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Everything posted by Daryl

  1. Dear Citizens of San Andreas, Today is an announcement that some of you, possibly, were waiting for. Our great nation will be holding Elections for the Office of President of the United States, Vice President of the United States and 13 Senatorial Positions, starting on April 1st. What you need to know Each citizen will have 1 vote PER Senatorial Region. This will result in you have 13 votes in total to elect Senators. Each citizen will have 1 vote for the Presidential Election. The Presidential Election ballot box will be located outside of the White House. This is the vote which will decide who will be the next President and Vice President of the United States. Any user banned from the server at the time of the election, may not have their name put forward for the election. Criminal enterprises may not run as a political party. Keep your political and criminal lives seperate. Anyone can put their name forward to be a Senator. In order to be put on the Presidential Ballot you must have the backing (nomination) of a political party that is running in every senatorial region. If you wish to run for a Senatorial Region as an independant, you must put your name forward here. Similarily, if you wish to run your party in all Senatorial Regions and run for President/Vice President register here. The election will run in game, for a period of one week, from April 1st to April 7th. You will not be able to vote if you have not passed a low-barrier playtime threshold. You will have one vote per region and you will need to physically attend each ballot box in order to vote. The election is run on a First Past the Post system. Most votes per region, wins. This topic may be updated at some point in the future, please keep up to date. As always the Non-RP Governmental Leadership reserves the right to deny entry to a political party or candidate. For any other queries or if you feel you need further information - please check this topic. Bonne chance, Joe.
  2. denied this is @Magnus he is a big bad saes hq imagine what would happen if I gave you this imagine how angry he would be now x10 because he has anger management issues so yeah denied sorry
  3. Hey! Elections will be coming up soon, if your party intends to run please register at the below topic; https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7330/register-your-political-party Your manifesto may be closed due to party inactivity if you are not registered. Cheers!
  4. Introduction Welcome to the home topic of the SAES Government of 2019. This topic's purpose is to give you an overview of the government and give you all pertinent information without being too hung up on the details. Each department will have their own topic in the seperate sub-forum locate on this forum. Non-RP Government Leadership As a complex organisation the government requires leadership in a non-RP sense. In character, the government is led by the Senate and ultimately the President however in reality any decisions about the structure of the government will be made by the Non-RP leadership team. They will not override any RP decisions made. The non-rp leadership team comprises of the Group Managers and SAES HQ. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES Previous Versions 1st Version 20/01/2015 2nd Amendment 12/03/2015 3rd Amendment 03/01/2017 4th Amendment - 13/12/2018 5th Amendment - 22/03/2019 6th Amendment - 22/08/2019 7th Amendment - 23/03/2020 Section I - Legislation All legislative powers are represented in the Senate of San Andreas. Section II - The Senate The Senate is composed of 11 senators elected in their respective senatorial districts each year. The leader of the senate will be named Senate Majority Leader (SML). This is an elected senator who is chosen by a vote within the senate. The SML must be an elected senator. The Senate Majority Leader will Chair the Senate, accept bills and put them up for a vote. Section III - Senate Meetings Senate meetings will take place in the Senate Building, LS at the periods established by the Non-RP Government Leadership. Alternatively voting can and will take place on the Government discord. Voting is public and anyone can see how your senator votes. Motions are presented at the Senate by the SML. Senators will provide the SML with the motions that they want the Senate to take to a vote. The SML will table the motions and a vote will be tallied. You may vote in Favour, Against or Abstain from motions. Citizens may approach to their elected Senator with issues that concern them so that they may be brought up in Senate meetings. In the event of a tie vote due to abstaining members, the deciding vote is cast by the Vice President of the United States. Motions will be passed by simple majority and major constitutional changes will require a supermajority (66%+) and Non-RP Leadership Approval. All motions must be finalised and approved by the President. The President cannot block any Bill which has a supermajority of 9 votes or more. Section IV - Powers of the Senate The Senate may pass or block motions and laws related to the economy and general laws of the country, assuming a majority of members vote. A bill cannot be passed unless at least 7 senators total cast a vote. The Senate may not declare war or approve any military act. The Senate does not have direct power to manage government agencies. However, the leader of each agency must first gain Senate approval. The President CANNOT directly appoint a leader of the executive branch without Senate approval. Section V - Replacement of a Senator In the event a Senator is not fulfilling their role a vote will be called to remove them from their role. A quota of 7 votes in favour must be garnered in order to remove the Senator. If this happens, a new election for that senators region will be called. A senator is deemed to fail to fulfill their role if they miss in excess