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Everything posted by Shadro

  1. Type: Chicken Shooter LWS/G6: @Filippo Prize: 1m $ Winner: BlueZ>Rocket Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Type: Chicken arrest LWS/G6: @Sam Prize: 2m $ Winner: [FBI*]Matias Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Story: Yesterday, me and my partner SAFP|DeepK decided to deploy a speedtrap at LV-LS to catch some racers. 5 minutes later, Rifa>Polenta crossed the speed limit in front of us, so I turned on lights and kept chasing him. After reporting the incident using the radio, it seemed that the racer used a jammer and blocked my connection so I couldn't report my location. The only way to catch him was to damage his car and use the PIT, which I did. After wrecking his car, the suspect decided to surrender. So we took him to his cell at the SAFP base. Main characters: @Shadro @DeepK Rifa>Polenta[L] https://youtu.be/ANXszeD0fI0
  4. Main characters: SAFP|Shadro, @NRG @SoulFly @Darkl1ght BBMC|Fearless, BBMC|3K.O Story: Today I was with NRG, the TST agent, inside the SAFP building. We were discussing in order to improve the relations between the two squads. Then, my boss came and asked me to drive a prisoner to the Angel Pine Police Department HQ using an Enforcer. So I asked him If I can take NRG with me. He said "No, I'm not responsible if an agent from another squad gets shot or simply dies." But I insisted on taking him with me so he agreed. We forced the prisonner to get inside the Enforcer, turned on the engine and lights and left the SAFP base. We started a little conversation on our way: NRG: -Any additional units to cover us? Shadro: -Why do we even need additional units? All we have to do is to transport this guy to Angel Pine.. NRG: -What if a couple of retarded criminals raid us? Shadro: -That's impossible, who would attack us? WE RULE THIS STATE! NRG: -Maybe we do, but this is San Andreas state, everything is possible and criminals are more common in this state, also you're transporting a federal dangerous prisoner and his gang can respond at any moment! Shadro: -Well, yes, you're right. But we're almost in Angel Pine now, we're safe. Prisoner: Haha, you are already dead! Shadro + NRG: -WHAT??? Suddenly, 3 gangsters stopped their motorcycles in front of us, they were holding M4 rifles SoulFly: You! Cops! Either stop and surrender, or we will DESTROY YOU! NRG: Damn, I told you, they're 3, what we're going to do now? Shadro: Look at them, Hahah! They must be escaping their maths class, poor kids. We're highly-trained policemen, we can handle this. Load your M4 and kill them. The gunfight lasted like 15 minutes, until the two policemen finally lost it. So the gang members broke the back door and escaped with the prisoner. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/T4cMlIG
  5. Roleplay Title: Pulling over a suspect near LV Stadium S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro, SAFP|Fallen Other Participants: iSSoUu, [WA]xPooKs Story: I was patrolling near LV Stadium with Fallen and iSSoUu, until Fallen saw xPooKs driving a damaged car and breaking the road rules, saw he asked him to pull over, which he really did. As usual, we told him the reason and asked him for some documents. After scanning them, we found out that he's clean. So we wrote him a ticket and let him go. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/nBRIz5u
  6. Roleplay Title: Suspect pulled over at LV-LS Highway S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro, SAFP|Kajo Other Participants: Chemist, Arkantos, JoNa, Boi Story: I was patrolling at LV-LS Highway until I saw Chemist driving in a very awkward way, as he was driving on the wrong side and crossed the speed limit, so I asked him to pull over. Than JoNa and [SWAT] Boi stayed with me for a while to offer help. After telling Chemist the reason of asking him to pull over, I asked him for some documents which I analysed using the laptop and found out that he shot at a police officer last month. He didn't believe me first, so I used the fax to get the proof. After reading it, he realized his mistake, so I asked him to get in the car to take him to the police prescient and find a solution, but he wanted to fix the problem with money, so he bribed me and I let him go. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pMXOCYa
  7. Roleplay Title: Suspect pulled over at SF after a BR S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro Other Participants: Chemist, Arkantos Story: I was responding to BR in SF but I was late, It already finished when I reached the bank. So I decided to go back to the SAFP base. Suddenly, I saw this NRG driving close to the Bank. Both driver and passanger had the same Identity code as the criminals who robbed the bank (IC-2), so I asked them to pull over and check their ID cards. After checking them, I gave them back their ID cards as they were clean and asked them to leave the place. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Mo8pUG3
  8. Roleplay Title: Suspect pulled over at LV highway #2 S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro, SAFP|SheraP Other Participants: Chemist, dinars, TheCrazyCoc, SEAL|Alliances Story: This green sports car was speeding and driving on the wrong side, so me and Officer SheraP asked the driver to pull over, then TheCrazyCoc and SEAL|Alliances joined us and offered help. After checking all the documents, the driver seemed to be clear so we gave him back his documents and wrote him a ticket for what he did. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/s5XVj5e
  9. Roleplay Title: Suspect pulled over at LV highway S.A.F.P Members: SAFP|Shadro Other Participants: Cornelius Story: I saw this red bullet driving abnormally at LV highway, so I started following it., Then it headed to the wrong side and hit my car, so I asked the driver to pull over Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AIoL5Ke ::: I made a mistake while ordering the screenshots, the first screenshot was the last one, I couldn't edit the order :::
  10. Roleplay Title: LVX Patrol S.A.F.P. Members: Elufner, Shadro, Barry, Ridouan, Glayd Other Participants: Epichu, BlaZZey Story: We were patrolling together until we spotted a Caddy with a broken engine. So we decided to pull it over and check the documents. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rCVbZxX
  11. http://prntscr.com/kmlm8i
  12. @Blade I don't think that it should be stored as it is a rented car. And if you're going to accept this suggestion, you guys better make a limit for it (eg: 3 hours maximum rent time)
  13. I'm looking to buy it Do I have to send you money first?
  14. HB Have a good one
  15. Granted, but you'll play it on 3-5 fps. I want a Gaming PC
  16. +SUPPORT Great Idea
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