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SAES Inactive
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Everything posted by ZeKinG

  1. That is ZeKinG 6years ago ( idk if I'm on the right or left side ) 😇 https://imgur.com/a/MPWVm65
  2. Participants: @ZeKinG District: SA Shift period: 20 Minutes Number of vehicles: 4+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fszg756
  3. Thanks all
  4. Hi @Patrol
  5. Hello, Change done with Franklin In Game !
  6. Reward done and cars / heli placed with Lightning in game 'lightning12' added to donator spawn too.
  7. 5millions cash reward done. Thanks for donation
  8. Merry Christmas, happy new year and thanks to Mappers, dvelopper, scripter, modder for their work !
  9. Hello Jojo, Thank you for donation, Money reward done
  10. Happy birthday !
  11. Don't call me for helps guys! I will help Jasser and nobody else. all admins are the best cause they are admins and can ban me like I will ban you all
  12. Hello and thank you for donation Monney Reward : 4 000 000$ done Added Shamal with WRAP at SF AIrport locked for YOU + Donation Icon Added Shamal with WRAP at LS AIrport locked for YOU + Donation icon
  13. Hi i'm ZeKinG
  14. Thank you everybody ,
  15. Hello @Dkano thank you for application, but Ministry of finances is taken, I give you a Senator role ! Come to our Discord
  16. Hello and welcom @Lilskies , don't forget to join our discord
  17. Hello, After checking, your donations were removed. we have choose news cars and news places together. Vehicle 1: Turismo near LV X added, locked for Turtt and datoletha ( Turtt is owner ) Vehicle 2: Bullet near LS Gare Station, locked for Turtt ( Turtt is owner )
  18. Updates ! Ministry of Ecology added + role added New Structure Senators + their city added Press Secretary + Role added There is still places available. we are waiting for your applications !
  19. Hello everybody, Yesterday we had a meeting between Minsitry, senators and members. We discussed about 3 topics: Create a Press Secretary for the Gouvernment Government Salary Organize more meetings in public places Our Ministries have given us their ambitions,ideas and motivation, its will be transmitted shortly. Our senators are working on their future ideas, motivations and laws
  20. Happ birthday @Halo hihi
  21. ...: Closed :...
  22. Happy birthday !!
  23. Happy birthday @Halo
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