of 2 weeks of Government Duties OR fail to cast a vote in at least 5 motions where the total number of proposed motions has exceeded 7. It should be noted that if a Senator is not fulfilling their duties but the party in power is fillibustering the replacement of this senator, a by-election can be called for that seat by the non-RP leadership team. Senate may call for a motion for new elections, with the objective of replacing the Executive Branch, in the case it doesn't function. Motion requires 9 positive votes for approval, with non-RP leadership sign off. Section VI- Elections Senatorial Districts segment San Andreas into separately governed areas. Each Senatorial District has a single Senator representing the population in the Senate. There are a total of 11 Senatorial Districts: Los Santos East Los Santos Central West Los Santos Red County Flint County & Whetstone Bone County San Fierro South San Fierro North Tierra Robada South Venturas North Venturas A senator may take part in the elections as independent candidate or member of a political party. Independent Candidates are candidates that feel that they don't fit in with any Party. They can run themselves and fight for their own policies. Political Parties are groups of players who share similar political views. A Party must be registered in order to run in the elections. To register your party please read the pinned topics on this forum; https://saesrpg.uk/category/267/political-parties-and-manifestos How a President and Vice President is Chosen During the course of an election citizens will need to vote for a Senator per Senatorial District. They will ALSO need to vote in the Presidential Election which will run concurrently. The voter will be casting their vote on a Presidential ticket. ie. They will be voting for the Vice President at the same time. An example would be Obama/Biden or Trump/Pence. You cannot vote for one, without the other. During an election, which lasts for 5 days the public may vote for their chosen candidate in EACH region. After 5 days, voting is closed and the votes are counted. Afterwards, the new President is announced and arrangements for the swearing in of the new President are made. For a Party to win the elections, they must have an outright majority of 6 seats or more, out of the total 11. If a single party doesn't achieve a majority, there are two choices. The party with the most seats may enter into a coalition with another party, or a minority government may be formed. Regardless of Party, if a senator wins his seat, he is guaranteed to sit in that seat. Election Rules It is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN to incentivise anyone in any way outside of RP to vote for you. You cannot make promises of governmental positions, money or group membership. Anyone in breach of this will be banned from the server and serve a lifetime suspension from the Government. If you are a member in a political party, action will also be taken against your party. If you are a member of a political party you cannot hang around election booths, you cannot attempt to influence people who are voting at a booth to vote a certain way. You cannot ferry people to/from election booths after asking them to vote a certain way. If you are found in breach of this rule, you or your party, can be deducted votes. Advertising a political party or candidate in main chat is strictly not allowed. You will be muted for 20 minutes by a member of staff. If this happens multiple times for the same candidate or party, there will be punishments. This will range from votes deductions for the specific candidate all the way up to exclusion from the vote. You may not build signs advertising yourself or your party using construction panels, specifically near election booths. Not only would this likely get you removed from whatever groups construction panel you have used to do this, it will have a knock-on effect to your candidacy. These rules are subject to change & update. Please keep an eye on them. Punishments will also be handed out in instances where common sense would dictate your actions are not allowed. You're candidates for senate, I do not expect I need to hold your hand. Article II - Executive Branch Section I- The President The President of San Andreas is elected by the citizens of San Andreas directly as stated before in the Presidential Election. The President is responsible for signing bills and motions voted by the senate into law, or in rare cases to overrule them. He or She is also responsible for appointing members to lead each department, pending Senate approval. Section II- The Vice President The Vice President has a casting vote in Senate matters. Outside of this their role is largely dictated by the President. Section III- The Chief of Staff Manages the Executive Branch Departments on behalf of the President. Section IV- Departments The administration may have up to 5 seperate departments with leaders for each. More information about the Departments currently in operation can be found on the following subforum; Department leaders must be approved by a majority of senators. In the event of a tie, the casting vote comes from the Vice President. https://saesrpg.uk/category/266/government-departments ALL government departments must share a pool of 5 government staff for assistance. Going forward we will not be allowing staff per department. The government can choose 5 outside people as staff who will help across all departments. Rules for Government members You should only spawn as a member of the government to fulfill your RP role. You may NOT use this spawn for any purpose other than Roleplay. Government members are not allowed to carry weapons. Failure to follow these rules may result in immediate removal. Advertisement of your party or Government will be limited to ways which make sense within roleplay. Usage of main chat for advertisement is strictly forbidden. Usage of (/ad) will be tolerated.
