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Everything posted by NubBob

  1. #551 Event Name: LMS (Rifle&Sniper only) LWS/G6/CEO: @MatizZ Prize: 2.000.00 Winner(S): @ChumpLee Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. #545 Event Name: Mower Race LWS/G6/CEO: @Zombie Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner(S): @jaimy333 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. #540 Event Name: Boat Race LWS/G6/CEO: @Dufabo Prize: 2.000.000$ Winner(S): @SheraP Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. #536 Event Name: Find the Caddy LWS/G6/CEO: @Reggi Prize: 5.000.000 Winner(S): @Schwarz Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Yesterday's Br's LS and LV
  6. Evening Activity
  7. #525 Event Name: Marathon with obstacles LWS/G6/CEO: @Mrwan Prize: 2.000.000 Winner(S): Supreme Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Evening Activity
  9. Evening Activity
  10. #523 Event Name: Rhino Rampage LWS/G6/CEO: Reggi Prize: 2.000.000 Winner(S): Knele Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Username: dzannabadz Last Seen: 17 July 2018 Screenshot: ::: :::
  12. Distinctive Questions Ingame name: NubBob Username: mrriis Country of Residence: Estonia Spoken Languages: Estonian, English, Bit Russian, And learning German. Date of birth: 17.08.2000 Date of the beginning of your SAES career First time i ever stepped in this server was back in 2012 played like a week or two and then stopped but came back in 2015. Previous organisations: OC, T~D Miscellaneous questions Define The Companys role in one sentence: The Company's main goal is taking over San Andreas while working with other gangs to achieve it. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? : Well first of all i would say sorry to him since i didn't mean it and offer him to arrest me, But if he decides to still report me i would talk with the admin who's dealing with that report. You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? : I doubt the body armor would have saved me, But i would try to duck behind the car while slowly trying to open the driver side door and try to get in while hoping i won't get hit and driver off fast as possible. There is a guy where you had several disputes with. Causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? I would try to keep my distance from him and avoid the drama long as possible but at some point you have to deal with the problem and when that time comes i would try to fix things between us
  13. Activity#6 Race ::: :::
  14. Mid-day Activity
  15. Roleplay#3 Title Quick Race Participants: @IceCold , @reket ::: Today at 12 am Icecold got a call from the guy named Reket who we sold a car yesterday, He told Icecold that the car was okey and everything but he wanted to test the speed and handling out in race. Icecold told him hes at docks right now and that he should come by with the car, Reket said he will be there in hour. When Reket made it to Docks Icecold was already waiting for him. Reket said he liked the car alot and that he added some custom modifications on it, He also told Icecold that he wants to do a small race with him so he could test the car out, Icecold agreed with him and told him that they could do a race right here in docks. Icecold said to him that the docks pretty small and the race would be pretty quick, Reket and Icecold made the countdown through the phone. As experience racer Icecold took the lead fast but Reket wasn't far behind, The finish line was close. Both of them made it over the finish line but Icecold was 2 seconds ahead, They parked there cars and came out to talk, Reket said that the cars fast and the handling is good, Icecold replied to him and said that if he ever needs any cars that hes your guy, They shook hands and Reket took off. :::
  16. Activity #5 Race at Red Country Screenshot: ::: :::
  17. Activity #1 Race Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. username:alissonmtk Last seen:31 january 2018 Screens: https://imgur.com/a/xO5nwVg
  19. Username:kratostv Last seen:8 July 2018 Screens: https://imgur.com/a/A4IrpEi
  20. Transportation #2 Participators: NubBob, miKu Amount of participators: 2 Date of transportation: 02.07.2018 Screenshots:
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