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Everything posted by Qweezy

  1. Happy Birthday man
  2. Try this then, it worked for me but have a backup first in case you messed up Check this
  3. I had also some lags problems in windows 10. Try going to GTA SA folder then right click in ''gta_sa.exe'' > Properties > Compatibility, you will find ''Compatibility mode'' > Run this program in compatibility mode for: Feel free to choose one but I would recommend you to choose Window XP pack 3 or windows 7 I tried both and they are working fine for me, after you are done press OK. Do the same for MTA launching program. Hope this would work.
  4. Happy Birthday yas6a. ;)
  5. Name: Qweezy. Username: qweezy331. Rank before kick/leave: Lieutenant. How long have you been in sapa: I believe I had been in SAPA for about 2 years before leaving. Who kicked you: N/A. Date of kick/leave: I cant exactly remember a date but Ive left SAPA for about an year ago. Reason for kick/leave: I left to rejoin my previous squad which was FBI. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : As I mentioned I left to rejoin FBI. Why do you want back in? : I want to rejoin SAPA because after the conversion of SAPA to a group now I am able to fulfill my duties, role and responsibilities for SAPA without leaving my squad which is something I enjoy and would like to do. What have you learned from this? : To be honest with all respect to SAPA, Ive never regretted rejoining FBI maybe I even regret joining it late and that I was supposed to rejoin it earlier. But Ive learned that Ive got good fellows in SAPA which I dont regret serving with them at all and I would be glad and honoured to work side by side again with my previous mates. Who do you want to apologize to? : Maybe I would like to apologize to my previous mates for breaking their hearts after leaving but I guess we will hopefully get united again under the same roof. Why should we give you a second chance?: I dont like speaking about myself and claiming that I am skilled, experienced.etc and I will leave it for you guys to judge. I will speak with facts that I was a Lieutenant who at least didnt give you hard time, I was part of SAPAs instructing sub groups (DDi,HDi) which shows my intentions in offering help to the cadets in any possible way and at the end I believe that I would easily fit within the new structure of SAPA. Kind Regards, Qweezy.
  6. @cornelius The topic is made for a specific purpose, please don't go off-topic. Please stop making posts which are off-topic.
  7. U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI's Most Wanted Fugitives list contains individuals who pose a large risk to the wider public. The following bounties are offered for the apprehension of the listed fugitives. The bounty is only awarded to the first individual to have arrested those listed below. Squads and PC members only (FBI Agents excluded). In order to be given the reward, you need to arrest the fugitive 3 times ingame and provide us with valid proofs in this topic (use link to ScreenShots rather than directly posting the screenshots). The FBI's Most Wanted Fugitives: Groove Reward: $2,000,000. PerroLoco Reward: $1,500,000. [Claimed] Rampage Reward: $1,000,000. Sicario. Reward: $750,000. Goodie Reward: $500,000. Any known associations with the fugitives on this list will result in you being disqualified from being able to collect their bounty. The FBI Most Wanted Fugitives list will be updated every 2 weeks.
  8. previous link isn't working, https://imgur.com/a/82Uh3GJ
  9. Username: fadril Last seen: 6th of May 2018 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/e4c4be95-b412-4177-b924-098959257cba
  10. ^[Only SAM members are allowed to post here] ^[] ^[This topic is where SAM members should be posting their activities. Please use the following formats:] ^[] For SAM Roleplays Use the following ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/sE2nMTz.gif) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif) **Roleplay #** **Personal Roleplay #** **Participants:** **Description:** **Screenshots:** (Please use a link) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif) Roleplay # = The number of total RPs done so far Personal RPs # = Amount of personal RPs u done For Patrol Use the following ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/UgV6lwx.gif) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif) **Patrol #** **Personal Patrol #** **Participants:** **Amount of healed or Time of patrol:** **ScreenShots:** (Please use a link) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif) Patrol # = The number of total patrols done by SAM members so far. Personal Patrol # is your personal amount of patrols. For Events Use the following ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/GzTYfmG.gif) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif) **Event #** **Personal Event #** **Type:** **Host(s):** **Prize:** **Winner:** **ScreenShots:** (Please use a link) ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/oeXhicL.gif) Any other types of activities could be posted here as well ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/GYT3uPy.gif) **Date:** **Participants:** ^[]
  11. I believe this forum provided a solution to some big issues regarding groups/gangs/squads sub-forums such as passwords leakage and getting the forum locked every while which was annoying, in addition to requesting for moderation actions for new HQs and so on. I think the forum is good, maybe sub forums within groups sub forums are not done yet (such as HQs sub forums) also not being able to have public sub forums like some groups used to have are the only issues I can see. Yeah was about to forget, also getting notification for every new activity in this forum is also bit annoying. Other than these issues I think that the forum is good and may overcome the old forum due to the new sub forums features.
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