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Everything posted by SNome

  1. yeah we got 1 in our base it can tank 2 nades if I recall correctly
  2. pretty sure you can just request an enforcer They are also got buffed
  3. @SNome said in The Outfit: @Joe said in The Outfit: Dear Applicants; We are now encouraging people to apply mainly on discord. The following link will bring you to our discord, where you can copy/past the application into the channel named #applications Please follow the instructions on the #welcome channel. The link is; https://discord.gg/HcZX9By @LopeZz
  4. why remove something that's been here forever?
  5. @WenDo said in House Removals: Account name: trymebitch Icon name: Dildo Way 49 Account name: trymebitch Icon name: 9_prick_flats Done
  6. 3 request this week, request denied.
  7. "Criminals who are already part of DE wont be removed"
  8. It belongs to an admin thefore it can't be requested.
  9. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14817/inactive-ls
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