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Posts posted by Benny

      Nickname: Benny
      Username: bendrin12
      Age (D/M/Y): Currently I'm 19
      Gender: M
      Current gang/squad: S.W.A.T.
      Current group membership(s): Homeland Security
      Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):

    Cunning Stunts - I left it because I had to go inactive for a really long time.
    Why would you like to join our company?: Well the reason I want to join Global Express Trucking is because I really admire the idea of trucking and such on, since I was a kid I loved Trucks and Cars and I really enjoy driving them nowadays, I'm also big fan of Euro Truck Simulator 2 so actually doing it in a group in SAES would be really peaceful and enjoyable.
    Can you offer anything special to the company?: Well I can offer my loyalty and friendliness, I also love to roleplay and I have really big experience in roleplaying and also I can offer my activity and I would obviously make many and many activities.
    Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Maintaining? (State the reason as well): The division that I prefer is obviously Trucking as I mentioned above, I really love trucking and I enjoy it while playing music in the back ground and just driving around the map with my load.
    What does roleplay stand for?: Roleplay stands for acting the same as in real life, once you choose a role you just act like it and improvise a lot.

    **What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?:** I will just ignore him and if he keeps on insulting me I will just /ignore him.
    **What do you do if someone deathmatches you?**: At first I will PM him and I will tell him that he did wrong and killed / shot my vehicle without a reason, if he keeps on doing that I either will report him to his HQ's or make a /report.
    **Additional Information:** Hello I'm Ben from Israel, currently I'm 19 years old I have two older sisters and I play SAES for over 4 years now, I really love to play MTA, Rocket League and also ETS 2, obviously I really like to hang with my friends and do meetups with them but due this Corona pandemic all I do is sit in my computer and play video games like every single day.

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