  5. @Matthews said in turkey or tunisia???: @Joe said in turkey or tunisia???: @Duff WHERES YOUR EMPIRE NOW HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA SHIT EMPIRE TBH The empire that fucked your 7 destiny back in a time, ask your grand grand father. He may tell you some stuff about it as well. can't speak to the dead mate sorry and even if I could not sure what my great great grandfather who fought against the English would know about some shit empire probably could just wikipedia it tbh
  6. Bids should be in increments of at least 100k considering this properties value. We will not be considering stupid shit like this @Kalashrie said in LV SAHA Auction: 1.100.001 beb
  7. @Berker said in turkey or tunisia???: Last time I checked, Westerns was burning their women for witchcraft in medieval age. I'm not surprised Turks can't see past the medieval age, it was all downhill from there, eh?!
  8. @SoulFly said in #anakkaleGeilmez - Turkey Day!!!!: @Joe there is no need to create a discussion, you have no right to mock only national achievements or other victories of any nation. You're a smart man, man. Why did you make such a nonsense, i still respect your opinion. But this is absurd. mock!?! I created a post to celebrate turk victory over the dirty british and you treat me like this very sad
  9. @SoulFly said in #anakkaleGeilmez - Turkey Day!!!!: Maybe you have a tail pain, this pain is still like yesterday. Let us teach you if you want to swim. I live on an Island, I know how to swim don't worry. Ireland was not apart of Gallipoli, I would say you need to go back to school but I don't quite trust the Turk education system.
  10. Guess the other gangs were right about you. Good luck.
  11. no this is henry henry is saes
  12. @Teddy said in #anakkaleGeilmez - Turkey Day!!!!: suck my aircraft carrier you europoor fag brexit best exit RULE BRITANNIA cant be the best exit if you can't even exit idiot british
  13. hey guys today is the day that Turkey won the battle of gallipoli in a war that they lost but the second part is not important GO TURKEY!!!!
  14. So many people hating on me for asking a question this must be what Martin Luther King Jr felt like
  15. @Radrick Denied, mainly for claiming to be a 'massive Juve fan' when your favourite player is Ronaldo. He is not the favourite player of any real Juve fan. Fino Alla Fine. @Shakespeare Pending for now. To be honest due to some feedback from people in prior organisations I am inclined to deny you, I will give you some time to prove yourself though. Something tells me if I denied you now, you would not re-apply. Prove me wrong.
  16. on top of this being a bad idea it would take far too long to implement, all scripts which run across multiple counties would need be re-done this idea was not thought through at all because none of your suggestions address the issues doing this would cause
  17. @Crash said in Automatic signature: No don't want to be on mobile and have to swipe 50 signature to get to the next post don't be on mobile then 4Head but seriously, they were limited on the old forums, they were not OTT.
  18. @Jay mens your mapping will stay on SAES for as long as CripZ is alive imagine 12 months of your mapping on the server quick
  19. @Tut-Greco can give further insight but every time a mod has been added in the past it seems to have been done in a way where it does not add to the overall load on peoples CPU's. They're very good at minimalising this.
  20. @Lancee said in who is more OP? Cops or Crims?: Cops are OP Good points, well argued. You've won me around.
  21. @Zei said in Joe's Professional Design Servicer: @Joe said in Joe's Professional Design Servicer: @Zei said in Joe's Professional Design Servicer: Name: Zei What you need designed: filex Favourite Colour: nigga color Least Favourite Colour (so I know what to avoid): white color ~[hello can you be more specific please thanks]~ I want filex's face but in sand nigga version ~[hi thanks for responding if you are requesting a specific image on your design can you provide a link to the image once received your design will be with you within 14 business days thanks again]~
  22. @Zei said in Joe's Professional Design Servicer: Name: Zei What you need designed: filex Favourite Colour: nigga color Least Favourite Colour (so I know what to avoid): white color ~[hello can you be more specific please thanks]~
  23. Hello all I do design 200k per design please fill out format ~[Name: What you need designed: Favourite Colour: Least Favourite Colour (so I know what to avoid):]~ Thanks this is my portfolio ::: :::
  24. Who said they were offended lol Your ability to read needs brushing up. My one and only point was you wandered into a topic that Tut was not in, was not about him and he did not make it and started talking about him like some sort of lost dementia patient. I hope you find your carer, sooner rather than later.
  25. @Mickey said in Please STFU...: Hey @Tut-Greco, surprised how your not-thought-through statement from the last post could lead to such a dumb picture below it, then I remembered. I fixed your banner for you. Peace Tut, remember. It's just simple banter ;) Tut hasn't even responded to this topic nor did he make it, what does he have to do with it? You seem lost, possibly retarded. Most probably both.
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