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  1. if unclear, if this is no longer a SAHA property make a post with the actual panel not one outdated and still showing SAHA ownership
  2. ur a tard
  3. Archiving
  4. Archiving per above, request not revised.
  5. Archiving, last online 15 days ago, no donation point topic yet made. Please re-open when you make the topic
  6. Sorted https://saesrpg.uk/topic/31760/donation-point-balance-ryns?_=1653903674604
  7. Sorted
  8. Updated thanks to @WenDo
  9. 1m given, car placed in O base
  10. Sorted
  11. Donation confirmed on discord bot
  12. 10 points confirmed as of 02/04/2022
  13. 13 vehicles removed and 13 more placed at the stated locations
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