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Everything posted by Zapomo

  1. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a Store Robbery Participants: @Crossma @Kwonj1ral @Phrost Screenshots:
  2. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a Casino Robbery Participants: @Crossma @Zyler @Phrost @Infinity_ @mario Screenshots:
  3. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a Bank Robbery Participants: @Crossma @Laciden @Zyler @Phrost Screenshots:
  4. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Axponk@Crossma @Laciden Screenshots:
  5. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Securing the VIP Participants: @Phrost @Zyler @Crossma @mario Screenshots:
  6. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a Store Robbery Participants: @Infinity_ @Crossma@Mario Screenshots:
  7. Date: 10/06/2024 Activity: Stopping a Bank Robbery Participants: @MetalHead @Kwonj1ral @Mario Screenshots:
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Few days ago but i left SM to join the copside ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Bullet with wrap Location: SM Base Vehicle 2: Stratum with wrap Location: SM Base Vehicle 3: Admiral with wrap Location: SM Base Vehicle 4: Infernus with wrap Location: SM Base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Bullet Police car Location: LVPD Vehicle 2: Stratum Police car Location: SFPD Vehicle 3: Police Car Location: SAPA BASE Vehicle 4: Infernus Police Car Location: SAPA base Vehicle 5: Turismo Police Car Location: SAPA base Vehicle 6: Police Car Location: Blueberry Loading Store 3
  9. Date: 12/06/2024 Activity: Store Robbery
  10. Date: 12/06/2024 Activity: Store Robbery
  11. Date: 12/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  12. Date: 12/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  13. Date: 12/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  14. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  15. Bank Robbery #103 + 104
  16. Address: Blueberry Loading Store 3 Account name: yassine09 Last seen: 06/05/2024 Screenshots:
  17. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  18. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Turf War (this ss was taken 15:49)
  19. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  20. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  21. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Turf War
  22. Date: 11/06/2024 Activity: Store Robbery
  23. Date: 11/06/2024 Participants: @Zapomo Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint. Duration: 7 min Screenshots:
  24. Date: 11/06/2024 Participants: @Zapomo Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint. Duration: 3 min Screenshots:
  25. Date: 11/06/2024 Participants: @Zapomo Type of activity: Transporting money from banks to SF Mint. Duration: 4 min Screenshots:
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