a/vmrEVmw And Question Pls What Sorted mean
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