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Everything posted by Benny

  1. Happy Birthday, ma bro !!
  2. TMH Technicians Working on [27/01/2019] TMH Technicians Involved: @TaJ Location: TMH Base Estimated Duration of Working: 30 mins. Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 60 vehicle Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/t4krz5H
  3. Activity number:#26 Date of activity:24/01/2019 4x4 members: @Zei @PewD @fadi-semre12 @Elegant Participants members: @kenny @madi Duration of the activity:40 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/0uvgkuj
  4. Activity number: #22 Date of activity: 20/01/2019 4x4 members: @benny @Lightning Participants members: N/A Story: It was a calm and beautiful day , we went on a ride that we planned few days , after starting moving ahead on the road we went offroad , in the middle of the trip we saw a huge hole with few coffins laying inside of it , so I wanted to check them out closely and it was too bad idea and I fell into the deep hole , so Lightning came up to me gave me a rope with a large hook so I took it and attached it into my vehicle and both of us got inside in our vehicles and started to try to move me out of the hole , after few minutes we succeed and we kept on our trip , also after the incident we called the Police / Archeologist team to check the coffins out. ScreenShots: ::: ScreenShots :::
  5. RolePlay Number: 313 Participants: @Lightning Story: I was driving today at the main street at the SF and suddenly I saw a SWAT Officer at the side of a road with a wheel that has been damaged , I came up to him and asked him what is the problem and he explained me that he was under chase and he drove on many glasses so it blew up his wheel , after discussing with him I suggested to go to the Nearest Garage and I will change his wheel , at first he hesitated but in the end he accepted my suggestion and we went to the near by garage , I took a screw driver unscrewed the wheel and found a perfect sized wheel that looks the same as the other , and after about 15 minutes the vehicle was done , I also checked his engine and so if there was anything else damaged , that situation give me alot experience on a Police Vehicle. Screenshots: ::: ScreenShots :::
  6. RolePlay Number: 312 Participants:@Elegant Story: The story begins that I got a call from the costumer service and they told me that a costumer would like to get his vehicle repainted. after several hours the vehicle arrived at our HQ and it was Mustang, After discussing with the costumer what color he would like , he choose the color Blue. So I took the vehicle and parked it inside the coloring area and I begun taking the color sprayer and spraying the vehicle carefully and not spray by accident the windows / mirrors. After painting the whole vehicle to Blue as asked we gave it few hours to dry up so we gave him an exchange vehicle so he can go to his work / home. the costumer came back to our HQ after 32 Hours and the vehicle was ready to go , he paid us and we went to different ways. Screenshots:
  7. Team Name:~[[BABU] Team]~(blue) Team Components: @Diamychuu @Dudi @Benny Steam Profile Links: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198066315180/ [Dudi] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198080630014/ [Diamychuu] https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164763543/ [Benny] Preferred Team Colors: ~[Blue]~(blue)
  8. Type of event: Chicken Nader Hoster:4x4 Price:1.000.000$ Winner:Lazar Helper: @Filippo Date of the event:16/1/2019 Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/GhXrt4Z
  9. Mazal tov ah yakar!!!!
  10. @MR-joker ~[Pending]~(orange), show yourself more around the activities. @markus_ ~[Pending]~(orange), show yourself more around the activities.
  11. @fadi-semre12 ~[Pending]~(orange), show yourself more around the activities. @PlatWater ~[Accepted]~(lime), meet any HQ for your entry test
  12. Activity number:#20 Date of activity:10/01/2019 4x4 members: @Lightning @FireFox @Amara @Luna Participants members: @PlatWater Duration of the activity:35 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/EumL9lh
  13. Activity number:#19 Activity with ~[Cluckin' Bell]~(yellow) Date of activity:09/01/2019 4x4 members: @Dudi @Diamychuu @PewD Participants members: @fadi-semre12 @tyrone @PlatWater @MR-joker @Tapi Duration of the activity:15 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/FE2n2B5
  14. Activity number:#18 Date of activity:09/01/2019 4x4 members: @Dudi @Diamychuu @PewD Participants members: @fadi-semre12 @tyrone @PlatWater @MR-joker Duration of the activity:40 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/IUndbP3
  15. Type of event:Sandking Race Hoster:4x4 Price:2,500,000 Winner: @koko Helper: @Mrwan Date of the event:09/01/2019 Screenshots (in spoiler or link) https://imgur.com/a/TKWdaOE
  16. Mazal TOV <3
  17. Activity number:#17 Date of activity:8/01/2019 4x4 members: @Dudi @Element @Lightning @Diamychuu Participants members: @Chop @fadi-semre12 Duration of the activity:30 Minutes ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/oo1VLbB
  18. Activity number:#16 Date of activity:8/01/2019 4x4 members: @Dudi @Elegant @Element @Lightning @Gravity @FireFox Participants members: @Henry Duration of the activity:40 Minutes ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/36OgPYK
  19. Good luck!!!!
  20. Role Play Number:#337 Participants in The RP: @Lightning RP Scenario: t was a Monday Morning , I woke up made my self breakfast and sent my kids to the school , after coming to the HQ I got a call from a person that his wheel blew up. So I took a tow truck and went to the location where the caller was , when I arrived I saw a BMW with one wheel that doesn't has any air in it. I spoke with the driver asked him how that thing happened and asked his Driving licenses and Insurance, after checking his Identity, I took his car with a tow truck and went to the HQ I have parked the vehicle on the metallic stand and started unscrewing the damaged wheel, after that I took the same wheel that we had in our Garage and replaced it. ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/0uftFnJ
  21. Activity number:#15 Date of activity:29/12/2018 4x4 members: @Dudi @Elegant @Anas Participants members: N/A Duration of the activity:30 Minutes ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/ps8OHF1
  22. Activity number:#14 Date of activity:28/12/2018 4x4 members: @Dudi Participants members: N/A Duration of the activity:30 Minutes ScreenShots:https://i.imgur.com/9rdIcl4.jpg
  23. Activity number:#13 Date of activity:27/12/2018 4x4 members: @Elegant @Dudi Participants members: N/A Duration of the activity:25 Minutes ScreenShots:https://i.imgur.com/df3YNuQ.jpg
  24. Activity number:#12 Date of activity:22/12/2018 4x4 members: @Elegant @Dudi @Lightning @Diamychuu @AnouSa @Staifi Participants members: N/A Duration of the activity:40 Minutes ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/VSsuUa4
  25. Activity number:#11 Date of activity:22/12/2018 4x4 members: @Elegant @Dudi @Lightning @Diamychuu @SkulioN Participants members: N/A Duration of the activity:25 Minutes ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/PmNvCaz
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