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Posts posted by Takagi

  1. YwXCQOq.png
    Personal informations

    Nickname: Takagi/Taka
    Account name: takagi
    Age: 20 years old
    Gender: Male
    Nationality: Tunisia
    Primary Language: Arabic
    Other Languages: English/Frensh

    In-game Experience

    How long have you been playing SAES: Joined since 4 august 2023
    What's your current organization?: SWAT
    Rate your Building Skills:
    Rate your RP skills: 8/10
    Rate your creativity skills: 9/10
    Rate your English skills: 8/10
    Strengths: A fast learner with ideas and shortcuts thanks to my familiarity with the game map, proficient in the field of roleplaying, and possessing a vivid imagination that could be valuable in the building aspect.
    Weaknesses: Experiencing FPS drops since I'm playing on a weak laptop.
    Why do you want to join us: Well, I have attempted to participate in some of the zip activities in-game, and personally, I found the field appealing. It's satisfying to create your dream home or any place you can imagine within the game. I have gained some experience in this field, and I believe I can excel in it.

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