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Everything posted by MrGamer

  1. Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: 99004d Specify any upgrades: N/A Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames): testedgamer, xxavangerxx Where you want it placed: SF Airport ::: :::
  2. This is an automated post TXN ID: 7SX62900S74757542 Donation Amount: 11.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  3. 18.02.2021 Assisting UE in SF BR @Avengr @Clown @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/LF77ncj
  4. 18.02.2021 Assisting NwA in LS BR @Avengr @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/lYUw9hV
  5. 17.02.2021 Assisting BB in LV BR @ChicoRocha @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/z8tcNzn
  6. Congratulations @JojoDb !!
  7. 16.02.2021 Assisting JK in BC BR @ANARCHY @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/tgGZC4I
  8. 16.02.2021 Assisting ThC in SF BR @ANARCHY @Bizzle @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/gjR9Rsf
  9. 16.02.2021 Assisting BB in LS BR @ANARCHY @Bizzle @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/y3uMeH5
  10. 16.02.2021 Assisting Z in BC BR @ANARCHY @Bizzle Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/4B6Nxxa
  11. 16.02.2021 Assisting UE in LV BR @ANARCHY @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/aVACqig
  12. 15.02.2021 Assisting O in BC BR @ANARCHY @Rowdy35 Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/lLNdEvO
  13. 15.02.2021 Assisting NWA in LS BR @ANARCHY @Bananeira Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/ReEuXcj
  14. 15.02.2021 Assisting NWA in RC BR @Avengr @Corpseeeeeeee Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/7DL4Nsm
  15. 13.02.2021 Assisting TT in LV BR @Corpseeeeeeee @Gui @Hotfire @Siirtuga Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/C4qcIA7
  16. 12.02.2021 Assisting Z in TR BR @Corpseeeeeeee @Gal Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/XQuqhP2
  17. 25.01.2021 Assisting UE in BC BR @ANARCHY @Avengr @Narcos Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/D3RAqPJ
  18. 25.01.2021 Assisting NWA in TR BR @ANARCHY @Avengr Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/6nv1AQF
  19. 25.01.2021 Assisting O in SF BR @ANARCHY @Avengr @larzen Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/j1cuh1s
  20. 25.01.2021 Assisting UE in LV BR @ANARCHY @Villain-R Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/ZueU8Ff
  21. 23.01.2021 Chilling at BOM island @Avengr @Cristian @Darude @PinkyyyTinkyyy Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/9uvl1QB
  22. 23.01.2021 Jailbreak @Bizzle @Cristian @PinkyyyTinkyyy Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/xBko5QA
  23. 23.01.2021 SR @Beckham @Bizzle @Darude @PinkyyyTinkyyy Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/BQ8X8Po
  24. 23.01.2021 SR @Beckham @Bizzle @Cristian @PinkyyyTinkyyy Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/HAp2B6u
  25. 23.01.2021 SR @Bizzle @Douglass @PinkyyyTinkyyy @Narcos Other screens: https://imgur.com/a/vzkzMpm
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