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Everything posted by Knele

  1. ~[General Information]~(#873400) Nickname: Knele Account name: sw3dy Age: 19 Country of residence: Serbia Time spent in Cuban Cars(~): 5 months Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor): Impounder Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Current Journy in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words): Well, I joined cuban cars like five months ago, i've been doing mecanico job for really long time. I have been hanging with impounders and helping wannabes with their activities. Three days ago after passing a couple of tests i finally became one of the impounders. Since i become part of the impounding division, i've impounded almost 100 cars, yeah it's not a necessary information but i don't really know what i could write more.
  2. @FoxZilla ~[Accepted]~(lime,lime) @AlanWalker ~[Accepted]~(lime) @Rippsey ~[Accepted]~(lime) Welcome to the club! Make sure you join our discord: Discord link.
  3. Event #23 Event type: Kart Race Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @zKill98 Hoster: Knele KC members: N/A LWS/G6 Helper: Karim Screens: ::: :::
  4. Event type: Gokart race Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): @hRL [ThC]hRL Hoster [KC]Knele KC members: N/A LWS/G6 Helper: @KARIM Screens: ::: :::
  5. Race type: Custom race Racers: [KC]Jim , [KC]Knele , [KC*]Draven , [KC*]Zlatan. Winner: [KC]Jim Location: Las Venturas (Redsands west) Screens: ::: :::
  6. Event type: Kart fallout Prize: 1.000.000 Winner(s): Raf Hoster: Knele KC members: [KC]Jim LWS/G6 Helper(s): Jim Screens: ::: :::
  7. Event type: Gokart race Prize: 1,000,000 Hoster: Knele KC members: N/A LWS/G6 Helper(s): Karim Screens: Click here
  8. Name: Knele Username: sw3dy Age: 19 Nationality: Serbian. English proficiency: I would rate it 8/10. Playtime on the server: 1666 hours. Server Groups: SAI , Cuban Cars. Current organization (g/s/c): Fox Operations X Do you own a kart? No. Why do you want to join us? Well i spend a lot of time playing here on saes, and since i'm in only 2 groups, i would like to be a part of this one too. Why should we accept you? I have no clue why should you accept me. It's your decision.
  9. Address : 4 Slurp Street Account name : rottatoke Last seen : 26th of December 2018 Screenshot : ::: :::
  10. Username : frisout Last seen ; 23rd of January 2019 Screenshot : ::: :::
  11. User : chernobyl Lastseen : 16 of January 2019 Ss : https://imgur.com/a/47HzMYE
  12. Delete @Terry
  13. Username : mw3yuri Last seen : 8th january 2019 Ss : ::: :::
  14. Fox night Activity Date : 12/02/2019 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/RVit7nf
  15. Username : jensen100 Last seen : 13th of january 2019 Ss : ::: :::
  16. Delete @Crash
  17. Username: SkkipperSnnipper Last seen: 12th of december 2018 SS: ::: :::
  18. Fox night patrol Date od the patrol: 09/02/2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lwYfzlv
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