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Everything posted by Pato

  1. Activity check!
  2. Activity check!
  3. @makaveli said in The Bloods: Do not think you have rights to re-create bloods, pal. Nippy you should ask for permission to re-create BloodZ, and also you shouldnt make and delete 5 gangs in 3 days, lmao.
  4. Los Santos - BankRobbery
  5. Activity check!
  6. Activity check!
  7. ROLEPLAY TYPE: buying illegal drugs from BBMC ROLEPLAY STORY: One day, Pato was driving around LosSantos and FlintCounty, but suddenly his car (Alpha) just stopped. It didn't start anymore. Next day, he called his old friends to pick him up near his home in LasVenturas. They came with black Burrito. When they arrived to the car, that was parked near some camping houses, Pato told Scoore and Soulfly that he's about to buy some illegal drugs today. They said that they're also selling them, so they showed him what they have in Burrito's trunk. Pato was watching and thinking what to do. He noticed that these are such a good drugs, so he talked with Soulfly about the prize. At the end, he bought them cheap, so they made a deal. Soulfly's friends Scoore and Leon helped Pato to hide the drugs in his Alpha's trunk fast. Now they said GoodBye to each other, they gave up their hands and left the place. PARTICIPANTS: Pato, Scoore, Soulfly, Leon SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/c3MO95N
  8. Activity check!
  9. Don't give up with MC on a ride to level 5, good luck bikers!
  10. Activity check!
  11. LosSantos - Bank Robbery
  12. SanFierro - Bank Robbery Activity check!
  13. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Pato Username: error1974 Age: 16 and half Nationality: Slovene Languages you can speak: Slovenian, Croatian, English, a little bit German Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES?: I'm playing it since 2015, but in 2016 I was banned and I started playing It back in 2018. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them): Yes: BloodZ, HellSoldiers, CripZ, SAPA If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them: -BloodZ (2nd generation): It was my first gang on SAES. It was made by my friends and me, but we sadly deleted it. -HellSoldiers: That was my second gang, I really liked it, but they went inactive, so I decided to leave them. -CripZ: After I left HS, I hanged with few MC gangs, but I didnt join them. I joined CripZ, but they soon got deleted. -SAPA: When all these gangs got deleted, I wanted something new, so I joined SAPA, but cop side is definitely not for me, so I left them after 3 weeks. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain): Yes, my reason for being banned is that I was playing on another server with stolen SAES:RPG resources. What groups are you currently part of?: I'm not part of any group. Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you?: Well, I spent a lot of time with some of BlackBullets members, and I think that I can be part of the gang, because Im very active, I haven't been in any fight with them, I'm fully understanding with other BB members, I'll be loyal, mature, I will never break your gang rules and also F1 server rules and the most important thing is that I always respect everyone. I have also experiences with some other gangs, so I know all things how they should go. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: BlackBullets gang is a criminal organization providing assassinations and mercenary services around whole SanAdreas. It's a gang based in SanFierro, but as I said, they are doing criminal activities around whole SanAdreas. The classes they assassinate include cops, civilians, and criminals. For the right price they can do all other things, that make you feel good. They are also dealing with all kind of weapons. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets?: Well, I want to be part of BlackBullets since I came back to the server, because they are mature, active at all kind of activities, they're experienced and they don't just accept everyone. I promoise you, that I will be helpful, trustful, respectful and I will never do anything against rules. I'm also interested to join BlackBullets, because I have a lot of my irl friends in this gang and they actually inspired me with it. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Yes, I know a lot of BB members, I also have around 5 irl friends in the gang. Style inspired and recommended me to apply for you guys. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional]: https://imgur.com/a/r756qtA
  14. Granted, but only on a picture. I want nudes from SAES admins :dress:
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