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Everything posted by Randy

  1. Date: 13.1.2025 Activity: VIP Participants: @Randy, @Marx, @JasonBourne Screenshots
  2. Date:12.1.2025 Activity: LV PBR Participants: @Randy, @beast, @Pasha., @JasonBourne Screenshots
  3. Address:Los Santos casino business Account name:jamila710 Last seen:12th december 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/gUXbUaH
  4. Account name : maxx icon : juicy_juby_shack
  5. Date: 01/10/2025 Participants: @Randy Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
  6. Date: 01/10/2025 Participants: @Randy Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 2 min
  7. Date: 01/10/2025 Participants: @Randy Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
  8. Date: 10/1/2025 Activity: SR Participants: @JasonBourne, @Randy, @Marx Screenshots:
  9. Date: 10/1/2025 Activity: VIP Participants: @JasonBourne, @Randy, @Tape1 @Marx Screenshots:
  10. Participants: @Randy Duration: 12 mins Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 08.01.2025
  11. Address: Palisades sea view Account name: evozz Last seen: 8th december 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/m5bmuPp
  12. account name : maxx icon name : Zoomville#5
  13. Participants: @Randy Duration: 25 mins Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 06.01.2025 Screenshots
  14. Date: 01/05/2025 Participants: @Randy @snoopys Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
  15. Address: Warehouse LVX Account name: yunus5698 Last seen: 3rd decemeber 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lAXqhIE
  16. Address: Midnight Wolves Warehouse Account name: yunus5698 Last seen: 3rd decemeber 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Z5yy5Xh
  17. PART I: Introduction Nickname: Randy Account name: maxx Age: 24 In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: I am Mehdi, a 24 years old college student mastering in Finance. I have been playing SAES since 2013, stopped at 2017 and nostalgia brought me back in and I found myslef enjoying it more than before. I am chill dude, cooperative and understanding. PART II: Background check Do you have RP binds? Yes. Current Squad: Special Operation Crocodilo Approximate date of joining: 21/11/2024 Link to your application for the squad that you are currently a member of: N/A Are you an ex-PC member? If yes, why were you removed? No. Have you ever been banned? If yes, why and when? No. PART III: Rules check Have you read the entirety of the "Pro Cops Guide" topic? Yes. What are the rules for the Dog spawn? 1. Only play as a dog if there’s a police officer with you. Make sure they know the dog rules. 2. You must always roleplay as a dog. Not like human 3. Dogs are not allowed to arrest suspects. 4. Dogs must stay close to their handler at all times. 5. Dogs must only follow the handler’s instructions and not act alone. 6. Dogs can only communicate in private chats and are not allowed to speak as humans in local chat Briefly explain the following rules in your own words: Rule number 4: While spawned PC and chasing down suspects, you must offer them a chance to surrender by giving out 2 warning binds, with the second one being the final warning. Rule number 5: Don't spam the warning messages , leave some times between the 2 warnings as suspects might need time to react to it and decide if they want to comply or no. Rule number 7: Newly accepted members must display their probation status at all time( for 2 weeks). For an example : [SPC]Randy|PC* Rule number 9: After being accepted to PC, you must sign in PC Forum and you must not edit your PC sign in. Failure to do so will lead to your removal PART IV: Roleplay commands Explain how and when the /me command is used. Include an example: The /me command is used to express actions, emotions of your character during a roleplay to make other players that are present in the same scene as you to better visualize the situation Example: /me Alerted and scanning the area for possible threats Explain how and when the /do command is used. Include an example: The /do command is used to provide contextual information or ask for confirmation from others in a roleplay situation. Example: /do The suspects license is expired Final Confirmation: I, Randy, swear that all the information provided in this application is only the truth and nothing but the truth. With this application, I promise to act in accordance with the rules and regulations at all times, to perform my duties professionally, and to never misuse the equipment or means provided to me by the San Andreas Police Department. I swear to protect the innocent and uphold the law of the state of San Andreas and the Constitution of the United States of America. Solemnly, Randy
  18. Participants: @Randy Duration: 19 mins Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 02.01.2025
  19. Participants: @Randy Duration: 34 mins Activity: Trucking Deliveries Date: 02.01.2025 Screenshots
  20. Participants: @Randy Duration: 15 mins Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 01.01.2025
  21. Date: 31/12/2024 Participants: @Randy @snoopys Type of activity: Escorting Money Transports Duration: 5 min
  22. Date: 31/12/2024 Participants: @Randy @snoopys Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
  23. Date: 31/12/2024 Participants: @Randy @snoopys Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
  24. Date: 31/12/2024 Participants: @Randy @snoopys Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
  25. Date: 30/12/2024 Participants: @Randy Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint Duration: 5 min
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