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Everything posted by nvidia

  1. Activity Type: Moving James' 150+ donation vehicles RP FBI Members Involved: @James @Daryl @JojoDb @Weppo @Kruger @KiroSa (non fbi: @Howlze) Date: 12/01/2021 Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Address: 9 Brown Street Account name: w321321 Last seen: 18 june 2020 Screenshots:
  3. backpack
  4. Address: 7 Donut Road Account name: animeman112 Last seen: 4th June 2020 Screenshots:
  5. Starting Price: 700k Minimum Increase: 100k Information: Located between LV hospital and the SR warehouse, next to the west LV highway Space to fit 4 donation vehicles comfortably Car spawn / Weapon Storage included High surrounding property values Large Lawn if you like to mow the lawn
  6. Address: Infamous Meth Lab Account name: monsterdrlove Last seen: 18th May 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/ExRuEIV
  7. Address: Master Is Sexy Account name: hypntr Last seen: 26th May 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PhLIjZ5
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