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Everything posted by Marioo

  1. Date: 10/24/2024 Participants: @Phrost @Legend Type of activity: Money transport Duration: 2 minutes Screenshot:
  2. Date: 10/24/2024 Participants: @Phrost @Legend Type of activity: Money transport Duration: 4 minutes Screenshot:
  3. Date: 10/24/2024 Participants: @Phrost Type of activity: Money transport Duration: 4 minutes Screenshot:
  4. Date: 19/10/2024 Event Type:Convoy event LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 10,000,000 per winner Winner(s): @Posho @Zodiac @koko Screenshots:
  5. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Rescuing VIP Participants: @JUDGE@Kinji@Afufu Screenshots:
  6. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Rescuing VIP Participants: @Axponk@Darius@Andrea Screenshots:
  7. Date: 18/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Marioo@Zyler @Kinji@Andrea Screenshots:
  8. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Kinji@Afufu@JUDGE Screenshots:
  9. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Zyler@Darius@Axponk Screenshots:
  10. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Darius@Kinji@Afufu@JUDGE Screenshots:
  11. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Rescuing VIP Participants: @Axponk@Darius@Andrea Screenshots:
  12. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Jean75002@Afufu@Infinity_ @Mr.Xleepy Screenshots:
  13. Date: 17/10/2024 Activity: Responding BR Participants: @Darius@Kinji @Mr.Xleepy Screenshots:
  14. Date: 16/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Darius@ico @Asaf.@Axponk @Afufu Screenshots:
  15. Date: 16/10/2024 Activity: Responding SR Participants: @Orten1@ico @Rieeria @Afufu Screenshots:
  16. Date: 16/10/2024 Activity: Responding BR Participants: @Orten@Afufu@LandShark@MasterP Screenshots:
  17. Date: 16/10/2024 Activity: Escorting VIP Participants: @LandShark@Axponk@Afufu@Darius Screenshots:
  18. Date: 15/10/2024 Activity: Responding BR Participants: @Zyler @Marioo @Afufu@Darius Screenshots:
  19. Date: 15/10/2024 Event Type: KILL DARIUS LWS Host: @flappy Prize: 30,000,000 Winner(s): @Weppo Screenshots:
  20. Account name: safwensafwebn icon name: El ballas
  21. Shows you how much you damaged someone/how much you got damaged I already have a script that works for it, simple and useful
  22. Address: Chinatown Caffee Account name: safwensafwebn I , Mario , acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and still wish to continue. Screenshots:
  23. Address: Chinatown Caffee Starting bid: 20m Minimum bid increase: 2m Perks: Very close to LS bank(7 sec on foot , 3 sec on nrg) Also close to jb (10sec on nrg) Screenshots:
  24. Address: RC Dicks Sounds Shop Last seen: 14 August 2024 Account name : khalildo Screenshots :
  25. Address: BoneStreet_Appartment_2 Last seen: 14 August 2024 Account name : khalildo Screenshots :
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