Main characters: SAFP|Shadro, @NRG @SoulFly @Darkl1ght BBMC|Fearless, BBMC|3K.O Story: Today I was with NRG, the TST agent, inside the SAFP building. We were discussing in order to improve the relations between the two squads. Then, my boss came and asked me to drive a prisoner to the Angel Pine Police Department HQ using an Enforcer. So I asked him If I can take NRG with me. He said "No, I'm not responsible if an agent from another squad gets shot or simply dies." But I insisted on taking him with me so he agreed. We forced the prisonner to get inside the Enforcer, turned on the engine and lights and left the SAFP base. We started a little conversation on our way: NRG: -Any additional units to cover us? Shadro: -Why do we even need additional units? All we have to do is to transport this guy to Angel Pine.. NRG: -What if a couple of retarded criminals raid us? Shadro: -That's impossible, who would attack us? WE RULE THIS STATE! NRG: -Maybe we do, but this is San Andreas state, everything is possible and criminals are more common in this state, also you're transporting a federal dangerous prisoner and his gang can respond at any moment! Shadro: -Well, yes, you're right. But we're almost in Angel Pine now, we're safe. Prisoner: Haha, you are already dead! Shadro + NRG: -WHAT??? Suddenly, 3 gangsters stopped their motorcycles in front of us, they were holding M4 rifles SoulFly: You! Cops! Either stop and surrender, or we will DESTROY YOU! NRG: Damn, I told you, they're 3, what we're going to do now? Shadro: Look at them, Hahah! They must be escaping their maths class, poor kids. We're highly-trained policemen, we can handle this. Load your M4 and kill them. The gunfight lasted like 15 minutes, until the two policemen finally lost it. So the gang members broke the back door and escaped with the prisoner. Screenshots: