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SAES HQ Leader
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Everything posted by Brophy

  1. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  2. You did it to yourself, now live with the consequences
  3. Can't you just edit this yourself in the MTA keybind settings
  4. It's been automatically picked up by the donation bot on discord, so doesn't need to be confirmed. Thanks for donating
  5. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  6. We are already looking into it as mentioned as the topic has already been brought up in this category. We've just got @Scorpyo on board who is smashing bugs at the moment and plan on recruiting more developers. As mentioned previously, we monitor all aspects of the server, we have not seen any issues, spikes or any other indicators that would suggest the issue is serverside, we've looked at cpu loading/timings especially as the mta server runs on a single core, memory, hdd bottlenecking, cpu temperature (in case of throttling), network capacity/usage and alot more and can't see any issues, hence why we are looking at clientside loading now. Closing this thread, please refer to the one already created.
  7. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  8. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  9. Here's an idea, don't like epic games, don't use it.
  10. Does not need to be confirmed as it was picked up and automated by our donation bot on Discord. You just need to get hold of an admin ingame to sort your rewards out. Thanks for donation :+1:
  11. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  12. Donation was picked up by the automated bot, so doesn't need confirmation. Thanks for donating, please contact an admin ingame to sort your rewards
  13. @Spetnazz said in Default Deagle V2.0: The whole "We wont look into it"-thing, seems like a weird way of saying "We honestly dont know what's wrong with it". Nanobob looked into it, and this is his input on the matter; So I mean.. They obviously DID look into it. No offense to anyone, but eh.. Would've been easier just to say that the shit is so broken, that you cant find the issue There's a difference between "we" looking at it and @NanoBob having a quick look at it off his own bat cuz you've pmed him about it. EDIT: If people find their posts missing, its obviously because it's not on topic, there is a difference between giving constructive criticism and just being a sarcastic mong and adding no value to the topic.
  14. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  15. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  16. Hi Guys, Give a warm welcome to @Scorpyo who is joining the SAES development team. He will be touching on all aspects of development, so he will be going through github issues and also requested community changes that have been approved by hq. Please don't hound him as he obviously will need to get used to the new role.
  17. HQ have decided to get this added. Keep an eye out on upcoming changes
  18. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating
  19. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating :+1:
  20. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating! :+1:
  21. Donation confirmed, thanks for donating!
  22. Donation of 20 confirmed, thanks for donating Please amend your topic to match the following format: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11951/example-donation-brophy-amount-50-00-gbp
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