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Colo last won the day on January 12

Colo had the most liked content!

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Colo's Achievements


Proficient (10/14)

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  1. 02/03/2025 Bayside BR 02/03/2025 BB BR 03 /03/2025 BB BR 03/03/2025 RC BR 04/03/2025 BB BR 04/03/2025 Bayside BR 05/03/2025 SF BR 05/03/2025 LS BR 06/03/2025 Bayside BR 06/03/2025 TR BR 08/03/2025 LS BR 08/03/2025 BB BR 17/03/2025 LS BR 18/03/2025 SF BR 20/03/2025 LS BR 21/03/2025 BB BR 22/03/2025 LS BR 26/03/2025 LS BR 01/03/2025 True or False 01/03/2025 LMS 01/03/2025 1vs1 Boxing 01/03/2025 Chicken Shooter 01/03/2025 LMS 01/03/2025 Dildo Fight 01/03/2025 Chicken Shooter 01/03/2025 LMS 01/03/2025 Chicken Shooter 01/03/2025 LMS Jeff motel 01/03/2025 Nade Tenis 01/03/2025 Big Race Parkour 01/03/2025 Arrest AA @SF_BRIDGE 10m per Arrest 01/03/2025 Arrest Yoko or Kikas 50m per arrest Jeff motel 05/03/2025 LMS 07/03/2025 Box all vs all 22/03/2025 Chicken Nader 22/03/2025 Chicken shooter 22/03/2025 LMS 22/03/2025 LMS 24/03/2025 DD 25/03/2025 LMS
  2. Last seen: 26th February 2025 The last time he was seen was on February 26. You need one month of inactivity to request this, so the request was denied
  3. sorted.
  4. sorted 2/2.
  5. sorted.
  6. sorted.
  7. 01/02/2025 SR 01/02/2025 SR 05/02/2025 PBR 07/02/2025 SR 08/02/2025 SR 09/02/2025 SR 10/02/2025 Assisting oL BR 12/02/2025 Assisting YZ BR 12/02/2025 SR 13/02/2025 Assisting R BR 14/02/2025 Assisting oL BR 17/02/2025 SR 18/02/2025 SR 20/02/2025 SR 21/02/2025 SR 21/02/2025 Assisting R BR 21/02/2025 Assisting CR 22/02/2025 Assisitng oL BR 22/02/2025 SR 22/02/2025 SR 22/02/2025 SR 22/02/2025 Assisting oL BR 22/02/2025 Assisting O BR 23/02/2025 SR 23/02/2025 SR 23/02/2025 Assisting oL BR 23/02/2025 Assisting CR 23/02/2025 SR 24/02/2025 SR 24/02/2025 SR 24/02/2025 SR 25/02/2025 SR 25/02/2025 SR 25/02/2025 Assisting a BR 25/02/2025 Assisting a BR 25/02/2025 Assisting a CR 01/02/2025 Nade LMS 01/02/2025 Kill the LWS 01/02/2025 PARKOUR 01/02/2025 Land on DFT 01/02/2025 Knock me off from NRG 01/02/2025 LMS 01/02/2025 PUBG 01/02/2025 LMS NO RULES 07/02/2025 Chicken Kicker 20/02/2025 Race 20/02/2025 Knock me off NRG 20/02/2025 Destroy my shamal 20/02/2025 Lucky Tube 20/02/2025 Face to Face Deagle 24/02/2025 LMS 10/02/2025 BB BR 10/02/2025 Bayside BR 12/02/2025 TR BR 12/02/2025 Bayside BR 13/02/2025 BC BR 13/02/2025 TR BR 14/02/2025 SF BR 18/02/2025 TR BR 19/02/2025 TR BR 19/02/2025 WH BR 21/02/2025 BB BR 21/02/2025 LV BR 22/02/2025 SF BR 22/02/2025 SF BR 23/02/2025 TR BR 24/02/2025 SF BR 25/02/2025 BC BR 25/02/2025 Bayside BR
  8. The SAHA auction rules apply for this auction. Don't fake Bid, you will be fined 25% of the bids that you fail to provide. Increase the previous bid by at least 10% OR $1,000,000 Failure to claim property within 48 hours will lose your rights to the property and fines and punishments will be applied. To prevent bid sniping the auction will be extended by 12 hours and will keep on extending till no bids appear. The Auction will end after 5 days at the same hour or after 48 hours from last bid placed. Whichever comes first. Property Owner: Colobria Property Panel: Property Location: Property:
  9. Lightning World Sports The LWS HQ team would like to welcome @Coach, @KarDeL @Skomorjeand @ButcheR. Thanks for everyone who applied and those who did not pass the recruitment, dont lose hope as we still do private invites!! Contact L.W.S HQ via discord in order to receive further instructions. Regards, L.W.S Vice President.
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