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Everything posted by charles

  1. Ingame name: charles Ingame username: masimpatron Previous organizations and leaving causes: SAPA - I decided to try myself in the role of the police side, but after playing as a cop for about 1-2 months I realized that this is not my thing at all. Tuga Thugs - As far as I remember I left the organization on my own decision because I felt "out of place", despite the fact that I had a lot of good friends and acquaintances there. Black Syndicate - The organization simply closed when I was an inactive. Define Underground Empire: The Underground Empire is one of the most well-known and powerful criminal organization in the US. Organization was founded on June 23, 1866, by three accomplices John Dixon, Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis, all of whom were confederate soldiers. Exclusively because of their qualitative and planned leadership, the organization became one of the most powerful in the "world of organized crime". This organization was involved in various types of money making activities ranging from money laundering, gambling, smuggling to drug trafficking, arms dealing, extortion and money laundering. After the war with local gangs in 1962-1973, part of the organization went down or all began to disintegrate, but only because of Hari "Mr. Siege" & Dino "The Ace" Zee , who was released from prison, the organization was able to grow their power again and become even more mighty than it was in their "golden age". What binds you with Underground Empire: First of all my main reason is the friendly attitude in the organization itself. The members of the organization are always ready to help and spend time with you in every possible way. Having played with UE members for a sufficient time I can say that nothing has changed since the start, everything remains the same from the quality of players, structure to organization cohesion. So with my playing experience and loyalty I can say that this organization suits me best in my honest experience. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is basically a structured criminal group or a network of groups aimed at carrying out a variety of illegal activities. These types of groups are usually involved in a different range of crimes, such as financial fraud, drug trafficking, racketeering and others. The main ultimate goal of a organized crime is, of course, to make money. In gaming terms, organized crime deals with turfs, roleplaying, street robberies, bank robberies, kidnapping, selling weapons, drugs, and other other criminal activities.
  2. Yes, yes and yes.
  3. Its a good idea only if they allow citywide takeovers, not one zone at a time. For example, five people in LV, five people in another area. You know what i meab
  4. As much as i love you matizz that’s aint it
  5. Such a good idea with professional mapping to add something fresh to this server. 💯/💯
  6. well hi mr eso, horus 😉

    1. charles


      hope you re still playing 

    2. ESO


      yes i am 👍

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